Florida Yellow Pages for Kids
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Search Tip: So you don't have to scroll through pages of addresses on your state page, do this: With Windows, press Control, letter F, with Mac press Command, letter F, then type in your city, zip code, or other search criteria, such as esq. for an attorney. Try zip codes for other nearby towns.
Those listings containing an asterisk (*) have sponsored a Wrightslaw conference.
Click here for FL Spec Ed Statutes and Regulations. The Regs start on page 10 with Regs, Section B, Chapter 6A. IEP is at 6A-6.03028. Reviewed 08/02/2021.
& Change, Inc.
John Bodor, President
P.O. Box 1307
Riverview, FL 33568
(910) 273-7049
Email: bodorj45 | at | gmail.com
Web: https://21andchange.org
A nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the Down syndrome 'syndrome'
through advocacy, support and niche services in the Tampa-St. Petersburg
First Call For Help
3217 NW 10th Terr. Suite 308
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
(954) 537-0211; 211
Web: http://www.211-broward.org
Free, Confidential, 24/7/365 Crisis Helpline and Information and Referral
service for health and human resources in your area. Help for all
ages and needs.
Mira Halpert M. Ed.
7100 W Camino Real, Suite 215
Boca Raton, FL 33433
(866) 411-2578; (561) 361-7495; (561) 361-7497 (fax)
Email: success | at | 3dlearner.com
Web: http://www.3dlearner.com
3D Learner's assessment and hands-on training helps smart struggling
students improve their FCAT scores, reading comprehension, attention
and self-esteem. FREE On-Line Assessment.
A Better Education
1061 Summerwood Circle
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 718-1884; (561) 790-7661 (fax)
Email: mamaholme | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.facebook.com/4abettereducation
We are educational advocates that attend IEP/504 meetings provide
parent training and IEP/504 plan development. Based in Palm Beach
Educational Resources for Success
Patricia J. Murray
1228 Hampstead Lane
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
(856) 816-6876
Email: patriciajmurray | at | gmail.com
Web: http://ed-resources.com
Advocacy for children with disabilities, 504 specialists, learning
issues: Dyslexia, Aspergers, Auditory Processing, Dyscalculia, IEP
issues, Wilson certified reading, evaluations, ADD, ADHD...
ABA Academy, Inc.
Shelly Fritz MS, BCBA
1501 S. Tamiami Tr., Suite 501
Venice, FL 34285
(941) 896-7431
Email: abaforkids | at | yahoo.com
The ABA Academy is a non-profit organization offering a private education
for children with learning disabilities, behavior issues, and/or autism
spectrum disorders. We specialize in teaching based on the principles
of Applied Behavior Analysis and all staff are BCBA's or BCaBa's.
8950 Dr ML King Street N, Suite 170
Saint Petersburg, FL 33702
(727) 576-7600; (727) 388-6879 (fax)
Email: office | at | autismclinics.com
Web: http://www.TheABAAcademy.com
ABA Academy is a private school providing educational and therapeutic
interventions for children with autism and other developmental disabilities
based on the methods and principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
McKay accepted.
ABA Network, LLC
Shelly Fritz
5014 25th St E
Bradenton, FL 34203
(941) 896-7431
Email: abaforkids | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.abanetwork.org
The ABA Network LLC specializes in providing ethically sound behavior
analysis services to individuals in order to maximize areas of life
that are socially significant including communication, social, academic,
and managing problem behavior.
Behavior Solutions
Michelle Decheona, MSW, BCBA
5896 SE Crooked Oak Ave.
Hobe Sound, FL 33455
(772) 781-9952; (954) 817-8371; (954) 675-3076 (fax)
Email: behavioranalysis | at | aol.com
Services: Behavior Therapy for children with Autism and related disabilities,
Applied Behavior Analysis, Discrete Trial Therapy, Verbal Behavior,
Behavior Shadowing, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations.
for Life Success, LLC
Michelle Davis, M. Ed.
PO Box 522
Nokomis, FL 34274-0522
(772) 781-9952; (866) 411-8299 (fax)
Email: behavioranalysis | at | aol.com
Behavior Therapy for children with Autism and related disabilities,
Applied Behavior Analysis, Discrete Trial Therapy, Verbal Behavior,
Behavior Shadowing, Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations.
Plus Therapy, Inc
Roberta Neves, MPT or Laura Joslin, Administrator
4450 W Eau Gallie Blvd, Suite 208
Melbourne, FL 32934
(321) 255-6627
Email: abilitytherapy | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.abilityplustherapy.com
We offer intensive pediatric physical therapy (45-60 hours) through
use of TheraSuit. We also provide outpatient traditional physical
and occupational therapies.
Susan L Crum, BS, MS, PhD
4200 Sebring Parkway, PMB 105
Sebring, FL 33872
(863) 471-0281
Email: able2learn | at | live.com
Web: http://specialeducationsupport.org
As a retired psychologist, I assist parents in review of school district
and private evaluations, integration of information from varioius
sources, behavior management, and preparation of meaningful draft
IEP's, etc.
Consulting and Educational Services
Jacquelyn Cirone
P.O. Box 127
Cander, FL 32111
(352) 687-4572
Email: acescirone | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.acestutoring.com
One-to-one in-home tutoring program for K-12 students. Compassionate
and competent educators will assist students to reach their fullest
Interventions Now
Amanda Jordan
151 E Washington Street #421
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 353-1278
Email: amanda.jordan3 | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.academicinterventionsnow.com
Providing a one on one or small group educational experience tailored
to meet the needs of each individual child.
Academic Success Advocates
Dr. Janet Wynn, Lead Advocate
200 N. Palm Ave. #33981
Indialantic, FL 32903
(321) 355-3355
Email: janet | at | academicsuccessadvocates.com
Web: http://academicsuccessadvocates.com
Advocacy, consultation, and support for families of children with special needs and students having difficulty in school. Nonprofit organization serving Brevard County and surrounding areas.
Patti Coveny
1100 Surf Rd #211
Singer Island, FL 33404
(561) 504-6051
Email: pjcoveny | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.ACESPalmBeach.com
ACES Tutoring provides one-on-one tutoring in your home. All subjects
and test prep grades K-12. Services for students with special needs
also available.
Cynthia Atkinson
1270 Covered Bridge Road
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 284-1957
Email: cyn340 | at | yahoo.com
Florida Certified Teachers which provide in-home tutoring specializing
in learning disabilities utilizing Lindamood-Bell and Wilson programs.
Pediatric Management, LLC
Evelyn Duah, Administrator
310 SW Ocean Boulevard
Stuart, Florida 34994
(772) 288-6466; (772) 288-6475 (fax)
Email: evelyn | at | martincountyppec.com
Web: http://martincountyppec.com
Medical Day Care Center for medically complex and fragile children,
newborn to 20 years old,that require constant medical intervention
and monitoring, Monday-Friday, 6am-6pm
Pediatric Systems
Mary Alexander
3066 Jog Road
Greenacres, FL 33467
(561) 357-5883; (561) 357-5884 (fax)
Web: www.advancedpediatricsystems.net
We use and interdisciplinary approach to providing the highest quality
therapy services for children with sensory dysfunctions, fine and
gross motor in coordination, neurological complications, and more.
for ABA in Education, LLC
Yolanda Orndoff, MAEd, BCBA
1227 Flowers Pointe Lane
Orlando, FL 32825
(407) 620-0335
Email: yolie_bx2012 | at | icloud.com
Applied Behavior Analysis, In-Home Therapy, Reading Interventions,
ESE/IEP, Independent Behavioral Evaluations, & Advocacy
for Special Kids, Inc. (ASK)
Mary Auvil
2509 First Avenue S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 323-2555; (727) 323-2599 (fax)
Web: http://www.flspedlaw.com
15 years experience in providing advice,support and skilled negotiation
for families of children with disabilities. Consultation,IEP development,
eligibility and placement meetings, disciplinary proceedings.
Algarin, Advocate
611 South Alder Avenue
Orlando, FL 32807
(407) 223-8847
Email: algarid007 | at | gmail.com
Advocate service for your child includes information and skills, understanding
special education, organizing and planning, representing and negotiating,
research and preparation, fighting for education, techniques...
Children's Hospital
Roy Adams
801 6th Street S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 767-4456
Email: adamsr | at | allkids.org
Web: http://www.allkids.org
All Childrens Hospital is the only specialty licensed childrens
hospital on Floridas west coast.
All Kids SPED, Consulting and Advocacy Services
Robyn Carroll, M.S.
6034 Chester Ave, Suite 207D
Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 592-7566
Email: ask | at | spedconsultant.com
Web: https://www.spedconsultant.com
Special education advocate with over 20 years of experience in education as a School Psychologist and Special Education Teacher. Well-versed in all school settings.
Support Kids
Leslie McLeod
425 NE Post Road
Madison, FL 32340
(850) 929-4931
Email: ask.madisonfl | at | gmail.com
We are a support group for kids with Autism and other developmental
disabilities. We meet second Thursday of the month. Parents also have
support group. Each meeting has food and activities.
Behavioral Consulting, LLC
Amarilys Morales, M.S., BCBA
339 Summer Sails Dr
Valrico, FL 33694
(813) 406-9336; (813) 252-1370 (fax)
Email: amarilys | at | amabehavioralconsulting.com
Web: http://www.amabehavioralconsulting.com
AMA Behavioral Consulting, LLC provides in home and community based
ABA Therapy services for children with Autism and Related Diagnosis.
Maryann Locklin
PO Box 671
Bethlehem, GA 30620
(770) 330-0800
Email: amani.svcs | at | gmail.com
Provide mediation & IEP facilitation services for educational
disputes related to IDEA 2004. We also offer educational forums on
how to prepare for mediation and FIEP.
Association of Intensive Pediatric Physical Therapy
4450 W Eau Gallie Blvd, Suite 208
Melbourne, FL 32934
(321) 255-6627
Email: aa1ppt | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.aaippt.org
AAIPPT is a non-profit organization devoted to providing a source
of information and research for parents of disabled children who are
searching for the most innovative pediatric physical therapy treatments.
with Disabilities Act (ADA) & Accessible IT Resource Center
Southeast Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center
490 Tenth Street
Atlanta, GA 30318
(800) 949-4232 (V/TTY)
Email: sedbtacproject | at | law.syr.edu
Web: http://www.sedbtac.org/
C. Anderson, Ph.D., LLC
60 Ocean Blvd. Suite 10
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 372-9525; (904) 595-5626 (fax)
Email: tandersonphd | at | me.com
Web: http://www.educationaltherapyfl.com
Educational Therapy and Consulting Services, Early Dispute Resolution
(IEP/IFSP/504 Meeting Facilitation, Third Party Consultation, Resolution
Meeting Facilitation, Mediation)
Broward/Achievement and Rehabilitation Centers
Dennis Haas
10250 NW 53rd Street
Sunrise, FL 33351
(954) 746-9400; (954) 746-2954 (fax)
Email: dhaas | at | arcbroward.com
Web: http://www.arcbroward.com
Accredited nonprofit serving children and adults with autism, Down
Syndrome, intellectual disabilities,early intervention, seniors, work,
transition, after school, thereapies, mental health, behavioral, residential
ARC of Martin County
Adam Miller
2001 S. Kanner Hwy
Stuart Fl, 34994
(772) 283-2525
Web: www.arcmc.org
The ARC of Martin County is a local non profit that provides supports
and services to children and adults with developmental disabilities,
including respite, personal care assistance, and advocacy.
Pediatric Therapy Services
Barbara Ladin, Clinical Dir.
1930 N Commerce Pkwy #3
Weston, FL 33326
(954) 295-1383
Email: aslpeds | at | gmail.com
Web: http://aslpeds.com
We provide Speech-Language Therapy, Sensory & Reflex Integration
Therapy, Apraxia & Oral Motor Therapy, SOS Feeding Therapy, Integrated
Listening Systems (iLs) & Academic Tutoring.
in Behavioral Counseling
Traci Joy Seidman, Ph.D.
7800 West Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 102
Sunrise, FL 33351
(954) 742-8400
Email: tseidman | at | abcpsych.com
Web: http://abcpsych.com
Psycho-educational evaluations for learning disabilities/ADHD/gifted.
Alternative treatments for ADHD. Parenting skills, behavior management.
Counseling & psychotherapy for children, adolescents, adults and
Inclusive Academy
David Borst/Danielle Langlois
460 Sail Lane
Merritt Island, FL 32953
(321) 455-2212; (321) 454-4562 (fax)
Email: AiA-Langlois | at | cfl.rr.com
Web: http://AtlanticInclusiveAcademy.com
Were an accredited, not-for-profit, private school servicing children
1st through 12th grade. We specialize in working with many learning
styles, abilities, and challenges.
Services of Central Florida, Inc.
Teresa Guerard
427 CenterPointe Circle Suite 1878
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
(407) 260-0031; (407) 260-0091 (fax)
Email: TGGreat | at | aol.com
Web: http://Attachmentservices.com
We provide Support, Education, Training, and Therapeutic Interventions
to those impacted by attachment issues. We have a Parent Support Group
called "Heart Attach" that meets on the first Friday of
each month at 7:00 pm
Aust, Esq.
Attorney at Law
1220 E. Livingston Street
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 447-5399; (407) 447-5861 (fax)
Email: doveattorney | at | austlaw.biz
Web: http://www.austlaw.biz
We are specialized in Special Education Law and Special Needs Estate
Planning including Special Needs Trusts and Guardianship.
4 Parents
Terry Stein
16420 SE 9th Ct
Summerfield, FL 34491
(352) 245-8476
Email: tstein | at | autism4parents.org
Web: http://www.autism4parents.org
Our programs, training modules and web site are embrassing and educating
families, the community and businesses about Autism and Sensory Disorders.
Connection of Southwest Florida
8359 Beacon Blvd
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 201-8133
Email: Sandra | at | myAutismConnectionSWFL.net
Web: http://www.AutismConnectionSWFL.net
Social support group for young adults diagnosed with Aspergers and
High-Functioning Autism. We also offer career exploration and social
skills training/development along with guest presentations.
Early Intervention Clinics
8950 Dr ML King Street N, Suite 170
Saint Petersburg, FL 33702
(727) 576 -7600; (727) 388-6879 (fax)
Email: office | at | autismclinics.com
Web: http://www.autismclinics.com
Early intervention for children with autism and other developmental
disabilities (2 - 12 years) based on the methods and principles of
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
Society of Florida
PO Box 970646
Coconut Creek, FL 33097
(954) 349-2820; (954) 571-2136 (fax)
Email: info | at | autismfl.com
Web: www.autismfl.com
Society of Greater Orlando
4743 Hearthside Drive
Orlando, FL 32837
(407) 855-0235; (407) 855-0235 (fax)
Email: DLorman | at | asgo.org
Web: http://www.asgo.org
ASGO is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization that serves families
of children and adults with autism through awareness activities, social
events, parent support group meetings, etc.
Spectrum Assessment Clinic (ASAC)
University of Miami
Flipse Building
5665 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Coral Gables, FL 33146-0726
(305) 284-4265 ext 0
Email: mhale | at | psy.miami.edu
Web: http://www.psy.miami.edu/asac/
ASAC provides comprehensive diagnostic evaluations for children and
adults suspected of having autism and other pervasive developmental
M. Bauman, Psy.D., and Associates
840 Main Street
Weston, FL 33326
(954) 659-0059; (954) 659-0059
Web: http://www.westonchildpsychologist.com
Premium specialized psychological, coaching, and tutoring experiences
for children, teens and families. Neuropsychological assessment. Consultation.
Parenting groups. Parent Coaching.
Nikki Bennett
6951 Pistol Range Road, Suite 101
Tampa, FL 33635
(813) 814-2000; (813) 814-2004 (fax)
Email: nikki | at | bcotb.com
Web: http://bcotb.com
BCOTB is dedicated to improving the lives of children with autism
and related disorders by providing high quality ABA services within
a collaborative environment.
Audrey Roach-Slivinski, LCSW
1552 Roberts Drive
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 729-2947
Email: audrey | at | beachestherapy.com
Web: http://beachestherapy.com
Individual & Group Psychotherapy Services. Specializing in ADHD,
Anxiety & Depressive Disorders, Parenting skills, Empowerment,
Behavioral Modification, Coping Skills & Advocacy for 504/IEPs
Educational Group
Brianne Andrews
5518 Floral Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32211
(606) 356-1466
Email: Beaconeducationalgroup | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.beaconeducationalgroup.com
A team of certified instructors offering instruction, advocacy, and
consultation for families. We aim to help guide your student to success.
Analysis, Inc.
Silvia Starin
8001 SW 36 Street, Suite 9
Davie, FL 33328
(954) 577-7790; (954) 577-7780 (fax)
Email: smstarin | at | behavior-analysis.org
Web: http://www.behavior-analysis.org
Center and Home-based Applied Behavior Analysis services to increase
or teach new skills/behaviors or to reduce or eliminate unwanted behaviors
- provided by First-rate BCBAs.
Analysis Support Services, Inc.
