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How Listings Are Organized

Find educational consultants, psychologists, educational diagnosticians, health care providers, academic therapists, tutors, speech language therapists, occupational therapists, coaches, advocates, and attorneys for children with disabilities on the Yellow Pages for Kids for your state.

You will also find special education schools, learning centers, treatment programs, parent groups, respite care, community centers, grassroots organizations, and government programs for children with disabilities.

Search Tip: So you don't have to scroll through pages of addresses, do this: Press Control+F, then type in your city, zip code, or other search criteria. Try zip codes for other nearby towns.

On the Yellow Pages for Kids, individuals and organizations are listed in alphabetical order, not by category (i.e., evaluators, advocates). At first, we attempted to develop categories. The resources of these pages are so diverse that this was impossible.

Tip: Bookmark the Yellow Pages for your state so you can return to the page when you need help. The listings on these pages change often - sometimes daily.

Learn to Be an Effective Advocate

In the beginning, the process of advocating for your child feels overwhelming. This is normal. Effective advocacy involves research, planning and preparation. You will learn how to find accurate information and how to use your emotions as a source of energy.

When you take the steps listed below, your child's life will change for the better.

Get Educated

You need to learn about your child's disability, how the disability affects your child, and about appropriate educational and remediation techniques. The groups listed in the Directory of Disabilities Organizations and Information Groups are an invaluable source of information.

In addition to learning about your child's disability, you need to learn about your rights and responsibilities. Contact your State Department of Education and request a copy of your state special education regulations and other information about special education issues published by your state.

To learn about special education law and advocacy, subscribe to The Special Ed Advocate, the free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. You can read back issues in the Newsletter Archives. More Free Online Newsletters.

Build Your Team

Consult with a child psychologist, educational diagnostician, consultant, or advocate who can advise you about your child's education and appropriate goals for your child.

Look for an individual in the private sector who is knowledgeable about your child's disability, child development, and special education. In addition to making recommendations about your child's educational program, your advocate or consultant should be willing to attend school meetings to support these recommendations.

How Can I Find an Evaluator? Tutor? Advocate? Attorney
Your Partners: Independent Evaluators and Educational Consultants
What to Expect from an Evaluation of Your Child

Join a Parent Group

When you join a parent group, you will meet other parents who have traveled down the same road. You can learn from their successes and mistakes. They will help you learn the "rules of the game."

To find the right group for you, read Strategies to Find a Support or Study Group.

Get Parent Training

To learn about parent training opportunities in your community, contact your state Parent Training & Information Center. You will find contact information in the Directory of Parent Training and Community Parent Resource Centers.

Parent Training & Information Centers (PTIs) help families obtain appropriate education and services for their children with disabilities, provide training and information to parents and professionals, help resolve family-school problems, and connect children with disabilities with community resources.

Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) provide information about parent rights in the special education process and how you can help the school understand your child and your child's needs. Their staff connect families and professionals with community resources and provide information about "best practices" in special education and general education.

Get Legal & Advocacy Training

If you are interested in legal and advocacy training, contact your state Protection and Advocacy System (P&A). Their mission is to provide legal and advocacy services to people with disabilities. Some chapters offer special education training programs. You will find contact information for your state chapter in the Directory of Legal and Advocacy Resources.

Find out if your state offers Partners in Policymaking Leadership Training. Participants attend advocacy skill workshops, resource development, and leadership skills training. Sessions take place over a period of months so participants must be willing to make a commitment of time, motivation and energy. Expenses for training, lodging, meals and travel are provided through the program. Overview.

Try to attend a Wrightslaw special education legal advocacy training program. We do seminars and training programs around the country and will begin online training programs in the Spring of 2006.

Find an Attorney or Advocate

If you have a dispute with the school about your child's special education program, you may decide to consult with an attorney or an advocate who is familiar with special education law. Read How to Find an Educational Consultant, Advocate, Attorney, then check the listings in the Yellow Pages for your state.

If you are interviewing attorneys and/or advocates, these guidelines from the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates will help you evaluate the individuals you interview:

Guidelines for Choosing a Lay Advocate in Special Education
Guidelines for Choosing an Attorney to Represent Your Child's Interests

If You Are a "New Parent" ...

If you are a "new parent," you are likely to feel overwhelmed. Read Advocating for Your Child - Getting Started and the Wrightslaw Game Plan for New Parents. If you need immediate help, read Crisis! Emergency! Help!

Help Other Parents - Distribute Yellow Pages Flyers

To get the word out about the Yellow Pages for Kids, please print and distribute your state Yellow Pages Flyer.


At schools, day care centers, libraries, doctor's and psychologist's offices, community centers, hospitals, and other places where parents congregate. Get your State Yellow Pages Flyer.

How to Get Listed in the Yellow Pages

Do you help parents and caregivers get services for children with disabilities (i.e., you are an evaluator, educational consultant, tutor, advocate, attorney, special education school, etc.)? Do you belong to an organization that provides parents with information and assistance? Do you facilitate a support or study group for parents of children with disabilities?

If the answer is "yes," please complete the application be listed on your state Yellow Pages for Kids.

Listings are free!

If you know a provider who may want to be listed in the Yellow Pages, please send them information about the Yellow Pages or a link to the Yellow Pages application. Please do not list others. Let them make this decision for themselves.

To Add, Change or Correct Yellow Pages Listings


To add, change or correct a listing, or to advise us of changes to an address, phone, website, or email, please fill out our application form so that we can add the listing or change the information.


Thank You.


About the Book

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments, Second Edition
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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