8555 Macoma Dr. NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
(877) 823-4283
Web: http://behavioralsupports.com
We provide Applied Behavior Analysis services at home, school, or
in the community to children and adults with varying developmental
disabilities. Email for full brochure on our services offered. Medicaid/
medwaiver accepted as well as most insurance.
Changes, LLC
Steven Stout, Ph.D., BCBA-D
5212 Dogwood Drive
Milton, FL
(850) 270-0640; (850) 564-1399 (fax)
Email: stevenstoutbcba | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.behaviorchanges.org
Behavior Changes, LLC provides in-home, one-on-one ABA therapy and
school consultation for children and young adults on the autism spectrum.
Assessment and Intervention Solutions
Perry D Playford
124 Redbreast Lane
Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 426-3999
Email: playfordpd | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.abapensacola.com
ABA therapy, Functional Behavior Assessments, Behavior support plans,
educational support, verbal behavior programming.
Consultation Services, LLC
Paul Napier, MA, BCBA
10175 Fortune Parkway Suite 903
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 538-0713; (904) 538-0714 (fax)
Email: info | at | bcs-florida.com
Web: http://www.bcs-florida.com
We are dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with
disabilities by providing highly-effective, research-based behavioral
interventions (ABA).
Intervention, Inc.
Nicole DeLano, MS, BCBA
465 SE 14 Street
Dania Beach, FL 33004
(954) 999-2544
Email: ndelano85 | at | aol.com
Web: http://behavioralevolution.com/
Consultation services specializing in the application of applied behavior
analysis principles for assessment and treatment of Autism and other
developmental disabilities in Broward County.
Rescue LLC
Debra Kaszovitz MS.Ed, BCBA
8670 SW 58 Street
Cooper City, FL 33328
(754) 307-6222; (888) 371-9337 (fax)
Email: Debra.kaszovitz@behavioralrescue.com
Web: http://www.behavioralrescue.com
ABA therapy for feeding challenges, communication skills, potty training,
social skills, sleep difficulties, academic/organizational skills,
and IEP assistance. Parent training and data based plans.
Expectations, Inc.
Karen Reid, BCBA, LMHC
44 Shell Avenue NE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
(850) 362-6824
Email: karen | at | beyondexpectationsaba.com
Web: http://www.beyondexpectationsaba.com
Our qualified therapists provide Applied Behavior Analysis therapy,
behavioral modification, and Speech therapy. Our interventions target:
skill acquisition, language development, behavior reduction, and social
the Spectrum, Inc.
Catherine Peabody
5218 Paylor Lane
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 907-3443
Email: beyondthespectrum | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.beyondthespectum.org
Beyond the Spectrum, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to
providing comprehensive, individualized Applied Behavioral Analysis
therapeutic services of the highest quality to individuals with disabilities.
Speech Therapy Learning
Michaelanne Roberts
P.O. Box 812127
Boca Raton, FL 33481
(561) 395-1911
Email: ma | at | bstlearning.com
Web: http://www.bstlearning.com
Beyond Speech Therapy Learning helps children Pre K - 4th grade with
pre-reading, language, and articulation skills.
Speech-Language Pathology Center, Inc.
Alain Lopez M.S., CCC-SLP
4048 Evans Ave Suite 310
Ft Myers, FL 33901
(239) 479-5093; (239) 479-5094 (fax)
Email: info | at | bilingualspeechcenter.com
Web: http://www.bilingualspeechcenter.com
Speech-language evaluations and treatment in English and/or Spanish.
Educational Consulting
Dr. Michael Bishop
2202 N. West Shore Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 454-1050
Email: dr_michael_bishop | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.besteducationalconsultant.com
Educational Consultant assisting students gain admission to prestigious
colleges, schools and gifted programs, and assists students with learning
and behavioral challenges worldwide.
Phoenix Consulting
Bethany Goddard
121 Pine Lakes Parkway N #714
Palm Coast, FL 32137
(386) 249-4345
Email: Bethany | at | blazingphoenix.co
Special needs/education consulting, coaching, and advocacy to empower
parents to be the leader of their child's special education.
Behavior Services, LLC
Peyton Cook, MS BCBA
74 Colony Park Drive
Miramar Beach, FL 32550
(850) 837-1800
Email: peyton | at | bloomspark.com
Web: http://www.bloomspark.com
ABA In-home Therapy & Consultation Services for individuals w/Autism,
& others w/unique behavioral and learning needs. Serving Okaloosa
& Walton Counties. Please visit us on the web, call for more info.
Montessori School for the Deaf
14088 Icot Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33760
(727) 539-7879; (727) 539-7627 (fax)
Web: http://www.blossomschool.org
Blossom provides Montessori education for deaf, hearing impaired,
and children of deaf adults from pre-K through 8th grade, as well
as a limited number of hearing students.
Linda Boyd, Tutor/Advocate
1191 Melville Ave.
Spring Hill, FL 34608
(352) 556-2425
Email: lboyd0904 | at | yahoo.com
TUTOR - trained in Orton-Gillingham Reading for children with dyslexia
and other learning differences; ADVOCATE - help parents get what their
children need in the classroom to be successful.
Amy Ross Bradl, Advocate
7168 Spikerush Court
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
Email: amyrossbradl | at | aol.com
A proud advocate for the students and parents of Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Charlotte Counties in Southwest Florida.
Injury Association of Florida (BIAF)
North Broward Medical Center
201 E. Sample Road
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
(954) 786-2400; (800) 992-3442 (in FL)
Email: info | at | biaf.org
Web: http://www.biaf.org/
Brain Trainers
Tara Jenner
13470 Parker Commons Blvd., Suite 105
Fort Myers, FL 33912
(239) 218-4307; (239) 489-0077 (fax)
Email: thebraintrainers | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.thebraintrainers.net
Our online and office training programs promote development of new
neural pathways improving underlying cognitive learning skills. Owner
is PACE trainer with special needs child.
Legal Group
Kristi J. McCart, Esq.
Laurel A. Tesmer, Esq.
1209 Lakeside Drive
Brandon, FL 33510
(813) 902-3576
Email: service | at | brandonlegalgroup.com
Web: https://brandonlegalgroup.com/
Attorneys experienced with special needs trusts and assisting parents
with the development and implementation of IEPs and 504 plans.
Braunagel, M.Ed.
Mary Pellegrino & Associates
3215 Capital Medical Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 284-9480
Email: marybraunagel | at | comcast.net
Academy, Inc.
Jacqueline Egli, M.S.
894 Gary Hillery Drive
Winter Springs, FL 32708
(407) 366-1099
Email: jegli | at | bridgesacademy.net
Web: http://www.bridgesacademy.net
Private School for students with specific learning disabilities in
grades 1-8, located in Seminole County. Accepting the McKay Scholarship.
Summer programs offered.
the Gap for ESC Students
Lorraine Wittemann
54 Banburry Lane
Palm Coast, FL 32137
(386) 446-1676; (386) 503-6438
Email: Lorim53 | at | msn.com
A committee I set up under the Guidance of our Superintendent of Schools
in Flagler County, Florida to help bridge the gaps in special education.
Futures LLC
Jeanette Cordova BS
4604 South Fraser Court, Unit D
Aurora, CO 80015
(Address will change November 15, 2018)
(303) 656-9488
Email: brightfuturesllc.co | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.brightfuturesllc-co.com
Supporting brighter futures through education consulting and advocacy,
guardianship assistance and alternatives, SSI application assistance
and workshops/trainings.
Children’s Center, Inc.
Marjorie Evans
200 SE 19th Avenue
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(954) 943-7638; (954) 580-0351 (fax)
Email: marge | at | browardchildrenscenter.org
Web: www.browardchildrenscenter.org
Private, non-profit organization providing a continuum of services
for children, adolescents and young adults with special health care
needs and their families.
* Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Org.
Diane De Braga
9900 West Sample Road
Suite 339
Coral Springs, FL 33065
(954) 577-4122
Email: jmaia | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.bgcdownsyndrome.org
Parent support group for families that have a child with Down syndrome.
* Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome
Organization hosted their first Wrightslaw
training program on May 21, 2016.
Private School Psychologists
10917 Long Boat Dr.
Hollywood, FL 33026
(954) 602-5629; (954) 567-8580; (954) 905-4367 (fax)
Email: wiltongs | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.testmychild.info
Psychoeducational Testing for LD, ADHD, and school related difficulties
by Florida licensed School Psychologists. 30th year in practice in
S Florida.
Bruck Mediations LLC
Dr. Mary Bruck Ed.D.
1282 Ficus Drive,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
(865) 803-7600
Email: mary | at | bruckmediations.com
Web: https://www.bruckmediations.com
Exceptional Student Education (Special Education Mediation) is an area of our specialization. We mediate cases related to IDEA 2004.
Behavioral Therapy, Inc.
Lauri M. Turner, MA, BCBA
1508 W. Garden St.
Pensacola, FL 32502
(850) 483-1508
Email: lauriturner | at | btectherapy.com
Web: http://www.btectherapy.com
BTEC provides one-on-one behavioral therapy based on Applied Behavior
Analysis (ABA) methodologies to children affected by Autism Spectrum
Cruise Inc.
Pamela Arnoldson, Director
PO Box 162
Lithia, FL 33547
(877) 239-2789
Email: joinus | at | buddycruise.org
Web: http:/buddycruise.org
Join families from across the globe for our annual conference onboard
a cruiseship. Events & workshops for ALL ages and abilities. Family…Education…A
lifetime of memories!
Effects, LLC
2708 NE 14th Street, Suite #5
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
(888) 880-9270; (954) 603-7885; (954) 342-0273 (fax)
Email: info | at | butterflyeffects.com
Web: http://www.butterflyeffects.com
Butterfly Effects provides therapy services in the child's natural
setting - home and/or school, - as well as online consultation and
parent/staff training services.
Music Therapy, Inc.
Michelle Reitman
210 S. Federal Hwy, #400-A
Hollywood, FL 33020
(954) 925-3191; (954) 925-3193 (fax)
Email: cadenzamtx | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.CadenzaMusicTherapy.com
Providing comprehensive psychological and creative arts therapy services
including individual, family, and group therapies, psychological testing,
consultation, behavior modification. Specializing in autism spectrum
Cammarata, Esq.
Attorney at Law
911 E Atlantic Blvd #108B
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(954) 802-8423
Email: maria | at | cammlaw.com
Web: https://www.cammlaw.com
I represent students with disabilities in the public school system. My professional background includes a Master's Degree in Education and Applied Behavior Analysis.
- Center for Autism and Related Disabilities - Listings below
Information, education, technical assistance and direct services
are provided to eligible individuals on the autism spectrum, their
families, and professionals who work with them.
- Coral Gables
UM-NSU Center for Autism & Related Disabilities
Dr. Michael Alessandri
5665 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
PO Box 248768
Coral Gables, FL 33124-0725
(305) 284-6563; (800) 9-AUTISM; (305) 284-6555 (fax)
Email: malessandri | at | miami.edu
Web: http://www.umcard.org
University-based outreach and support program serving families,professionals,
and agencies in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe Counties.
- Gainesville
University of Florida
P.O. Box 100234
Gainesville, FL 32610-0234
(352) 846-2761; (800) 754-5891
Web: http://www.card.ufl.edu
- Jacksonville
University of Florida
at Jacksonville
6026 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 306-0002; (904) 396-4718 (fax)
Web: http://www.card.ufl.edu
- Orlando
University of Central Florida
12001 Science Drive, Suite 145
Orlando, FL 32826
(407) 737-2566; In Florida (888) 558-1908
Web: http://www.ucf-card.org
- Tallahassee
Florida State University
625-B North Adams Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 644-4367; (800) 769-7926; (850) 644-3644 (fax)
Web: http://autism.fsu.edu
- Tampa
University of South Florida
Louis de la Parte Mental Health Institute
Department of Child & Family Studies
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. MHC 2113-A
Tampa, FL 33612-3899
(813) 974-2532; In Florida (800) 333-4530; (813) 974-6115 (fax)
Web: http://card-usf.fmhi.usf.edu
Carmichael, PhD
442 N Dillard St Ste 1
Winter Garden, FL 34787
(727) 481-2444; (321) 234-5587 (fax)
Email: carmichael.stacy | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.drstacycarmichael.org
Psychological and developmental evaluation for ADHD, LD, Autism and
other childhood disorders.
Abilities Inc
Jacqui Hawkins
4309 SW 19th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33914
(239) 471-7334; (631) 275-4292
Email: Jacqui7315 | at | celebratingability.com
We are a private, online support/resource group whose mission is to
promote the unique contributions of children and young adults with
developmental disabilities.
Style Homemaker & Companion Services
1325 16th Street S
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
(727) 278-6645; (727) 368-8329 (fax)
Email: sodgirl6763 | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.homemakercompanionservices.com
Respite, homemaker, sitter, PCA, companion in home supports, chore.
We accept med waiver provider, private pay, sliding scale fee, some
long term care insurances.
H. James Schulz
2804 St Johns Bluff Road, S. Ste 103
Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 645-5366; (904) 645-5186 (fax)
Email: infojxhs | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Education for grades 6th thru 12th, specializing in children with
mild to moderate learning disabilities.
Academy Coral Springs
Gail Paul, M.A.
4700 Riverside Dr., Suite 100
Coral Springs, FL 33067
(954) 575-1231; (954) 575-1038 (fax)
Email: infocs | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 7-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Lutz
Krista Bader
1520 Land O'Lakes Blvd., Suite D
Lutz, FL 33549
(813) 909-9442; (813) 909-4483 (fax)
Email: infolz | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 4-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Maitland
341 N. Orlando Avenue
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 772-8727; (407) 772-8747 (fax)
Email: infomait | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 5-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Mandarin
Stephanie Thompson, Director
3571 Cardinal Point Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 448-1956; (904) 448-0044 (fax)
Email: infojx | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 4-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Orange Park
Jerry D. Stigliano
2171 Kinglsy Ave.
Orange Park, FL 32073
(904) 276-3552; (904) 703-6294; (904) 276-3554 (fax)
Email: jerrystigliano | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 6-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD, and other learing differences. Scholarships.
Academy Palm Harbor
Suzy Gaudin, M.S.
34054 US 19 North
Palm Harbor, FL 34684
(727) 781-2986; (727) 781-2936 (fax)
Email: infoph | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 4-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Pinellas Park
Stephen Kenney, Director
6710 86th Avenue N
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
(727) 541-5716; (727) 544-8186 (fax)
Email: infopp | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://centeracademy.com
Small private school founded in 1968 to meet the needs of students
in grades 5-12 who have LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
Academy Riverview
Dave Stone, B.A.
10518 Riverview Drive
Riverview, FL 33578
(813) 677-7777; (813) 677-1940 (fax)
Email: inforv | at | centeracademy.com
Web: http://www.centeracademy.com
Grades 4-12. Small, accredited private school founded in 1968 to help
students with LD, ADHD or other learning differences. Scholarships.
for Autism Resources and Education (CARE)
Dr. Kirstina Ordetx
6215 Lorraine Road
Bradenton, FL 34202
(941) 758-4529
Email: kordetx | at | earthlink.net
Web: http://www.careautism.net
Providing support, education, and resources for families facing autism.
CARE offers a full Diagnostic Evaluation Center for children at-risk
for autism, a lending library, and many grant-funded programs.
for Child Development
Joseph J. Keeley MD
615 East Princeton, Suite 401
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 898-6005; (407) 898-7722 (fax)
Email: JosephKee | at | gmail.com
NeuroDevelopmental Pediatric Practice
for Education Advocacy, Inc.
Lilly Rangel-Diaz
5973 S.W. 42nd Terrace
Miami, FL 33155
(786) 253-3858; (305) 666-4969 (fax)
Email: lillyrdiaz | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.centerforeducationadvocacy.com
Our mission is for our clients to have access to culturally competent
individualized educational and rehabilitation services and be fully
included in our schools and communities, with the appropriate supports
and services to be successful.
Center for Educational Advocacy
Hille Craig
308 East Oak Street
Tampa, FL 33610
(813) 443-0763
Email: ceacares | at | hotmail.com
Web: http://www.ceacares.com
The Center for Educational Advocacy of Tampa, Florida, opened in January
of 2012! We are proud to provide all the wrap-around services to meet
the requirements of your child with special learning needs.
for Health, Learning & Achievement
Alicia N. Braccia LSP SS710
310 Waymont Court, Unit 104
Lake Mary, FL 32746
(407) 718-4430; (321) 363-1041 (fax)
Email: abraccia | at | learningandachievement.com
Web: http://www.learningandachievement.com
We are a multi-disciplinary organization serving children and families
throughout Florida. Our services include psychoeducational evaluations,
counseling, educational remediation, transition planning, post secondary
planning and advocacy.
for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc
720 N Denning Dr
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 623-1070; (407) 623-1185 (TDD); (407) 623-1390
Web: www.cilorlando.org
We provide sign language classes for parents of deaf children.
Our Students with Disabilities Program provides assistive technology
and transition services for students in Orange, Seminole and Osceola
for Individual Learning & Achievement
Cila Nudelman, Psy.D.
20801 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 403
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 931-1911; (305) 931-0124 (fax)
Provides assistance for students facing academic challenges. Services
aimed at identifying and remediating academic weaknesses. Services
include: Neuro-Developmental Screenings, Neuropsychological/Educational
Evaluations, and Individual Instruction/Remediation.
Florida Parent Center
Eileen Gilley
1021 Delaware Ave.
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
(888) 612-9273; (727) 789-2400; (727) 789-2454 (fax)
Email: anna | at | CFLparents.org
Web: http://www.cflparents.org
Our mission is to provide parents of children and young adults with
all disabilities and special needs (ages 0-26) in central and northeast
Florida with accurate information, interactive training, quality assistance,
and empathetic support.
- Children and Adults with AD/HD
8181 Professional Place, Suite 150
Landover, MD 20785
(800) 233-4050; (301) 306-7070; (301) 306-7090 (fax)
Email: info | at | chadd.org
Web Florida Chapters: http://www.chadd.org
CHADD works to improve the lives of individuals affected by AD/HD
through collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education and
support. For parents, adults, educators, and professionals.
& Associates Therapy Solutions, LLC
Ashley Chapman
561 E Mitchell Hammock Rd, #400
Oviedo, FL 32765
(407) 810-2225; (407) 971-9698 (fax)
Email: info | at | chapmantherapy.com
Web: http://www.chapmantherapy.com
Providing pediatric speech, occupational and physical therapy services.
We accept Medicaid, private insurance and have flexible payment options
for self pay clients.
- Children's Health & Educational Management Inc.
Dianee Chang-Rivera, M.Ed
7800 SW 57 Ave, Suite # 228
South Miami, FL 33143
(305) 665-4999; (305) 665-0332
Email: chemlearning | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.chem-learning.com
Behavior Therapy/ABA, Music Therapy, Handwriting Without Tears, Early
Intervation, Educational Therapy(a transition program for Pre-school).
In-Home and Center Therapy.
Child Care Square
Linda McKnight
5706 Cahalan Ave. #53495
San Jose, CA 95153
(408) 227-9505; (408) 228-0721 (fax)
Email: info | at | thechildcaresquare.com
Web: http://www.thechildcaresquare.com
Free service enables parents seeking childcare to email to all licensed
childcare providers within a 5-mile radius. Childcare providers with
openings will respond right away.
First Advocates
T. Edmund Spinks, Esq.
3030 N. Rocky Point Dr. West, Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 651-1233; (813) 489-2553 (fax)
Email: info | at | childfirstadvocates.com
Web: http://www.childfirstadvocates.com
Helping families navigate the IEP process for children with special
Provider Specialists
Deborah Nunez
2771 Executive Park Drive Suite #6
Weston, FL 33331
(954) 577-3396; (954) 915-0394 (fax)
Email: dnunez | at | childproviderspecialists.org
Advocacy, Educational Consultant, Educational Placement Assistance,
Post Secondary Placement Assistance, Special Education Intervention(s),
ADHD Coaching, Tutoring
Childhood Development Center by Attain
2710 Staten Ave.
Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 965-3018; (877) 690-2003 (fax)
Web: http://www.myattain.org/cdc
Providing Applied Behavior Analysis center based educational and therapy
services for individuals with severe problem behavior age 0-22. We
accept Medicaid ABA and McKay Scholarship.
Center for Development & Behavior
440 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 106
Sunrise, FL 33325
(954) 745-1112; (866) 290-6468; (954) 745-1120 (fax)
Email: administrative | at | childpsych.org
Web: http://www.childpsych.org
Founded in 1999, our Center provides Applied Behavior Anaylsis (ABA),
Behavior, Speech, Occupational, Discrete Trial and In-Home Therapies
for children on the Autistic Spectrum or with Developmental Delays.
Center For Therapy and Learning, Inc
Dana Almond, Director
2124 NE 123rd Street, Suite 204
North Miami, FL 33181
(305) 895-0444; (305) 895-0490 (fax)
Email: danaa | at | bellsouth.net
Offering, speech, occupational and physical therapy for children as
well as tutoring, and behavior intervention. Fast Forward and Interactive
Metronome Providers. Autism specialist on staff.
Home Society
Marty Clark
3027 San Diego Road
Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 493-7798; (904) 493-7749; (904) 348-2818 (fax)
Email: marty.clark | at | chsfl.org
ADHD Parent Support Group Every Wednesday at 5:30 - 8:00 Nemours Children's
Clinic Jacksonville, FL. This is a weekly Parent Support Group to
help family members get information, education and support on ADHD.
Home Society of Florida
Emerald Coast Division
700 W. 23rd St. Suite 100
Panama City, FL 32405
(850) 747-5411
Email: lisa.powell | at | chsfl.org
Web: www.chsfl.org
Resource Center of South Florida
c/o Family Care Medical Center
11327 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite 2
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
(561) 795-4565
Childress, Esq.
Attorney at Law
9777 Sibley Circle
Orlando, FL 32836
(407) 758-8209
Email: nsnch | at | aol.com
Special education law and advocacy, representation for IEP meetings,
mediation, and hearings.
Chiles Preparatory School
Christine Ortiz
3955 Red Bug Lake Road
Casselberry, FL 32707
(407) 327-5300
Email: marketing | at | chilesprep.com
Web: http://www.chilesprep.com
Small non-traditional private school in central Florida for kids with
learning disabilities or other mental health disorders.
Cares, LLC
Christine Guist
P.O. Box 880901
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34988
(772) 812-2198
Email: christycares8 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.christycares.org
I am a special education advocate. I assist parents with the Response
to Intervention (RTI), 504, and IEP process.
Jessica Stacey, Admissions
4020 Hammock Drive
Melbourne, FL 32935
(321) 259-1900; (321) 255-9244 (fax)
Email: jstacey | at | cipbrevard.org
Web: http://cipbrevard.org
Comprehensive transition programs help young adults with Autism and
Learning Differences achieve success in college, employment, and independent
Inc. - Center for Independence, Technology & Education
215 E. New Hampshire St.
Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 898-2482
Schools for Hearing and Speech
Chief Communications Officer
9803 Old St Augustine Rd #7
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 880-9001
Email: communications | at | clarkeschools.org
Web: http://www.clarkeschools.org
Clarke provides children who are deaf or hard of hearing with the
listening, learning and spoken language skills they need to succeed.
Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida, P.A.
Ernest J. Bordini, Ph.D., Executive Director
2121 NW 40th Terrace, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 336-2888
Email: info | at | cpancf.com
Neuropsychological and Psychological Assessment services for ADHD,
LD, neurodevelopmental disorders and acquired brain disorders and
the GAP School, Inc.
Lori Stephens
5989 Approach Road
Sarasota, FL 34238
(941) 924-6373; (941) 923-9520 (fax)
Email: gapschool2008 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.thegapschool.org
For students with minor to moderate learning disabilities, students
who need vocational training, students with specific diagnoses such
as AD/HD, Autism & Asperger's Syndrome and students who need clear
direction to navigate their social worlds.
the Gaps Inc.
Edna Caceres
50 W. Mashta Drive
Key Biscayne, FL 33145
(305) 854-3516
Email: ClosingtheGaps | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.closingthegaps.com
Closing the Gaps provides services in the areas of advocacy, test
preparation, behavior/parent training and educational services. We’ve
been serving the Miami area since 2003.
Z! In Home Tutoring Services, Inc.
Michelle Liebowitz, MS. Ed.
2734 SW Newberry Court
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 219-9088
Email: mliebowitz | at | clubztutoring.com
Web: www.clubztutoring.com
Certified teachers and degreed professionals provide convenient, affordable,
in-home, one-on-one tutoring services. No long-term contracts required.
Fully licensed and insured.
Z! In-Home Tutoring
Peter Baum
Tampa, FL 33634
(813) 964-0054
Email: petegib | at | earthlink.net
Tutoring in the student's home with flexible scheduling and no long-term
contract. Tutors are qualified and experienced. Very reasonable rates.
All ages, subjects.
4 Kids LLC
Nancy rae Russell
6739 1 Ave
St Petersburg, FL 33707
(727) 341-1000
Email: Nancy | at | coaching4kids.com
Web: http://coaching4kids.com
Social skills groups, play, drama and art therapies are provided.
These services are available in both English and American Sign Language.
Beach Child Psychology, LLC
Dr. Tamara Pawich, Ph.D., BCBA
1980 N. Atlantic Ave., Ste. 522
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
(321) 408-9302
Email: questions | at | cocoabeachpsychology.com
Web: http://www.cocoabeachpsychology.com
Specializing in diagnostic and psychotherapy services for children
and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, Attention-Hyperactivity/eficit
Disorder (ADHD), and other learning and behavioral concerns
Collaborative Corner for Exceptional Children
Jessica Barisano
409 E Oakland Avenue
Oakland, FL 34787
(401) 217-2702
Email: Jessica | at | collaborativecorner.org
Web: https://www.collaborativecorner.org/
A collaboration of industry professionals joining together to help families & children with exceptional needs
Living Experience
College Living Experience
6555 Nova Drive, Suite 300
Davie, FL 33317
(800) 486-5058
Email: admissions | at | experiencecle.com
Web: http://www.experiencecle.com
College Living Experience is a post-secondary program that provides
intensive assistance with academic, independent living and social
skills to college students with special needs as they transition to
become independent responsible adults.
Matters of South Florida, Inc.
Pamela Zomerfeld M.S. CCC-SLP
16610 SW 77 Ct
Miami, FL 33157
(305) 238-0810
Email: communimatters | at | aol.com
Web: http://communicationmatterssfl.com
Specializing in Pragmatic Language and Social Skills Training Groups.
Music Therapy Services
Vicki L. Gross, Mt - BC
2809 Silver Palm Dr.
Edgewater, FL. 32141
(386) 547-7159; (386) 427-9081
Email: grossrvaj1 | at | msn.com
Web: http://www.comprehensivemusictherapy.com/
Serving the East Central Florida area, music therapy intervention
programs are specifically designed for children, adults, and elderly
people to result in positive outcome.
Children's Medical Center-Rehab Services
801 7th Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
(682) 885-4063; (682) 885-4068; (682) 885-1878 (fax)
Email: beckyc | at | cookchildrens.org
Web: http://www.cookchildrens.org
Pediatrics Only Audiology Speech-Language Therapy Auditory-Verbal
Therapy Aural Rehabilitation Pediatric Hearing Aid dispensing Physical
Therapy Occupational Therapy Orthopedic/sports rehabilitation Pediatric
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab...
Cooley, Ph.D.
9121 N. Military Trail, Suite 218
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(561) 694-0001
Email: cooloffice9121 | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.drmylescooley.com
Diagnostic evaluations and treatment for ADHD, learning disabilites,
dyslexia, autistic spectrum, OCD, mood/anxiety/behavioral disorders,
Copple, M.S. CCC/SLP
2730 Sam Keen Road
Lake Wales, FL 33898
(863) 692-9121; (863) 409-2994
Email: dcopple1 | at | earthlink.net
Diagnosing and Tutoring for Dyslexia (an Orton-Gillingham based program);
Speech-Language evaluations and therapy. Traveling services are available.
S. Corchnoy, Esq.
Attorney at Law
1990 Main Street, Suite 750
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 302-3754; (941) 217-4824 (fax)
Email: Gpvanguard | at | hotmail.com
Web: http://www.corchnoylaw.com
We represent parents and students in special education, IDEA, ADA,
and 504 matters in all education settings: pre-school, elementary,
high school, college or trade school.
Special Education Advocacy Inc.
Michael Wildes
10990 Ft. Caroline Rd. #350298
Jacksonville, FL 32235
(904) 570-9776
Email: itsmikeagain | at | hotmail.com
Web: http://www.cornerstonesea.com
We are a non-profit that provides collaboration and assistance to
parents/guardians with IEPs, 504's, evaluations, advocacy and other
processes in special education.
For Healthy Living
Amanda K. Smith, MA, LMHC, PA
5738 Canton Cove, Suite 110
Winter Springs, FL 32708
(407) 625-5314; (407) 672-0408 (fax)
Email: asmith | at | counseling4healthyliving.com
Web: http://www.counseling4healthyliving.com
Provide Behavior Therapy; Attention and focus (ADHD)coping skills
training; consultation for parenting concerns and blending families;
Play Therapy for anxiety and depressive symptoms. Also provide in
school evaluations.
Practice of Keri Nola, MA, CCR
2006 Town Plaza Court
Winter Springs, FL 32708
(407) 242-9400; (407) 696-7008 (fax)
Email: kerinola | at | pathtogrowth.com
Web: http://www.pathtogrowth.com
Counseling and Psychotherapy Services provided for children (ages
5 and up), adolescents and adults. Individual, couples, family, and
group counseling services available.
Beginnings Consulting, LLC
21202 Indian Creek
Kissimmee, FL 34759
(321) 437-6198
Email: advocacyworks.hl | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.facebook.com/helpingparentsadvocate
Assisting parents through the entire special education process, to
be sure their child of special needs is receiving the most appropriate
education and services.
M. Crimins, Esq.
Attorney at Law
PO Box 3424
DeLand, FL 32721-3424
(386) 873-2756; (386) 506-8090 (fax)
Email: criminslawcenter | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.criminslaw.com
Crimins Law focuses on legal services and mediation related to persons
with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities. Including
health insurance, government benefits, family law and education.
Flint Crump P.A.
4703 NW 53rd Ave, Suite A-1
Gainesville, FL 32653
(352) 327-3643; (352) 354-4475 (fax)
Email: flint | at | rflintcrump.com
Web: http://www.rflintcrump.com
Flint Crump serves families throughout Florida needing an advocate
to review IEP's , appear at IEP meetings (phone/in person) and fight
for your child.
E. Cummings, Educational Consultant & Advocate
91831 Overseas Hwy. Suite A
Tavernier, FL 33070
(302) 893-5753
Email: mecummings | at | me.com
Specialist in Reading Instruction - Educational Consultant & Advocate
Cushman School/ The Laura Cushman Academy
Linda Johnson
592 NE 60 St
Miami, Fl 33137
(305) 756-8189; (305) 757-2886
Email: ljohnson | at | cushmanschool.org
Web: www.cushmanschool.org
School program for students with language/learning disabilities. The
program is multidisciplinary (speech, OT, sensory integration) and
provides carefully sequenced multi-sensory language based instruction.
L. Danois, Esq.
Attorney at Law
5944 Coral Ridge Drive, No. 154
Coral Springs, FL 33076
(215) 816-7944
Email: dhockstein | at | mac.com
Advocacy services for families of children with special needs.
R. Davenport, Psy.D., LLC
1525 Tamiami Trail S. Ste. 603a
Venice, FL 34285
(941) 321-1971; (941) 866-0936 (fax)
Email: crd | at | drcharlesdavenport.com
Web: http://www.drcharlesdavenport.com/
Individual and family therapy and counseling services in Venice, FL.
Areas of interest are working with Learning Disabled and / or Gifted
Davenport, LMT LCSW MA3599 SW5130
Florida School of Massage
6421 SW 13th Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
(352) 376-9485; (352) 514-5076; (352) 373-3950 (fax)
Email: josiedav | at | mac.com
Web: http://www.josiedavenport.com
Feldenkrais® & Anat Baniel Method for Children, lessons for
Children with cerebral palsy or other disabilities; A gentle hands-on
method advocated by Dr. Andrew Weil.
Service Center of Southwest Florida, Inc.
1860 Boy Scout Drive B208
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 461-0334; (239) 461-0438 (TTY & VP); (239) 461-0434 (fax)
Email: info | at | dsc.us
Web: http://www.dsc.us
The DSC provides a variety of services, such as sign language classes,
outreach presentations, interpretation services, support for families
with deaf children, and a telephone equipment loan program.
611 S. Alder Av.
Orlando, FL 32808
(407) 969-1816
Email: algarid007 | at | gmail.com
Defiendo tus derechos a recibir servicios de educación especial.
Asegurar que lo que se escribe en el plan de educación se lleve
a cabo. Entender las leyes y cómo aplican a nivel individual.
Controlar reuniones con maestros y sus apoyadores para que el estudiante
desarrolle su potencial. Asegurarse de que equipo necesario esté
disponible, incluso transportación y supervisión.
and Behavioral Pediatrics
Dr. Aronson-Ramos
5350 West Hillsboro Blvd 3207 #207
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
(561) 901-3965
Email: alfjar | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.draronsonramos.com
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric practice specializing in the
diagnosis, treatment planning, and direct services to children and
adolescents with a variety of developmental, behavioral, and psychological
issues impacting their functioning.
Achievements In Therapy
20704 West Dixie Highway
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 933-5887, (305) 933-8991 (fax)
Email: dimensions | at | bellsouth.net
Web: www.dimensionstherapy.com
Leslie Travis
2903 33rd Ave. West
Bradenton, FL 34205
(941) 201-9352
Email: IdeaSpecialist | at | gmail.com
Providing assistance to parents of students with disabilities through
education and hands on advisement, as well as Teacher/Service Provider
training on IDEA provisions and implementation.
Rights Florida
2473 Care Drive, Suite 200
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Web: http://www.disabilityrightsflorida.org
Disability Rights Florida was founded in 1977 as the statewide designated
protection and advocacy system for individuals with disabilities in
the State of Florida. Disability Rights Florida is a not-for-profit
corporation that has authority and responsibility under eight federal
grants. Our services are free and confidential.
Solutions for Independent Living, Inc.
Kristine Cravener, B.S. Ed.
119 S. Palmetto Ave., Ste 180
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 255-1812; (386) 255-1814 (fax)
Email: kristine | at | dsil.org
Web: http://dsil.org
Providing advocacy for students with disabilities at IEP, Assessment,
and Mediation Meetings as well as Manifestation Hearings. We focus
on the rights of the students.
Education Services
Sandra Miller Ph.D.
10300 SW 72nd Street, Suite 152
Miami, FL 33173
(305) 412-3308; (305) 271-1757 (fax)
Email: sanmiled | at | aol.com
Psycho-educational evaluation, aptitude testing,college placement,
advocacy, drug/alcohol treatment,parenting,academic coaching,home
Doyle, Education Advocate
17 Becker Lane,
Palm Coast, FL 32137
(386) 585-0500
Email: ssoeyo | at | yahoo.com
Consulting services for ESE students and their families for: IEPs,
Placement, Evaluations, IDEA. Mentoring for the parent/guardian, regarding
the process of advocating for their struggling student and/or student
with disabilities.
Oaks Camp
2620 Manatee Avenue West, Suite D
Bradenton, FL 34205
(941) 748-8809
Email: info | at | foundationfordreams.org
Web: http://www.foundationfordreams.org
Dream Oaks Camp offers an inclusive, barrier-free weekend residential,
summer day and residential camp for children with physical and mental
Dream Society
Tricia Riccardi
2659 East Gulf to Lake Highway, PMB#108
Inverness, FL 34453
(352) 400-4967
Email: info | at | thedreamsociety.org
Web: http://www.thedreamsociety.org
The Dream Society assists people with physical challenges in their
quest for independence.
Are Free School at Bishop Nevins Academy
Dawn Gordon, Registrar
4380 Fruitville Road
Sarasota, FL 34232-1623
(941) 366-4010; (941) 366-3819 (fax)
Email: dgordon | at | dreamsarefree.org
Web: http://dreamsarefree.org
The Dreams Are Free School is a faith-friendly Catholic school designed
to nurture the spiritual and academic growth of students with learning
Nancy Harris
1270 SW 28th Terr
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
(954) 581-4165; (954) 495-4615 (fax)
Email: nancy.harris | at | dsadvocate.com
Web: http://www.dsadvocate.com
DS Advocate's mission is to help parents know they are equal partners
during their child's Individual Education Plan meetings and to conduct
themselves in a professional manner during those sometimes intimidating
IEP meetings.
Harry Ducker Jr PLC
2020 Mizell Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32792
(407) 645-3297; (407) 645-3298 (fax)
Email: aubreylaw | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.aubreylaw.com
More than 15 years experience advocating for educational rights for
children. Staff who care and work to create useful solutions to problems.
Tashawna K. Duncan, Ph.D.
3633 Cortez Road West, Ste A4
Bradenton, FL 34210
(941) 751-7545; (941) 755-2514 (fax)
Email: drduncan | at | psychforkids.com
Web: www.psychforkids.com
Licensed psychologist, licensed school psychologist, and certified
special education teacher. Psychological, neuropsychological, and
psychoeducational evaluations, counseling and behavioral services
for children and adolescents. Most insurance accepted.
Dyslexia Correction, Etc.
Randee Garretson
22435 Crows Nest Ct
Lutz, FL 33549
(813) 956-0502
Email: randee.garretson | at | verizon.net
Web: http://www.dyslexiacorrection.com
Facilitating Davis Dyslexia Correction® Programs for all ages providing relief from challenging symptoms of reading dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, math dyslexia, handwriting problems, and coordination issues.
Learning and Support Group FL
Tricia Gerard, M.Ed, NBCT
7871 Oak Grove Circle
Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 601-5883
Email: Sld.dyslexia | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.facebook.com/DyslexiaLearningandSupportGroupFL/
We provide community resources to parents of students with dyslexia,
dyscalculia and dysgraphia. We advocate locally in Palm Beach County,
at the state and national levels too! Please join us as we advocate
for ALL students to receive 21st century instruction by trained teachers
of reading so that ALL students can learn to be literate.
8329 Old Town Drive
Tampa, FL 33647
(303) 588-2662
Email: dyslexiapartners | at | gmail.com
Dylexia Partners specializes in advocacy for Dyslexic (SLD) learners.
We specialize in getting special education evaluations and accompany
parents to IEP/504 meetings.
& Reading Success!
Doreen Bentley
3800 Saxon Drive, Coronado Cove, B14
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169
(860) 377-4578
Email: Dbentley2023 | at | gmail.com
Professional and passionate Dyslexia Reading and Screening Specialist
certified in the Orton-Gillingham-influenced Barton Reading and Spelling
system. Also tutor remotely via computer!
Julie Chilstrom
15934 Marcello Circle
Naples, FL 34110
(239) 631-6997
Email: juliecdts | at | gmail.com
Julie is a certified dyslexia testing specialist who also does Orton-Gillingham
tutoring specific to dyslexia
Einstein Tutoring, LLC
Ashley Rivello, Owner
10722 Willow Oak Ct.
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 806-0966
Email: dyslexiceinstein | at | gmail.com
Web: https://www.dyslexiceinstein.org/
Orton-Gillingham 1:1 tutoring sessions with certified teachers. Virtual sessions offered. We accept the Florida Family Empowerment Scholarships (FES-UA).
Wings Counseling Center
Ashley Barnette, MSW
421 Commercial Court, Suite A
Venice, FL 34292
(941) 375-4321
Email: ashlaynbo | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.eagleswingscounseling.com
Specialized therapeutic services for children and families. Services
include: Individual and Group counseling (ADHD, Aspergers, Autism,
OCD, Anxiety/Depression, Behavior Management, and IEP Review.)
Autism Project, Inc.
Andrea Carey
11411 NW 56 DR
Coral Springs, FL 33076
(954) 401-4130
Email: acarey | at | earlyautismproject.com
Web: http://earlyautismproject.com
Early Autism Project Inc., offers the highest quality of intensive,
research-based behavioral treatment for children and young adults
with autism spectrum and related disorders. Easter
Seals Camp Challenge
James Bryant
31600 Camp Challenge Road
Sorrento, FL 32776
(352) 383-4711
Email: jbryant | at | fl.easterseals.com
Web: http://www.fl.easterseals.com
Respite residential camp for children and adults with physical, developmental,
and intellectual disabilites ages 6+. Serves all of Florida, summer
and monthly sessions available.
Seals Florida
Joan Stolzar
2010 Mizell Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32792
(407) 629-7881
Email: info | at | fl.easterseals.com
Web: http://www.fl.easterseals.com
Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people
with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities
to live, learn, work and play in their communities.
Seals Igoe Amar Child Development Center
Lori Cermeno
213 South Congress Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 471-1688
Email: lcermeno | at | fl.easterseals.com
Web: http://www.fl.easterseals.com
Comprehensive early intervention services for infants and toddlers
birth to 36 months. Children are evaluated, a treatment plan designed
and goals set. Education activities Monday-Friday 8:30-2:30. The Center
is open early and late for before and aftercare to meet the needs
of working parents.
Seals Murray Child Development Center
Cathy Huffman
2401 East Henry Avenue
Tamp, FL 33610
(813) 988-7633
Email: chuffman | at | fl.easterseals.com
Web: http://www.fl.easterseals.com
Our child development center offers early care and education, early
intervention, physical, occupational and speech therapy evaluation
and services, and family support to children of all abilities and
their families.
Seals Southwest Florida
Nicole Murby
350 Braden Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 355-7637; (941) 358-3069 (fax)
Email: nmurby | at | easterseals-swfl.org
Web: http://easterseals-swfl.org/
Pediatric Therapy, Project Rainbow Children's Respite, The Lily School
for Child Development
Educational Advocacy and Coaching Services
Michelle Silver, Ed.S.
1180 Spring Centre South Blvd, Suite 201
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
(321) 300-4521; (407) 264-8902 (fax)
Email: msilver | at | ecfamilies.com
Web: http://www.ecfamilies.com
ECF’s goal is to support and empower families to work effectively
and collaboratively with educators and administrators in the public
and private educational settings.
Educational Advocacy and Coaching Service
Robyn Yenko, M.S., NCSP
1180 Spring Centre South Blvd, Suite 201
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
(407) 900-3612; (407) 264-8902 (fax)
Email: ryenko | at | ecfamilies.com
Web: http://www.ecfamilies.com
ECF’s goal is to support and empower families to work effectively
and collaboratively with educators and administrators in the public
and private educational settings.
N. Eckert, Esq.
Attorney at Law
6151 Lake Osprey Drive, Suite 300
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 500-3874
Email: jneckert | at | senlawfl.com
Web: https://www.senlawfl.com
Special education and needs attorney providing personalized legal services, advocacy, and representation of education and transition planning matters for families and students with disabilities.
Florida, Division of Eden Family of Services
Armando V. Galella, Director
24860 Burnt Pine Drive, Bldg.6, Ste.3
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
(239) 992-4680; (239) 992-4952 (fax)
Email: Taire.malloy | at | edenservices.org
Web: http://www.edenservices.org
Eden's mission is to improve the lives of children & adults with
autism and their families by providing a range of community-based
services to meet specific needs through the lifespan.
Katherine Suarez Espinosa
14115 South Dixie Hwy. Suite L
Miami, FL 33176
(305) 251-5956
Email: info | at | edspecialists.net
Web: http://edspecialists.net
Florida Licensed School Psychologists providing assessments &
interventions for students with learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD,
Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Disabilities, and Gifted
Children. Also providing school consultations & trainings.
Consultation Service
Elizabeth Gordon, MA
PO Box 549
Manitowoc, WI 54220
(855) 646-6093
Email: egordon | at | therightschool.com
Web: http://www.TheRightSchool.com
We assist families in finding the right therapeutic or academic school
for their child or young adult. We specialize in therapeutic placements,
wilderness programs, and boarding schools.
Recovery, Inc.
Deborah L. Kern, MSW
44 Magnolia Avenue
Shalimar, Florida 32579
(850) 651-2617
Email: scottndebbiekern | at | cox.net
Advocacy assistance for parents of special needs students in the Florida
Panhandle, including Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton counties.
Mykel Mangrum Billups
17305 SW 89 CT
Miami, FL 33157
(305) 962-2558
Email: mykelmangrum | at | hotmail.com
Educational Solutions offers tutoring, advocacy, psychological testing
services, IEP and staffing guidance for parents, counseling, ABA therapy,
and individualized services devoted to assisting families through
the special education process.
Montessori Academy
Zach Osbrach
5650 Highway 520
Cocoa, FL 32926
(321) 631-9876; (321) 631-8009 (fax)
Email: larsenb | at | ems-cocoa.com
Web: http://www.ems-cocoa.com
School servicing students with language based reading difficulties
(Dyslexia). The cornerstone of our reading curriculum is the Lindamood-Bell
Phonemic Sequencing program.
M. Eisenberg, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
950 Glades Road Suite 1A
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 392-1414
Email: GME43 | at | aol.com
Florida License # PY0002170; Child Psychologist with an expertise
and experience in Psychoeducational and Psychological Testing including
LD, ADHD, AS, Autism. Psychotherapy and Advocacy services provided
Eisenberg Consulting
2843 Pewter Mist Cout
Oviedo, FL 32765
(407) 454-7801
Email: Hello | at | lisaeisenberg.com
Web: http://lisaeisenberg.com
As a Special Needs Advocate & Master IEP Coach, my goal is to
assist families and others maximize the potential of their loved one.
Coast Autism Center
Staci Berryman
200 N. Partin Drive
Niceville, FL 32578
(850) 279-3000; (850) 678-0922 (fax)
Email: ecautismcenter | at | cox.net
Web: http://ecautismcenter.org
We are non-profit private school and therapy center for students ages
2-12 with autism. All instruction is based on the science of Applied
Behavior Analysis (ABA).
Foundation of Florida
Judy Clauser
7300 North Kendall Drive, Suite 700
Miami, FL 33156
(305) 670-4949; (305) 670-0904 (fax)
Email: jclauser | at | efof.org
Web: http://EpilepsyFLA.org
A non-profit statewide organization providing a comprehensive system
of neurological care,information,referral and support groups for children
with epilepsy and their families.
Florida Department of Health, HSFCD
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-18
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1744
(850) 245-4330
Web: www.doh.state.fl.us/
Wanda Eppes & Associates
Lewis Jones, Office Manager
5458 Lake Howell Road
Winter Park, FL 32792
(407) 677-4001; (888) 366-4008 (fax)
Email: info | at | DoctorWandaEppes.com
Web: http://www.DoctorWandaEppes.com
Diagnostic evaluations and counseling addressing school, behavior,
mood and adjustment issues. Specialty is comprehensive reports for
Autism, AD/HD, SLD, Giftedness, Developmental Delay, Behavior and
Sienna Rose, M.Ed.
730 NW 3 rd. Ave.
High Springs, FL 32643
(352) 505-9554
Email: siennarose | at | esesos.org
Web: http://www.esesos.org
Educational Consultant-Advocate for children with disabilities throughout
FL. Licensed School Counselor, ESE Educator, Specializing in Asperger’s,
APD, LDs, neuropsychological disorders. Expert help fast!
Speech & Language Center
Cathy P. Hale
17521 Hwy 441, Suite 6
Mount Dora, FL 32757
(352) 385-1944
Email: baseball2509 | at | comcast.net
We provide speech & language evaluations and intervention for
most ages. Articulation, language, reading disorders are a few.
Empowered LLC
Anise Ruffin
3553 Silver Bluff Blvd
Orange Park, FL 32065
(904) 802-5389
Email: aruffin2 | at | exceptionallyempoweredllc.com
Web: http://www.exceptionallyempoweredllc.com
Know your rights so that you can get your child what is deserved!
Differentiated consulting for different needs!
Families Exploring Down Syndrome (FEDS) of Brevard
1170 Grand Cayman Drive
Merritt Island, FL 32952
(321) 480-4796; (321) 504-6337 (fax)
Email: Info | at | fedsofbrevard.org
Web: http://www.FEDSofBrevard.org
Local family support group for parents of children and adults with
DS. We provide new parent support as well as organize an annual Buddy
Walk. * Families Exploring Down Syndrome
(FEDS) of Brevard hosted a Wrightslaw
event in Cocoa Beach on February 9, 2017.
Advocacy Resources, Inc.
Randi Solomon
2088 Reston Circle
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
(561) 333-2300
Email: familyadvocacyresources | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://familyadvocacyresources.com
Our purpose is to educate people with disabilities and/or their caregivers
on how to navigate systems, receive entitlements, and how to access
community services such as transportation, housing, education, employment
and recreation.
Network on Disabilities of Broward County
Wendy Bellack
P.O. Box 260909
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
(754) 444-6550
Email: Fndbroward | at | gmail.com
Web: http://FNDBroward.com
Provide advocacy and training to parents of children with developmental
* Family Network on Disabilities of Florida,
2196 Main Street, Suite L
Dunedin, FL 34698
(800) 825-5736; (727) 523-8687 (fax)
Email: misti | at | fndfl.org
Web: http://fndusa.org/
FND provides assistance, support, resources, referrals, and information
on many topics, including: Advocacy, Education, Employment, Future
Planning, Independent Living, Involving Fathers, Parent Involvement,
and Transition. *
The Family Network on Disabilities of Florida hosted a Wrightslaw
training program in 2005
and 2011
and 2017. *
Family Network on Disabilities of Manatee/Sarasota - FND Manasota
Mary J. Smith, Executive Director
7361 Merchant Court
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 928-0682; (941) 907-8577 (fax)
Email: mary.smith | at | fndmanasota.org
Web: http://www.fndmanasota.org
We empower families of children with disabilities in Manatee and Sarasota
counties through education, advocacy, and caregiver support. We believe
that children with disabilities thrive with strong and empowered families
and these family members need ongoing support to reach their maximum
potential. * The Family Network hosted
Wrightslaw training programs in 2009,
2012, 2015 and a Two-Day Boot Camp in 2018!
Shirley Sprouse
25 East Hickpoochee Ave
LaBelle, FL 33935
(863) 674-4565; (863) 517-0148; (863) 674-4657 (fax)
Email: sprouses | at | hendry.k12.fl.us
Working as a Parent Specialist I meet with parents on a monthly basis
facilitating educational and information workshops in Hendry and Glades
Technology State Loan Library
Mark W. Cerasale
1207 S. Mellonville Ave
Sanford, FL 32771-2240
(407) 320-2385; (407) 320-2379 (fax)
Email: mark_cerasale | at | scps.k12.fl.us
Web: http://www.fdlrs-tsll.scps.k12.fl.us
The facility has a demonstration lab where individuals can come and
interact with assistive technology equipment and software during normal
business hours. By appointment only.
Sheri Feldman and Associates
2118 Tyler Street
Hollywood, FL 33020
(954) 921-9844; (954) 921-9845 (fax)
Email: feldmanasoc | at | aol.com
Web: http://pediatrictherapyproviders.com
We are a multidisciplinary private practice specializing in pediatrics.
We provide in-home, in-office, and on-site speech, occupational and
physical therapies.
International Special Education
Mirtha Fernandez, ESE Director
4308 Fox Hollow Drive
Weston, FL 33331
(954) 349-2507; (305) 536-5179 (fax)
Email: administration | at | fernetti.org
Web: http://www.fernetti.org/
We provide effective academic tutoring for Special kids with Developmental
Delay, Autism, Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Bipolar Disorder, Dyslexia,
and other learning Disabilities. Call us.
Kids LLC
Laura Fine, Owner
PO Box 740215
Boynton Beach, FL 33474
(917) 699-5288
Email: finestartkids | at | yahoo.com
FineStart Kids provides home and community based intervention for
children ages birth to 5 years, elementary tutoring, parent/staff
training, and advocacy services in Palm Beach County.
Hope at The Classical School
2667 Bruton Blvd
Orlando, FL 32805
(407) 206-8801; (407) 206-8800 (fax)
Email: firsthope | at | thefirstacademy.org
Web: http://www.thefirstacademy.org
A Christian alternative program (K-12) for special needs education.
Our school is part of The First Academy which is associated with First
Baptist Church Orlando. We accept McKay Scholarship. ABA based school
1:2 ratio, inclusion opportunities and adaptive PE included.
1868 NE 164th st
NMB, FL 33162
(305) 949-7665; (305)-949-7663 (fax)
Email: fitforkids | at | bellsouth.net
Web: www.fitforkids.net
We provide speech, occupational, and physical therapy services
to children. Of all ages in clinic, home, and school based settings.
Specialized in Sensory Integration.
Alliance for Assistive Service and Technology (FAAST, Inc.) (1992)
1020 E. Lafayette St., Suite 110
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4546
Phone: (850) 487-3278 (V/TDD); (850) 922-5951 (TDD); (850) 487-2805
Email: faast | at | faast.org
Web: http://faast.org/
Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc.
2475 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 205
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4946
(850) 877-4816
Web: http://www.respectofflorida.org/
Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (FLASHA)
P.O. Box 150127
Altamonte Springs, FL 32715-0127
(407) 774-7880; (800) 243-3574
Email: kng-assn | at | worldnet.att.net
Autism Center
1708 Lexington Green Lane
Sanford, FL 32771
(407) 413-9550; (407) 386-7033 (fax)
Web: http://www.floridaautismcenter.net
Early Intervention Services, Full-Day School Program (McKay Scholarship
accepted), Professional Supervision Services.
Autism Charter School of Excellence (FACE)
Tom Porter
6400 E. Chelsea Street
Tampa, FL 33610
(813) 621-3223
Email: tporter | at | questinc.org
FACE is a free school for children ages 3-22 who are on the autism
Autism Coalition for Education and Service
Dr. Brian H. Abrams
4 Office Park Drive, Suite 200
Palm Coast, FL 32137
(386) 447-9970; (386) 446-9488; (386) 447-4760 (fax)
Email: brijul1 | at | juno.com
Parent, caretaker support and education. We work with parents, caretakers,
and local school districts to provide support for and education about
Autism and related issues.
Autism Connection
Bruce Carroll
4004 SW 180th Street
Newberry, FL 32669
(352) 262-8174
Email: bruce | at | florida-autism.com
Web: http://www.florida-autism.com
Family centered programs for remediation of autism spectrum disorders.
We specialize in the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) approach.
Autism Treatment Centers
David Garcia, M.S. BCBA
8001 SW 36 Street, Suite 9
Davie, FL 33328
(954) 577-7790; (954) 577-7780 (fax)
Email: DGarcia | at | Behavior-Analysis.org
Web: http://www.behavior-analysis.org
Internationally recognized Centers providing ABA therapy/Verbal Behavior
provided in Dade and Broward counties. Long Distance consultation
and training also provided.
Coalition for the Education of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
(Florida CEIDD)
P.O. Box 520853
Longwood, FL 32752-0853
(561) 912-1231
Department of Education
Room PL 08, Capitol Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(850) 487-1785; (850) 413-0378 (fax)
Web: http://www.fldoe.org/
Independent Living Council
Web: http://flailc.org/
Families of Children with Visual Impairment (FFCVI)
Sue Townsend, President
P.O. Box 7086
Lakeland, FL 33807-7086
(386) 677-7760; (386) 677-0726 (fax)
Email: ffcvi | at | mailvision.net
Web: www.ffcvi.org
FFCVI facilitates interaction among families with blind and visually
impaired children so that they may acquire information, support, and
confidence to meet their children's unique needs. Florida
Institute for Family Involvement (FIFI)
3927 Spring Creek Highway
Crawfordville, FL 32327
(850) 421-2933; (877) 926-3514
Web: www.fifionline.org
Florida Psychological Associates, LLC
Laura Hume, Ph.D.
1903 Island Walk Way,
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(904) 277-0027
Email: white | at | floridapsy.com
Web: http://www.floridapsy.com/home.html
We empower hope, healing, and health for each client through psychological evaluations, therapy, medication management and educational advocacy services.
School of Massage
Josie Davenport
4123 SW 13th Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
(352) 514-5076; (352) 373-3950 (fax)
Email: josiedav | at | mac.com
Web: http://www.presencemoves.com/
As an Anat Baniel Method Practitioner with many years of experience,
I am dedicated to making positive differences in the lives of children
with disabilities.
School Partners, P.L.
Allison Hertog
1550 Madruga Avenue, Suite 333
Coral Gables, FL 33146
(305) 663-9233; (305) 675-0562 (fax)
Email: allisonhertog | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.makingschoolwork.com
Making School Work for your special needs child. Attorney and educational
consultant with a highly unique background as a special education
teacher. A passionate and relentless advocate for your child's rights
in school.
Special Needs Advisory Partners
1580 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 130
Sunrise, FL 33323
(954) 806-7589; (866) 520-9598 (fax)
Email: info | at | floridasnap.com
Web: http://www.floridasnap.com
Free parent training and resources focusing on quality of life, legal
and financial issues that families with special needs face.
Teacher Resources Accommodations Database
Parents of Florida's Exceptional Students. . .
Voice on Mental Retardation (FVMR)
Arlene Lakin, Esq., President
5591 N.E. 28th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 975-5159; (954) 972-4701 (fax)
Email: FVMRorg | at | aol.com
Web: www.FVMR.org
Florida's Voice on Mental Retardation (FVMR), an all-volunteer, advocacy
and networking organization for family and friends of persons with
mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.
Rachel Katz
9833 NW 3rd St
Plantation, FL 33324
(954) 727-8520
Email: rachel | at | naturalzest.com
Web: http://www.naturalzest.com
FocusChild offers a combination of child-centered therapies based
on behavioral techniques and natural environment techniques. We specialize
in early intervention. Footprints
Educational Programs, Inc.
Jennifer Herrera, MS Ed.
2903 Salzedo Street
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 877-3944
Email: footprintseduprog | at | yahoo.com
Specializing in Early Intervention for Students with Reading Disorders/
Learning Disabilities. Services include: Reading Evaluations,Pre-Reading
Screening,Corrective Reading Plans, Accelerated Reading Plans.
Ford Center for Reading
Kathy Palomino
1413 S Howard Ave. #215
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 254-8383; (813) 251-9290 (fax)
Email: thefordcenterforreading | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.thefordcenterforreading.com
Offering one-on-one individualized and structured multisensory therapy.
Dyslexia, ADHD. Phonemic Awareness, Reading, Writing, Comprehension,
Vocabulary, Math, Central Auditory Processing, Directions, Attention
Forella, MS, LMHC
641 University Blvd., Suite 114
Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 818-6964
Email: april | at | aprilforella.com
Web: http://www.aprilforella.com
I am a Child & Family therapist in Jupiter, Florida. I provide
counseling services for children 5+, experiencing anxiety, ADHD,trauma
and behavioral problems.
Forgan, Ph.D.
641 University Blvd. #114
Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 625-4125
Email: jforgan | at | hotmail.com
Web: http://www.drforgan.com
Dr. Forgan is a licensed school neuropsychologist and certified dyslexia
testing specialist who provides evaluations for LD, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia,
and other childhood disorders.
Therapy, Inc.
Ivy Kaplan
594 Riverside Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33071
(954) 344-6550; (954) 344-8634 (fax)
Email: info | at | foundationstherapy.com
Web: http://foundationstherapy.com
Behavior reduction, acquisition and ABA services provided to children
in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties.
P.O. Box 677
Brandon, FL 33509
(813) 245-2782
Email: info | at | friendssupport.org
Web: http://www.friendssupport.org
Down Syndrome support group.
Frydenlund, Dyslexia Specialist
40 Barkley Circle Suite 3
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 980-5613
Email: lauriefrydenlund | at | aol.com
Dyslexia screenings and one-on-one Orton-Gillingham tutoring for children,
teens and adults.
Coast Down Syndrome Association
Paula Wilburn - Executive Direc
3601 E. Moody Blvd
Bunnell, FL 32110
(386) 447-8034; (386) 437-2751 (fax)
Email: funcoastdown | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.funcoastdownsyndrome.com
Serving Flagler and Volusia Counties
Furlong, JD, LLM
8333 McNab Road, Suite 203
Tamarac, FL 33321
(954) 531-9050
Email: Elle456 | at | comcast.net
I am a special education advocate and I represent parents of children
with special needs in any area of school law - IEP's, staff meetings,
eligibility and placement determination meetings, mediation, due process,
disciplinary proceedings.
Gerard, M.Ed, NBCT, CDP
7871 Oak Grove Circle
Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 601-5883
Email: sld.dyslexia | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.ireadingtutor.com
Orton-Gillingham tutoring, Wilson Reading Program, Assistance with
Coast Down Syndrome Organization
serving Palm Beach County
5300 Broken Sound Boulevard N.W., 2nd Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33487
(561) 912-1231; (561) 912-1232 (fax)
Email: gcdso | at | bellsouth.net
Web: www.goldcoastdownsyndrome.org
M. Gonzalez, Certified Behavior Analyst
7600 S.W. 104 Street
Pinecrest, FL 33156
(305) 733-5918; (305) 230-9902 (fax)
Email: agonz0170 | at | aol.com
Behavior Therapy
Institute for School Accountability
Christopher Norwood, JD
14844 Breckness Place
Miami Lakes, FL 33016
(786) 355-8690
Email: chris | at | charterschoolgovernance.org
Web: http://www.charterschoolgovernance.org
GISA provides Charter School Governance Training (Approved by Florida
Department of Education) for Charter School Boards.
Patiño González and Associates
5915 Ponce de Leon Blvd. #49
Coral Gables, FL 33146
(305) 668-0355; (305) 668-5311 (fax)
Email: kettypgonzalez | at | gmail.com
Web: http://kettygonzalez.com
Specialized in psychoeducational and autism evaluations for children
and adults. Bilingual (English/Spanish) services available.
of Angels Inc
Terry West
1224 SW Scott Drive
Arcaia, FL 34266
(863) 494-0972; (863) 990-9249
Email: staceyr | at | hand-of-angels.org
Web: http://www.hand-of-angels.org
To promote inclusive communities where all people belong.
Our mission is to provide helpful information and resources to enhance
the quality of life for children with disabilities and the community
as a whole.
Leslie Bolen
Pediatric Therapy Works
1273 Kass Circle
Spring Hill, FL 34606
(352) 683-0209
Email: HernandoAutism | at | aol.com
We are a support group for parents and relatives of children on the
autism spectrum
Harrison, MS, CCC
2594 Spreading Oaks Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32223
(904) 288-0138; (904) 612-1925
A. Harvey, Ph.D.
1415 Panther Lane, Suite 377
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 591-6215
Email: mharvey | at | drmyronharvey.com
Web: http://drmyronharvey.com
Licensed Psychologist offering Psychological and Psycho-educational
Evaluations; Family Consultation and Development; Educational, Career,
and Work Planning; Tutoring and Personal Learning Services.
Hawk, Advocate
(239) 823-9573
Email: Heather | at | HawkAdvocates.com
Web: http://HawkAdvocates.com
Providing support, guidance and advocacy assistance to SWFL families.
Focusing on your student while advocating for their education, IEP/504,
and services.
Being Wellness Boutique & Natural Health Services
Melissa Gallagher, Naturopath
425 33rd Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL 33704
(727) 502-3464
Email: melissa | at | healthybeingllc.com
Web: http://www.HealthyBeingLLC.com
Healthy Being offers autism driven natural health consultations, detoxification
therapies, allergy testing and other natural therapies for children,
teens & adults with autism.
Helpful Home Services, Inc.
Rafael Camacho
1067 Bluewood Terrace
Weston, FL 33227
(954) 217-8625
Email: helpfulhome | at | bellsouth.net
Medicaid Waiver providing: Personal Care Assistance (PCA), Non-Residential
Support Services (NRSS), Respite, Companion, Homemaker
Rebekah Hensley
1521A Meridian Road West
Palm Beach, FL 33417
(561) 574-3666
Email: ahelpinghandup | at | hotmail.com
I provide tutoring, Supported Living & Employment, Music lessons,
Socialization Skills and other needs of the developmentally disabled,
special needs, and learning impaired.
County Public Schools Head Start Program
207 Kelsey Lane Suite K
Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 744-8941 Ext. 356; (813) 744-8941 Ext. 365; (813) 740-3740 (fax)
Email: brenda.mount | at | sdhc.k12.fl.us
Web: http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/
(click on "Head Start" on the left menu)
Head Start is a federally-funded child development program for three
and four year old, income-eligible children including children with
Counseling, Hypnosis, & Energy Healing
Jed Shlackman
12965 SW 112th Ave.
Miami, FL 33176
(305) 259-0013
Email: jshlackman | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.phinsights.com
Holistic Counseling & Therapies. Hypnosis, Reiki, Neuromodulation
Technique, Sound Healing, SomaEnergetics, Energy Psychology. Healing
anxiety, ADD/ADHD, autism, depression, phobias, & trauma.
Child Development Services
Andrea Holladay
5302 S. Florida Ave.
Lakeland, FL 33812
(863) 937-8067
Email: info | at | hcds.org
Web: http://hcds.org
We aim to provide best practice Applied Behavior Analysis services
to individuals with varying ranges of abilities.
Skip and a Jump Pediatric Therapy
Kathleen Guardia, MPT
854 Shadowmoss Dr.
Winter Garden, FL 34787
(407) 461-1998; (407) 284-1185; (407) 574-8599 (fax)
Email: GuardiaPT | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.orlandokidstherapy.com
Pediatric therapy services provided in a private clinic setting, also
a NARHA-certified provider for hippotherapy (physical therapy on horseback).
Haven Children's Clinic and Family Center
Anne M. Wall
4600 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 346-5100; (904) 346-5111 (fax)
Email: annew | at | hope-haven.org
Web: http://www.hope-haven.org
Educational, psychological and related therapeutic services for children
and young adults with special needs. Specialties include developmental
challenges, Down syndrome, autism, ADD, depression, anxiety.
Learning Centers of Boca Raton
8192 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33434
(561) 347-0060; (561) 477-9832 (fax)
Email: boca | at | huntingtonpbc.com
Web: http://huntingtonlearning.com
The Huntington Learning Center of Boca Raton, FL provide a Florida
tutoring service for children's education needs in Reading, Writing,
Math Tutoring, SAT, PSAT and ACT Test Preparation and more.
Association Tampa Bay Affiliate
Paula Keyser
PO Box 17688
Clearwater, FL 33762
(727) 637-5585; (866) 589-1329 (fax)
Email: hydrosupport | at | gmail.com
Web: http://gothydro.org
We are a affiliate of the Hydrocephalus Association and a local Support
Group for families affected by Hydrocephalus.
SMILE for Children
Juliana Hunt
300 North Royal Poinciana Blvd.
Miami Springs, FL 33166
(305) 302-5840
Email: JMHunt | at | ismileflorida.org
Web: http://ismileflorida.org
Provide Applied Behavior Analysis services to chidlren with autism
or related disabilities. Full and half day programs available. Low
ratio of 2 students per 1 teacher. Children from 2-6 years of age
are able to participate.
Special Needs Consults, Inc.
Sandra R. Osborn
P.O. Box 180605
Casselberry, FL 32718-0605
(407) 332-7770; (407) 641-9425 (fax)
Email: osborns37 | at | cfl.rr.com
Providing advocacy services for families of children with disabilities.
IEP development, consultation and assistive technology assessment
IEP Advocate, Inc.
Pam Lindemann
PO Box 618308
Orlando, FL 32861
(407) 342-9836; (407) 749-9333 (fax)
Email: info | at | theiepadvocate.com
Web: http://theiepadvocate.com
We help families in all areas of Special Education including Eligibility,
504 Plans, IEP's, Due Process cases and also The McKay Scholarship.
Advocates, Inc.
Anne Basile / ESE Certified
15800 Pines Blvd., Suite 3028
Pembroke Pines, FL 33027
(866) 265-3001
Email: info | at | iepadvocates.com
Web: http://IEPADVOCATES.com
Providing Professional / Experienced Special Education Advocate Services
and Specialized Advocate Training pertaining to the entire (IEP) Individual
Education Plan / Special Education Plan Process.
IEP Compliance Resolution Specialist LLC
Courtney Gavares, Advocate
501 Silvergate Loop
Lake Mary, FL 32746
(917) 582-5343
Email: IEPcomplianceresolution | at | gmail.com
Web: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095301607562&mibextid=ZbWKwL
We offer Special Education Consulting for IEP/504 Plans, Initial Eligibility, Evaluations, Reevaluations, State Complaints, Facilitated IEP Meetings,IDEA, FES Scholarship, IEE's, Least Restrictive Environment.
Amy Scott Lorton, Consultant
P.O. Box 1404
Gulf Breeze, FL 32562-1404
(678) 938-4976
Email: IEPhelpus | at | gmail.com
Providing consulting services, education, and training to parents
as they navigate the IEP process for their student.
Living Inc. - Pediatrics
6508 Gunn Hwy
Tampa, FL 33625
(813) 963-6923; (813) 842-6371
Email: llydic | at | iliflorida.com
Web: http://iliflorida.com
We provide physical, occupational and speech therapy services for
children in home, in clinic and community based settings throughout
West Central Florida.
Imaging Instruction LLC
Instructor Melissa Boodaghian
10880 S.W. 25th St.
Davie, FL 33324
(954) 348-3820
Email: Misbood | at | aol.com
Web: http://autismadvocator.blogspot.com/
I provide academic therapy for learning differences. I use a proven
mental Imaging technique. Resume and references available.
Educational Services
Maggie Morrison
11635 Kingsley Manor Way
Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 881-4536
Email: inspirededjax | at | gmail.com
Web: https://www.iesreading.com/
Specializing in Dyslexia -Structured Literacy Intervention for Students of all Ages, using effective researched-based, multi-sensory programs - Wilson Language and CERI certified.
Intercoastal Consulting & Life Care Planning
Chris McDermott
4320 Deerwood Lake Parkway Suite 327
Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 201-9067
Email: chris | at | iclcp.com
Web: https://www.iclcp.com
We provide life care planning services to those involved in catastrophic and non-catastrophic injury by a Certified Life Care Planner.
International Dyslexia Association of Florida
5005 Laurel, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 874-3918
Fibrodysplaisa Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA)
P.O. Box 196217
Winter Springs, FL 32719-6217
Note: This organization is based in FL but has members around the
(407) 365-4194
Email: together | at | ifopa.org
Web: http://www.ifopa.org/
Rehab Professionals, Inc.
Barbara Campbell
17900 NW 5th Street, Suite 103
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
(954) 430-9905; (954) 435-3769 (fax)
Email: Intrehab | at | aol.com
International Rehab offers Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy,
and Speech Therapy in home and clinic settings to children from birth
to 18 years of age.
Dolphin Care
Deena Hoagland
150 Lorelane Place
Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 451-5884; (305) 453-5399 (fax)
Email: fonzie | at | islanddolphincare.org
Web: http://www.islanddolphincare.org
Island Dolphin Care a 501c3 , provides innovative recreational &
educational programs for individuals with special needs. Our professional
staff & atlantic bottlenose dolphins bring joy to the entire family!
James Access Consulting and Knowledge Translation
Tyler G. James, Ph.D., MCHES
PO Box 395
Callahan, FL 32011
(904) 628-1110
Email: advocacy | at | jamesaccessconsulting.com
Web: http://www.jamesaccessconsulting.com
Short-term advocacy service for just-in-time information. Experienced with deaf, blind, and DeafBlind. Discounts to clients/families receiving government assistance.
The Tutor LLC
Lisa Priest
5826 NW 119th Dr.
Coral Springs FL 33076
(561) 206-2574
Email: FLadvocacy13 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.jamiethetutor.com
Every child has the right to an education and our Special Education Advocates ensure that your child is receiving this education appropriately. At Jamie The Tutor we are here to guide you through the process of receiving the education your child truly deserves.
Jessup: MyChildWins.com - IEP Advocate
1642 N Volusia Ave Ste 201
Orange City, FL 32763
(386) 628-0295
Email: jamison | at | jamisonjessup.com
Web: http://www.mychildwins.com
Professional IEP advocate. Rxperienced representing parents in due
process hearings. Also, IEP, 504 Plan and Manifestation Meetings.
M. McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities
A school choice program of the Florida Department of Education
for students with special needs.
Toll Free Parent Hotline: 1.800.447.1636
L. Johnson, OTR/L, PhD(c) Pediatric Therapy Services, PLLC
1724 Sweetspire Dr.
Trinity, FL 34655
(727) 326-7791
Email: dana | at | thekidtherapist.com
Web: http://www.thekidtherapist.com
Serving children and families in the Tampa Bay Area. Providing DIR/Floortime
intervention for families & their children with ASD and other
developmental exceptionalities.
Aaron Jones, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2900 Bayou Blvd.
Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 450-0358
Email: jjones | at | joshuajoneslaw.com
Web: http://www.joshuajoneslaw.com
Legal representation, consulting, and advocacy coaching for special
education, expulsions and suspensions and other juvenile law matters.
and H Healthcare, Inc.
408 Manatee Ave. East
Bradenton, FL 34208
(941) 922-5366; (941) 894-3487 (fax)
Email: gethelp | at | kidsdoingbetter.com
Web: http://kidsdoingbetter.com
Office of Dr. Hubbard; a board certified developmental and behavioral
pediatrician. Evaluates, counsels and provides treatment for children,
adolescents, and their families with a wide range of developmental
and behavioral difficulties.
S. Kamleiter, Esq. (In Memoriam, practice is still active)
Attorney at Law
2509 First Avenue S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 323-2555; (727) 323-2599 (fax)
Email: mkamleiter | at | flspedlaw.com
Web: http://www.flspedlaw.com
Mark Kamleiter provides special education legal advocacy throughout
the State of Florida, including provision of advocates, IEP review,
attending IEPS, mediation, due process, Federal Court and appeals.
Kelly, Ph.D., Esq.
217 27th St. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33713
(612) 845-4893; (727) 214-2548 (fax)
Email: katie | at | katiekellylaw.com
Web: http://www.katiekellylaw.com
I am a special education attorney specializing in representing parents
in school district disputes.
Pro Therapy Services/The Boas Center
LorRainne Jones, Ph.D.
16546 N. Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, FL 33618
(813) 964-8481; (813) 245-2496; (813) 964-8431 (fax)
Email: lorrainnejones | at | verizon.net
Web: http://www.kidprotherapy.com
Services include speech, occupational and physical therapy. Academic
tutoring and reading assessments. Specializing in children with autism,
particularly teaching speech to non-verbal children with autism.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Brenda Chilstrom, OTR/L
102 Pebble Shores Drive #201
Naples, FL 34110
(239) 595-7018; (239) 597-3287 (fax)
Email: brendaot | at | embarqmail.com
Occupational therapy services specializing in early intervention,
feeding, and sensory processing provided in natural environments.
I travel to you and accept all private insurances, medicaid, and private
Aboard Therapy, LLC
Gita Posner
8672 Blaze Ct.
Davie, FL 33328
(765) 276-7637; (954) 382-8453 (fax)
Email: kidsaboardtherapy | at | gmail.com
Occupational therapy services ages 0-21; School and home based services
World Fun (Learning Resources)
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor
Orlando, FL
(877) 741-3400
Email: prasanth | at | kidsworldfun.com
Web: http://www.kidsworldfun.com
Kids World Fun is an online portal for kids who take the kids through
an exciting world of fun and entertainment. Our portal is highly informative
and fun and contains pictures, interesting stories that in fact kids
love to read and explore. There is information on these pages that
will help to boost imagination and creativity.
in Motion Therapy Services, Inc.
Gina Perea
4501 Manatee Ave. W.
Bradenton, FL 34209
(941) 524-6773
Email: kidsinmotiontherapyservices | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://kidsinmotiontherapy.com
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Comprehensive O.T. Evaluation Individual
Therapy Sensory Integration Clinic Treat Autism, Sensory Processing
Disorders, Developmental Delays etc.; Handwriting Classes; Parent
training - Developmental Skills.
on a Roll - FI
Mary B. West
5000 Datil Pepper Road
St. Augustine, FL 32086
(904) 540-8408; (904) 797-1627 (fax)
Email: kidfeed | at | bellsouth.net
Pediatric speech and language therapy services. Specialty areas :
oral-motor, oral-sensory feeding program, apraxia, SPD, ASD.
R Talking
Ilena Rotundo-Camilo
3801 Torres Cir.
West Palm Beach, FL
(561) 635-2275
Email: kidsrtalking | at | gmail.com
Web: http://kidsrtalking.yolapage.com
Provide Speech and Language Services to children in the West Palm
Beach and nearby cities. Experience with children with disabilities
including Autism, CP and Down Syndrome.
Time Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Claudia Michalak, OTR/L
7782 Hoffy Circle
Lake Worth, FL 33467
(855) 554-3784; (561) 423-0996 (fax)
Email: kidstimeot | at | live.com
Providing Occupational Therapy to children ages 0 to adolescence.
Services Include: Sensory Integration, Fine/Gross motor coordination,
Handwriting, Visual Perceptual /Self-Help Skills, Executive Functioning
Speech and Language Therapy
Amy J Clayman, MA, CCC-SLP
841 Cloudberry Branch Way
Jacksonville, FL 32259
(904) 342-6362; (888) 507-2282 (fax)
Email: amy | at | kidspeaktherapy.com
Web: http://www.kidspeaktherapy.com
KidSpeak is a comprehensive private speech therapy practice for children
aged birth through ten years of age. Speech and language evaluations
as well as therapy are provided in a home office setting. PROMPT level
III trained.
KIND Foundation
Barbara Sheridan
4880 Donald Ross Rd., Suite 110
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 625-6545; (561) 625-6704 (fax)
Email: kindskids | at | kindfoundation.org
Web: http://www.kindfoundation.org
KIND is a learning and resource center for learning disabled and dyslexic
children who need to learn to read and write and become successful
students with bright futures.
Special Education Consulting
Andrew M. Klein
2934 Claremont Court
Orlando, FL 32822-9479
(407) 674-7469
Email: spedho | at | aol.com
Special education mediation, IEP facilitation, expert witness, FBA/BIP
development, training programs, case management, alternate dispute
resolution; former hearing officer (PA) of 17 years; former adjunct
prof. for the state system of higher ed.
Knight's Nifty Puppets
600 Florida Ave
St Cloud, FL 34769
(407) 957-1615; (407) 844-0219
Email: stevenpknight | at | netzero.net
Professional Puppetry, performed on national TV. Presented workshops
for NJ Dept of Education, Special Arts Project: Working with multiple
handicapped children.
Kraft, Esq.
Attorney at Law
6 Chenell Drive, Suite 270
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-7555
Email: tkraft | at | kraftlawnh.com
Web: http://www.flspecialedlaw.com
Attorney Kraft is licensed in NH and FL and guides parents through
all stages of the special education process, including Eligibility,
IEP Development, Placement, Mediation, and Litigation.
A LaBella and Associates PA
Patricia LaBella
2863 Executive Park Drive, Suite 103
Weston, FL 33331
(954) 302-4358
Email: PALCLINIC | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.PALCLINIC.com
Full service practice committed to excellence in the identification,
evaluation, and treatment of individuals with speech, language, learning,
social communication, cognitive and swallowing difficulties.
Langer, Esq.
Attorney at Law
216 Catalonia Avenue, Suite 108
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 901-6277; (305) 901-6275 (fax)
Email: slanger | at | langerlawpa.com
Web: http://www.LangerLawPA.com
Langer Law, P.A. is a civil rights law firm focused on the rights
of children in education and the criminal justice system and assisting
people with disabilities navigating through the many complicated systems
that exist.
Lanza-Sutton, Guardianship Attorney
Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A.
2005 Pan Am Circle
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 443-5087
Web: http://www.gilbertgrouplaw.com/
Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. has a dedicated team of attorneys and paralegals
that focus on guardianship cases.
Anabel Lorente
9510 NW 24 CT
Sunrise, FL 33323
(954) 394-3772
Email: anabel_lorente | at | yahoo.com
We offer Behavior Reduction, ABA and Verbal Behavior Therapy in the
home environment for children with autism and related disorders. Serving
Broward County.
Learning Connection
Lisa Guffey
3307 South Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33629
(813) 624-5055
Email: LearningConnect1 | at | aol.com
Web: http://thelearningconnection.info
We provide specialized remediation in decoding, spelling, comprehension,
fluency, thinking skills, the writing process and math. Our intervention
methodology is a multi-sensory, systematic and highly structured program.
PO Box 1008
Goldenrod, Fl 32733
(407) 925-7536
Email: kgriffel | at | sprintmail.com
Web: http://www.learningconnections-kg.com
Building Effective Efficient Skills! One-on-One Training: Experienced,
Qualified Trainers, Specialized Approaches targeting: Spelling, Attention,
Memory, Timing, Sequencing, Handwriting, Comprehension, and Reading.
Disabilities Association of Florida (LDAF)
331 E. Henry Street
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(941) 637-8957
Email: lda00 | at | sunline.net
The Learning Foundation of Florida, Inc.
Debra J. Thorny
507A Royal Palm Beach Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
(561) 795-6886; (561) 795-6884 (fax)
Email: thornby | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.tlffinc.com
TLFF specializes in educating students with individualized learning
and curriculum needs. In order to meet the diversities among our students
we offer a varied curriculum.
Ellen Horowitz
13790 NW 4th Street, Suite 102
Sunrise, FL 33325
(954) 247-4226
Email: urlearningsmart | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.startlearningsmart.com
LearningSmart offers a variety of innovative and multisensory learning
programs to assist students in cognitive development, reading, math,
writing and study skills.
Learning Solution of SW Florida
5245 Ramsey Way, Unit #9
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 313-6211
Email: info | at | thelearningsolutionswf.com
Web: http://www.thelearningsolutionswf.com
Identification, diagnosing and tutoring for dyslexic children, teens
and adults. We utilize one of the Orton-Gillingham programs.
Learning Standard, Incorporated
Susan Tippins
Post Office Box 162
12331 Sunowa Springs Trail
Bryceville, FL 32009
(905) 635-7252; (904) 879-6224 (fax)
Consultation or visits with schools for parents to ensure adequate
and appropriate ESE services are provided for their child. Curriculum
monitoring/provision also available.
Arlene W. Anfossi
21073 Powerline Road 63-65
Boca Raton, FL 33433
(561) 488-6188; (561) 488-6187 (fax)
Email: alicia.a | at | learningrx.net
Web: http://learningrx.com/boca-raton
We train the brain, we do not tutor. We help kids who struggle, kids
w/ add/adhd, autism, dyslexia, auditory, visual processing problems
we train one-to-one.
Aid of Manasota, Inc.
Jaime Rubin, Esq.
1900 Main Street, Suite 302
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 366-0038
Email: jaimer | at | legalaidofmanasota.org
Web: http://www.legalaidofmansota.org
Special education services for income-qualified students of Sarasota
County who qualify under the IDEA including aid with meetings IEPs,
ESE eligibility, complaints, and legal advice.
Tree Literacy & Language Development Center
Maria Saravanos, MA/CCC-SLP
3885 Tampa Rd., Suite A
Oldsmar, FL 34677
(813) 854-3000; (813) 854-3002 (fax)
Email: info | at | lemontreecenter.com
Web: http://www.lemontreecenter.com
A family-owned speech therapy center specializing in language-based
learning differences, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing
disorder, attention deficit disorder, and autism.
Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC
105 Knollwood Dr.
Elkin, NC 28621
(888) 603 - 1788
Email: info | at | lexercise.com
Web: http://www.lexercise.com
Online evaluation & treatment for dyslexia and other language
processing problems set a new world standard for research-backed,
effective, convenient and affordable services.
School Psychologist
Patrick E. Hughes, Ed.S.
334 North Second Avenue
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 334-7804; (904) 821-5326
Email: peh2000 | at | comcast.net
Provide personalized service for assessments in academic, intellectual,
social and behavioral development. Also provide consultation services
to parents, teachers and school staff.
12555 Orange Drive, Suite 4022-A
Davie, FL 33330
(954) 394-5521
Email: Info | at | lilpicassos.net
LilPicassos is an non-profit organization we provide services to children
with autism and related disabilities in helping and improving reading
and writing skills in the classroom.
Jacksonville Learning Center
7645 Gate Parkway, Suite 104
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 642-1917; (904) 642-1946 (fax)
Email: jacksonville.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/jacksonville-fl-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
Miami Learning Center
806 South Douglas Road, Suite 100
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(786) 552-6470; (786) 552-6471 (fax)
Email: miami.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/miami-fl-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
Palm Beach County Learning Center
2000 PGA Blvd., Ste. A3206
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408
Phone: (561) 293-2902
Email: palmbeachcounty.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
URL: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/palm-beach-county-fl-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
Tampa Learning Center
25 Davis Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 253-0453; (813) 253-0454 (fax)
Email: tampa.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/tampa-fl-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
Weston Learning Center
Weston Town Center 1835 Main Street, Suite 201
Weston, FL 33326
(954) 349-1688; (954) 349-3228 (fax)
Email: weston.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/weston-fl-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
(Joel) Lipinski, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Special Education Legal Services of Tampa Bay
2509 First Avenue S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 643-8964
Email: joelipinskiattorney | at | gmail.com
Web: http://joelipinskiattorney.com
We provide special education legal services in many areas including:
testing and evaluation, IEP, Due Process and much more.
Flowers of Hope Center/Special Needs
9812 Pines Blvd.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
(954) 443-1488; (305) 298-9787; (954) 443-1488 (fax)
Email: littleflowers | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://littleflowersofhope.com
1-1 Academic instruction. ABA, OT, PT, ST and music therapy. After
school tutoring. Fast Forword. Social Play Groups. Support Groups.
Summer Camp. Accepting McKay Scholarship.
Star Center
Sarah Smith
11512 Lake Mead Ave Suite 511
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 928-0112
Email: info | at | littlestarjax.com
Web: http://littlestarjax.com
Little Star Center is a private school that uses ABA and VB to teach
academics, behavior, and communication in indivudal or small group
Coaching, LLC
Lynn Miner-Rosen, M.Ed., ACC
7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd., Ste. 15-295
Boca Raton, FL 33433
(800) 426-3912; (561) 423-8145 (fax)
Email: Lynn | at | LMRCoaching.com
Web: http://www.CoachLynnMR.com
Lynn Miner-Rosen is a certified ADHD Coach and Career Development
Coach for HS Seniors, College Students and young adults, Nationwide.
Lovaas Center for Behavior Intervention
Lenise Kryk
1779 North University Drive, Suite 104
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
(954) 239-8517; (954) 239-8640 (fax)
Email: lkryk | at | thelovaascenter.org
Web: http://www.thelovaascenter.org
The Lovaas Center provides supervision of evidence-based Applied Behavior
Analysis (ABA) treatment programs for children with autism.
Serving Autism
11231 US Hwy 1 #158
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
(561) 331-1903
Email: Lisa | at | loveservingautism.org
Web: http://www.loveservingautism.org
Love Serving Autism is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides
a specialized therapeutic program focusing on tennis, communication
and life skills.
Lux Advocacy
Melony Craft
5504 Old Bartow Eagle Lake Rd
Winter Haven, FL 33880
(727) 619-3875; (863) 875-2546 (fax)
Email: melony | at | luxadvocacy.org
Web: https://www.luxadvocacy.org
I provide advocacy services for students with disabilities and their families to aid in obtaining the supports and services to enable the highest level of success. I also monitor compliance with implementation.
Lynn Enterprises, LLC
Judith L. Imperatore, M.Ed.
56 Noah Lane
Tolland, CT 06084
(860) 454-7494
Email: jude77 | at | att.net
Web: http://www.transitionresponse.com
Certified Transition Expert - nationally recognized specializing in
comprehensive transition assessment, hybrid service design, IEP planning
and litigation consultation.
Music Kids, LLC
Marybeth De Sarle
801 SW 7th Ave.
Hallandale, FL 33009
(954) 455-0437; (954) 534-4355; (954) 455-0437 (fax)
Email: muzart1 | at | bellsouth.net
28 years experience as an educator; licensed Kindermusik Educator;
also piano, guitar and voice instruction. I work primarily, now with
children with speech issues.
Kristen Peterson
140 Tonina Cove, Suites 100 and 150
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 599-5777
Email: kpeterson | at | maitlandacademy.net
Web: http://www.maitlandacademy.net
We provide a sensory rich, individualized education for students with
varying special needs in grades K-12 and ages 18-22.
Audiology, PA
Barbara Crotty, Au.D.
9400 S. US Hwy 17/92
Suite 1040
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 644-7960
Email: MaitlandAudio | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.MaitlandAudiology.com
Audiological services: Hearing Tests, Hearing Aids & Earmolds,
Auditory Processing Assessments & Rehabilitation.
Your Mark in Life
Lynda Sloan Allen, MEd., CPP
645 Beachland Blvd., Suite #5
Vero Beach, FL 32963
(772) 231-9998
Email: mymlc | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.makeyourmarklearningcenter.com
Individualized support for students of any age; tutoring, coaching
and training in all academic subjects, cognitive skills, and proven
strategies to improve studying and test-taking.
Mayer, Esq.
Attorney at Law
5668 Fishhawk Crossing Blvd., Suite 196
Lithia, FL 33547
(813) 613-1908
Email: jmayer | at | jmayerlegal.com
Web: http://www.jmayerlegal.com
Special education law and advocacy, representation for IEP/504 meetings,
mediation, and hearings.
Educational Consulting, LLC
Frank McKeown
1325 Twin Peaks Lane
Tallahassee, FL 32317
(850) 559-7868
Email: dyslexiasolutions | at | mac.com
Instruction, Advocacy and Resources for Children with Learning Differences.
At-home reading, spelling and writing tutoring.
Doan Malani, MA, CCC-SLP
1525 South Alafaya Trail, Suite 102
Orlando, FL 32828
(407) 382-5551; (407) 382-5637 (fax)
Email: melissa | at | floridaspeech.com
Web: www.FloridaSpeech.com
Offering speech and language therapy services specializing in pediatrics.
Accepts Medicaid, Medwaiver, select insurance plans and out of network
insurance, and private pay.
D. Malloy, Esq.
800 Village Square Crossing, Suite 308
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(561) 656-2098; (561) 309-8230 (mobile); (561) 743-0470 (fax)
Email: samanthadmalloy | at | bellsouth.net
Web: www.childrenslaw.net
Making a difference for children and families through effective advocacy
and litigation in the areas of special education, delinquency and
family law.
Autism Society
P.O. Box 18934
Sarasota, FL 34276
(941) 426-9059 evening or Spanish contact: (941) 377-0959
Email: manasotaautism | at | msn.com
Web: http://www.manasotaautism.com
Providing support and information to parents of children with autism.
Please see our web site or contact us for meeting place, date, and
Manasota BUDS (Bringing Up Down Syndrome)
Kevin Underwood
8374 Market St., #113
Bradenton, FL 34202
(941) 907-0499
Email: info | at | manasotabuds.com
Web: www.manasotabuds.com
Mission statement: To provide families with a neutral and supportive
forum for sharing and networking, and to promote understanding and
acceptance of Down syndrome. Affiliation: National Down Syndrome Society
and National Down Syndrome Congress. Meeting information: Check Web
for meeting information including date, time, and guest speaker/event
schedule. * Manasota BUDS co-sponsored
a Wrightslaw training program in 2012.
G. Matthew, M.A. Counseling Service
1345 Clay Street
Winter Park, FL 3278
(321) 689-9148; (321) 689-9148; (407) 647-1017 (fax)
Email: DeAneMatthew | at | aol.com
Web: http://DGMCounseling.com
Provides a wide range of mental health counseling services to couples
and individuals in Central FL. She is experienced in helping people
identify and problem-solve their way through the issues of everyday
life as well as other mental health concerns.
Healthcare Services
Jeff Wright or Sharon Eames
1101 W Hibiscus Blvd Suite 107
Melbourne FL 32901
(321) 951-0011; (321) 951-9888 (fax)
Email: jewright | at | maxhealth.com
Web: http://www.maxhealth.com
Maxim Healthcare Services is a nationwide provider of private duty
nursing in the home. We specialize in pediatrics, catastrophic care,
as well as respite/attendant care. We are available 24/7.
McDonough Advocacy
P.O. Box 471114
Kissimmee, FL 34747
(603) 340-5292
Email: frankmcd17 | at | gmail.com
Retired NH special education attorney relocated to Florida provides
advocacy services to parents with education issues.
Christopher McGinnis, Ph.D.
13730 Cypress Terrace Circle, Suite 401
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 482-2655; (239) 482-2656 (fax)
Email: mcginnis3 | at | mindspring.com
Web: http://www.McGinnisPsychologyGroup.com
We specialize in children and families, and offer early identification
& intervention, psychological testing & diagnosis, behavioral
consultation, and educational advocacy; we accept many insurance plans.
Therapy Group
Mary Fellenz OTR/L
5691 Naples Blvd.
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 592-6100; (239) 592-6156 (fax)
Email: mftherapygroup | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.mftherapygroup.com
Pediatric occupational and speech therapy. Fine/Visual/Perceptual
Motor delays, Handwriting and keyboarding programs. Life Skills training
Specializing in Sensory Integration.
Monarch School
Amy Arnold
1736 New Jersey Road
Lakeland, FL 33803
(863) 680-1290; (863) 680-1296 (fax)
Email: amy.arnold | at | themonarchschool.org
Web: http://www.themonarchschool.org
We specialize in educational services for students K-12 with autism
and related disorders. ABA strategies, sensory room and individualized
M.O.R.G.A.N. Project
Kristen Malfara
3830 S. Hwy. A1A
Suite C4, #153
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
(321) 506-2707
Email: info | at | themorganproject.org
Web: http://www.themorganproject.org
Assisting families raising medically fragile children with special-needs
in the family home.
Star Catholic School - Tampa
Paul Reed
210 East Linebaugh Avenue
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 935-0232; (813) 932-2321 (fax)
Email: preed | at | morningstartampa.org
Web: http://www.morningstartampa.org
A special education non-profit school in Tampa, Florida that serves
elementary and junior-high age children with learning disabilities
and related challenges.
R. Morrison, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2039 Centre Pointe Blvd., Ste 201
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 270-5447
Email: amorrison | at | amorrisonlaw.com
Web: http://www.amorrisonlaw.com
Assisting parents navigate IDEA and the ADA, helping to ensure that
their family's rights are protected and the appropriate services are
Moses & Associates
8100 SW 81 Drive, Suite 277
Miami, FL 33143
(305) 273-0014
Email: martha.moses | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.marthamoses.com
I work with families to find appropriate schools and programs for
their children. This includes day schools, boarding schools &
Speech, Language & Reading Center, Inc.
Ellen Moss, M.S., CCC
6155 Park Blvd
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(727) 345-4859; (727) 343-3516 (fax)
Email: moss.speech | at | gmail.com
Evaluation & Treatment for Dyslexia (Orton-Gillingham); Barton
Certified; Speech/Language Evaluation & Treatment; Fast ForWord
Provider; Certified in Handwriting Without Tears; Math-U-See.
My Education Coach
Stacey Einhorn
3622 Old Lighthouse Circle
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 358-1863
Email: stbe4 | at | mac.com
Student and Family Special Education Advocacy and Coaching. Will accompany to meetings.
Educational Solutions
Krista Barth
3475 Sheridan St. Suite 215b
Hollywood, FL 33021
(305) 510-6739
Email: info | at | myeducationalsolutions.com
Web: http://www.myeducationalsolutions.com
We provide special needs advocacy and educational consulting. We specialize
in 504/IEP planning as well as maximizing the matrix score.
Favorite Therapists
239 E Newport Center Dr Ste 101
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
(754) 444-3707
Email: myfavoritetherapists.jay | at | gmail.com
Web: http://myfavoritetherapists.com
My Favorite Therapists combines experience, technology, communication
and expertise to provide the majority of therapy services to autism-related
My IEP Advocate
Amy Scott Lorton, Advocate
P.O. Box 1404
Gulf Breeze, FL 32562-1404
(850) 684-IDEA
Email: amy | at | myiepadvocate.com
Web: http://www.myiepadvocate.com
Over 19 years of experience providing effective advocacy services including IEP review & analysis, meeting participation, consultations, and training workshops. * My IEP Advocate sponsored
a Wrightslaw event in Pensacola, Florida in February, 2015.
Aimee Jessup
1642 N Volusia Av Ste 201
Orange City, FL 32763
(386) 878-2400; (386) 878-2410 (fax)
Email: emilyjessup | at | mychildwins.com
Web: http://www.mychildwins.com
Emily Jessup provides applied behavior analysis services in the home,
school and community.
N Zone Sports Suncoast
6456 Fox Grape Lane
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
(941) 242-5167
Email: wskoglund | at | nzonesports.com
Web: https://www.nzonesports.com/suncoast/locations/youth-soccer-sarasota
Youth sports leagues and training for kids age 3-14 years old. Special education director available at facility.
Naini, M.Ed., Ph.D.
12989 Southern Blvd., Suite 201
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
(561) 272-6102; (561) 654-4311; (561) 795-5004 (fax)
Email: jfnaini | at | yahoo.com
Dr. Naini is a pediatric neuropsychologist & licensed psychologist,
a former professor and former Director of Psychological Assessment
at Univ. of Miami School of Medicine & special education teacher,
3333 West Pensacola Street
Suite 250
Tallahassee, FL 32304
(850) 671-4445
Email: info | at | namiflorida.org
Web: http://www.namiflorida.org/
National Alliance for Autism Research
2151 West Hillsboro Blvd. Suite 303
Deerfield Beach, Fl 33442
(800) 610-6227; (954) 421-9997 (fax)
Email: naarsouthfl | at | naar.org
Web: www.naar.org or www.autismwalk.org
To raise money to fund, promote and accelerate biomedical research
and science-based approaches that seek to determine the causes, prevention,
effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for autism spectrum disorders.
J. Nelson
347 N. New River Drive E. #704
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 763-3135; (954) 763-3134
Email: lawtexs | at | aol.com
Web: www.lawtexs.com
Advocate for special needs children is experienced evaluator NCSP
mediator offers consulting services for IDEA school issues. Licensed
Attorney only in Texas.
Nemec, Motivator
6300 Sugar Bush Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33908
(239) 433-3995
Email: dan007 | at | centurylink.net
I have cerebral palsy and told I could not enter the field of law
enforcement. I have been in the field for 25 years and nominated officer
of the year.
Nest Neuropsychology
Kendall Bowles, PhD
3203 Lawton Road, Suite 130
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 305-7436; (689) 210-2140 (fax)
Email: hello | at | nestneuropsychology.com
Web: http://www.nestneuropsychology.com
Dr. Bowles provides pediatric neuropsychological evaluations to investigate patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Recommendations and possible diagnoses are included.
Place Preschool
Kelly Thompson
7150 W. McNab Road
Tamarac, FL 33321
(954) 718-9532
Email: kelly | at | nickysplace.com
Web: http://www.nickysplace.com
We are a preschool that specializes in the education of children,
ages 2 through 5, with developmental delays and disorders. Therapy
services available on site.
Autism Support Network
Karen Vega
P.O. Box 83082
Ocala, FL 34483
(352) 509-1652
Email: autismhelpforfamilies | at | gmail.com
Web: http://ocalaautismsupportnetwork.org
OASN is a joint venture with CARD. We provide support & services
to parents/ caregivers of children on the spectrum of Autism and related
Dyslexia Services, Inc.
Patricia Dietrick
1339 Kinsmere Drive
Trinity, FL 34655
(727) 482-4118
Email: pdietrick | at | odysseydyslexiaservices.com
Web: http://odysseydyslexiaservices.com
Dyslexia screening and remediation services. Wilson Certified Reading
Teacher and advanced training in Neuhaus Basic Language Skills
Office of State Coordinator of Vocational Education for Students with
Department of Education, Turlington Building
325 W. Gaines Street, Room 701
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(850) 487-3164
Web: www.firn.edu/doe/workforce
Meric O'Grady Speech and Language
1707 Weltin St.
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 761-0561; (407) 228-4669; (407) 228-7909 (fax)
Email: cirema | at | aol.com
Speech and language therapy is play based. Specializing in developmental
delays, oral-motor, infant and toddler feeding difficulties, dysphagia,
apraxia, auditory processing, and hearing impairments.
& Up Behavior Therapy Inc.
Natalia A. Krum, MS, BCBA
19022 NE 29th Ave.
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 931-1617
Email: natalia | at | onupbehavior.com
Web: https://www.onupbehavior.com
We use the science of behavior to create significant changes that
are long-lasting and impactful to children and their families. We
can help decrease problematic behaviors and teach constructive and
age-appropriate skills, including language, play skills, daily living
skills, social skills, and academic skills.
DOORS Special Education Advocacy, LLC
Laura Tomkins, M.S., Advocate
Lakeview Office Park
1025 S. Semoran Blvd., Suite 1093
Winter Park, FL 32792
(407) 575-4051; (407) 381-0803 (fax)
Email: laura | at | opendrspedadvo.com
Web: http://www.opendrspedadvo.com
Services include educational advocacy, 504 and IEP development, attendance
at IEP meetings, and parent education. Expertise with students with
LD, Dyslexia, ADHD, and TBI.
Kirstina Ordetx
6215 Lorraine Road
Bradenton, FL 34202
(941) 755-1400; (941) 356-8193
Email: kordetx | at | earthlink.net
Web: http://www.thepinnacleacademy.com
Providing individual and group treatment in behavior management, learning
readiness, social skills training, and parent or professional education
in the clinic, home, or other natural environment setting.
Lindsey Constantine, MA, CCC-SLP
7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 50-703
Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 906-7733
Email: OrlandoSpeech1 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.orlandospeech.com
Orlando Speech is an Orlando-based mobile speech therapy company that
specializes in the treatment of pediatric speech-language disorders.
Orndoff, MAEd, ECH, Educational Remediation & Advocacy
1227 Flowers Pointe Lane
Orlando, FL 32825
(407) 620-0335
Email: yolie_bx2012 | at | icloud.com
Behavioral Consultations, Behavior Therapy, Reading Interventions,
& ESE/IEP Advocacy,
E. Owens, Esq., M.A.
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 840136
St. Augustine, FL 32080-0136
(904) 599-2555
Email: jeowens | at | lawofficeofjohnowens.com
Web: http://www.lawofficeofjohnowens.com
Legal representation and guidance for all special education issues,
from IEP meetings to due process hearings. Special Needs Estate Planning.
Personal and professional experience as education advocate / attorney.
3651 FAU Blvd., Suite 400
Boca Raton, FL 33433
(855) 695-8886
Email: marketing | at | owltutors.com
Web: http://owltutors.com
Owl Tutors is a unique premium tutoring service specializing in helping
students learn by connecting them to qualified tutors.
Beach Education Solutions, LLC
Ashley Rivello, MS Ed Law
10722 Willow Oak Ct.
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 718-3595
Email: palmbeacheducationsolutions | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.palmbeacheducationsolutions.com
Special Education Law Advocate
N. Palmer, Esq.
Attorney at Law
5260 Pimlico Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32309
(850) 668-9203
Email: floridalawlady | at | gmail.com
Cases in Florida panhandle and Utah. Document reviews and unbundled
assistance to parents who are handling cases pro se may be provided
in other areas.
Children's Services
3100 75th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
(727) 345-9111; (727) 381-6508 (fax)
Email: info | at | parc-fl.org
Web: http://www.parc-fl.org
PARC's Children's Services offers programs focused on a child's development
and provides early intervention and therapy for hundreds of children
each year.
Liaison Program, Sarasota County Schools
North County: Donna Spencer, South County: Susan Magers
1960 Landings Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34231-3331
(941) 927-9000 x 34326
Email: Donna_Spencer | at | sarasota.k12.fl.us or Susan_Magers | at
| sarasota.k12.fl.us
Web: http://www.sarasota.k12.fl.us/parents
Free service to help improve communication between home and school.
Our goal is for staff and families to work together in a positive
way to assist students.
to Parent of Miami, Inc.
7990 SW 117 Avenue, Ste 200
Miami, FL 33183
(305) 271-9797; (305) 271-6628 (fax)
Email: fgarcia | at | ptopmiami.org
Web: http://ptopmiami.org
Resource center providing peer support, information, resources, workshops, advocacy support all free of charge to parents of children with disabilities in Miami-Dade County.
to Parent of Palm Beach County
Providing Resources, Support, and Training to Families
1201 Australian Ave.
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
(561)795-0144; (561)793-1012 (fax)
Email: rr.gabriel | at | att.net
Teacher Association (PTA)
Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.
1747 Orlando Central Parkway
Orlando, FL 32809-5757
(407) 855-7604
Web: http://www.floridapta.org/
Training and Information Center (PTI)
Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc.
2735 Whitney Road
Clearwater, FL 33760-1610
(727) 523-1130; (800) 825-5736 (In Fl only)
Email: fnd | at | fndfl.org
Web: http://fndfl.org/
Special Needs Magazine
Chantai Snellgrove
310 21st Court S.W.
Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 532-4423; (772) 299-4310 (fax)
Email: info | at | parentingspecialneeds.org
Web: http://www.parentingspecialneeds.org
Parenting Special Needs Magazine is a FREE bi-monthly online magazine.
Covering "real life" with a special needs child. Providing
"practical tips", personal experiences, and resources.
of Bipolar Children, Lee County, Florida
Tinna Rubin, LPN, President
5801 Beechwood Trail
Ft. Myers, FL 33919
(239) 313-5664
Email: parentsofbpkizlee | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.parentsofbpkidzlee.org
A non-profit support group and support service, by parents for parents.
Currently organizing a multi-county Resource Guide of mental health
and developmental disabilities for children and adults.
Empowering Parents (PEP)
Deborah L. Kern
(850) 651-2617
Email: skern | at | nwfl.net
Offering Wisdom, Enrichment and Resources (POWER)
Mental Health Association of Northeast Florida
(904) 399-5468
Newsletter: http://www.nami.org/jacksonville
Special Education Advocacy
Dr. Donna Montgomery
16311 Chapman Crossing Dr.
Lithia, FL 33547
(813) 534-0836
Email: dmontgomery4 | at | aol.com
Web: http://pathwayssea.org
Works with parents to obtain essential educational services for their
children with disabilities by advocating for their right to a Free
and Appropriate Public Education.
the Way Consulting, LLC
Susan Magers and Donna Spencer
P.O. Box 20961
Sarasota, FL 34276
(941) 445-5905
Email: smmagers | at | comcast.net
Professional advocacy services to help families create win-win solutions
for their children while maintaining a collaborative relationship
with the teacher and school.
(Parental Encouragement for Autistic Children Everywhere)
Nicole Torres and Sabra Murphy
1021 Lakeland Hills Blvd.
Lakeland Fl. 33805
(863) 686-1221 ext. 228
Web: http://www.peacelakeland.com
Our mission is to educate, empower and provide a positive support
environment to families with children on the Autism
By Piece Solutions Inc
Renee Terrasi
1411 SE 47th St
Cape Coral, FL 33914
(239) 542-5002
Web: http://www.peacebypieceinc.com
At Peace by Piece, our mission is to employ our extensive education
and experience, in combination with Applied Behavior Analysis, to
provide evidence-based and compassionate services, to individuals,
families, schools, and organizations.
Pearl, MS, BCBA, Applied Behavior Analysis
1478 SE Legacy Cove Cr
stuart, FL 34997
(954) 445-5140
Email: mpearlbcba | at | aol.com
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) highly experienced (10+ years)
remediating those with Developmental Delays, Behavior Issues, Learning
Challenges & Autism
Potentials, Inc.
Brian Arnone
295 Waymont Court
Lake Mary, FL 32746
(407) 322-3962
Email: info | at | pediatricpotentials.com
Web: http://www.pediatricpotentials.com
Sensory Processing Specialists, Occupational Therapy, Speech &
Language Therapy, Neurofeedback, Handwriting
Psychology Associates
2925 Aventura Boulevard, Suite 300
Aventura, FL 33180
1390 South Dixie Highway, Suite 1305
Coral Gables, FL 33146
7301 Wiles Road, Suite 106
Coral Springs, FL 33067
(305) 936-1002
Email: info | at | mailppa.com, c.sullivan | at | mailppa.com
Web: http://southfloridatherapists.com
Social groups, ABA/VB, parent training/support, individual and family
therapy, psychological /psycho-educational evaluations, advocacy,
school training and support
Skill Builders
Jeanne Beyer MA, OTR/L
1100 North Ferncreek Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 401-8327
Email: jbeyer | at | pediatricskillbuilders.com
Web: http://www.pediatricskillbuilders.com
Our clinic provides Occupational, Physical, Speech and Language, and
Behavior Therapy in fun-filled and positive environments.
Perkins, MS, CCC-SLP
3100 SW College Rd., CC07
Ocala, FL 34474
(352) 642-2674
Email: sperk33 | at | gmail.com
A caring and certified pediatric speech language pathologist offering
individual therapy services within the comfort of your own home. Specializing
in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Serving Citrus, Lake,
Levy, Marion, and Sumter.
Behavior Services, LLC
Dr. Leslie Case, BCBA
1944 Ridgewood Drive
Clearwater, FL 33763
(727) 736-3496
Email: info | at | phoenixbehavior.com
Web: http://www.phoenixbehavior.com
Phoenix Behavior Services, LLC provides in-home Applied Behavior Analysis
(ABA) services, to children with problematic behaviors and/or diagnoses
such as Mental Retardation, ADHD, or Autism.
Dyslexia AD/HD Learning Center
4055 Tamiami Trail
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
(860) 884-9586
Email: phoenixdyslexia | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.phoenixdyslexia.com
Offering help for Dyslexia, ADD/HD and other learning disabilities.
Using drug free programs. Phoenix Dyslexia AD/HD Learning Center offers
the Davis Dyslexia Correction® program to children that are struggling
with Dyslexia and other learning disabilities, including ADD, ADHD,
math, and reading difficulties.
Therapy Plus
Mary Pawlowski, M.S., BCBA
6521 Orange Drive
Davie, FL 33314
(954) 417-7005
Email: ClientServices | at | PianoTherapyPlus.com
Web: http://www.PianoTherapyPlus.com
Piano Therapy is a behavioral intervention that integrates behavior
therapy with piano instruction. The goal of piano therapy is to assist
the individual with overcoming behavior challenges while acquiring
the skills to play the piano and read music. All therapy sessions
are conducted by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
1587 Sand Hollow Lane
Palm Harbor, Fl 34683
(727) 784-8493
Email: melmom | at | tampabay.rr.com
Academy, Inc.
Dr. Kirstina Ordetx
6215 Lorraine Road
Bradenton, FL 34202
(941) 755-1400
Email: kordetx | at | verizon.net
Web: http://www.thepinnacleacademy.com
A private academy, specializing in the education and treatment of
children (ages 18 months to 18 years) with autism and related disabilities,
using a blend of best-practice approaches.
Pitner, CTRS - Recreation Inclusion Consultant
8348 Little Road Suite 195
New Port Richey, FL 34654
(888) 571-7818
Email: trainingsandworkshops | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.recreationinclusionconsultant.com
Provide therapeutic recreation as a related service and support children
with inclusion in out of school time programs such as after school
or summer camps.
on Words Therapy Connections
Tara Cortopassi
338 Pine Glen Ct., Englewood, FL 34223 (mailing address)
19503 West Villages Pkwy Ste A11, Venice, FL 34293 (business address)
(813) 720-7529; (941) 681-2912 (fax)
Email: Playonwordsinc | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.playonwordsinc.com
Provider of in home and clinic based ABA (applied behavior analysis)
services for children ages 18 months to 18 years. Parent training,
school consultation, behavioral babysitting. Most Insurances accepted.
Angels Support (Down Syndrome)
1270 SW 28th Terr.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
(954) 581-4165
Email: podsangels | at | bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.podsangels.org
Behavior and Developmental Specialists
Preety Devgun, MA, BCBA
9138 Leeland Archer Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32836
(407) 223-1298
Email: aba | at | pbdscares.com
Web: http://pbdscares.com/
Provides ABA services, early intervention, PECS, verbal behavior,
and social skills training.
Behavior Interventions, Inc.
Daniel Knittel, MA, BCBA, LLP
12327 Winding Woods Way
Bradenton, FL 34202
(941) 739-6198; (941) 812-0402; (941) 739-6198 (fax)
Email: BehaviorAnalyst | at | Verizon.net
Web: http://PositiveBehaviorInterventions.com
We provide applied behavior analysis (ABA) services for children and
adults with autism and related disabilites. Services available in
Manatee and Sarasota counties.
Behavior Supports, Corp.
4575 SE Dixie Highway
Stuart, FL 34997
(855) 832-6727
Email: mserapin | at | teampbs.com
Web: http://www.teampbs.com
PBS Corp. is the premier provider in delivering in-home ABA services
in Florida, California, Texas, Washington, Michigan, Massachusetts,
Oregon, Maryland, Hawaii, New Jersey, & North Carolina.
Posner, Esq.
Attorney at Law
3305 College Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314
(954) 610-9311; (954) 382-8453 (fax)
Email: chayaposnerlaw | at | gmail.com
Web: http://chayaposnerlaw.com
Special needs planning and education law
H. Powers, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2627 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Suite 101
Melbourne, FL 32935
(321) 750-9008
Email: melissa | at | legalhelpforkids.com
Web: http://www.legalhelpforkids.com
Provide legal services on behalf of children with disabilities including
guardianship, guardian ad litem, education/IEP advocacy, civil rights
violations, etc.
Prader Willi Florida Association
694 SE Ashley Oak Way
Stuart, Fl 34997
(772) 287-2587
Email: PWFA2000 | at | aol.com
Web: http://members.aol.com/delchert/pwsa2.htm
* The Prader Willi Association hosted
a Wrightslaw training program in 2013 (private training).
Prism Early Advancement Center
Christina Crocco
245 Catalonia Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 448-2828
Email: info | at | prismeac.com
Web: http://www.prismeac.com
ABA therapy and school readiness instruction for young children with autism. Program is full-time, year-round, with rolling admission.
Programs for Children and Youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and School-to-Work Transition Programs
2002 Old St. Augustine Road, Building A
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 488-8380; (850) 413-9629 (TTY)
for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 through 5
Office of Early Intervention & School Readiness
Division of Public Schools/Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 325
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(850) 488-6830
Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 through 5
Florida Partnership for School Readiness
600 S. Calhoun Street
Holland Building, Room 251
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 488-0337
Web: http://www.schoolreadiness.org/
for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children’s Medical Services
Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1707
(850) 245-4200
for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2
Children's Medical Services
2020 Capital Circle, S.E.
Mail Bin A-06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700
(850) 487-2690
Email: Fran_Wilber | at | doh.state.fl.us
Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through
Prevention and Interventions Unit
Children's Medical Services
Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-06
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1707
(850) 245-4200
Email: Mike_Haney | at | doh.state.fl.us
Caroline L. Bias
2000 Derby Glen Drive
Orlando, FL 32837
(321) 947-6282; (407) 812-4358 (fax)
Email: info722 | at | projectspeech.com
Web: http://www.projectspeech.com
Pediatric therapy services provided in the child's natural environment
(home, childcare, school). Family friendly therapy strategies for
feeding disorders, autism, developmental delay, and severe communication
Land Consulting, Inc.
Jennifer Nowak, M.S., CCC-SLP
10407 SW 186 Street
Miami, FL 33157
(305) 255-9561; (305) 255-2572
Email: plandinc | at | bellsouth.net
Web: www.promisedlandconsulting.com
Life Planning, Inc.
Karen F Greenberg CFP
4673 Brady Blvd
Delray Beach, FL 33445
(561) 638-6945; (561) 865-2921; (561) 865-3676 (fax)
Email: KFGreenberg | at | cs.com
Web: http://www.prosperitylifeplanning.org
Prosperity Life Planning is a not for profit IRC 501(c)(3) organization
whose mission is to inform and educate families with a disabled loved
one, to protect the future of the disabled child.
Psychiatric Medication & Treatment
Marcella Schuyler
3402 Magic Oak Lane
Sarasota, FL 34232
(941) 347-9110; (813) 956-5435; (941) 343-9110 (fax)
Email: cfi-mschuyler | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.thechildandfamily.com
Severe behavioral problems, Neurological and Psychiatric Treatment,
Tourette's Syndrome.
Quantum Leap Educational Services
Dr. Susan P Zenick
1526 University Blvd W., Ste 163
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 733-9870; (904) 874-5312; (904) 448-3859 (fax)
Email: zenick | at | quantumleapedu.com
Web: http://www.quantumleapedu.com
Quantum Leaps goal is fostering student achievement through
in-home tutoring. Our tutoring resources benefit the unique needs
of every student, Pre-Kindergarten to Adult.
Lynn Larsen
500 E. Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 218-4300; (407) 218-4303 (fax)
Email: contact | at | questinc.org
Web: http://www.questkids.org
Helping children with autism, pervasive development disorder, and
other learning and behavior concerns with individualized one-on-one
programs using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
Lynn Larsen
514 E. Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 218-4300; (407) 218-4303 (fax)
Email: contact | at | questinc.org
Web: http://www.questkids.org
An accredited, McKay private school delivering quality education and
individualized ABA therapy for children with autism and other developmental
Quintal and Associates
5460 Lena Road, Suite 103
Bradenton, FL 34211
(941) 907-0525
Email: DrKrista | at | DrQuintal.com R.A.C.E.
Reaching Autistic Children Early
Central Florida Speech and Hearing Clinic
Lakeland FL
(863) 859-1477 ext. 328
Email: karlajoy | at | aol.com
Autism Educational Support Group. Monthly resource and informational
meetings 2nd Thursday of every month.
Diagnostic Services
Jeri Millard
175 Roscoe Blvd North
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082
(904) 534-3266; (904) 280-0566 (fax)
Email: jeri.ruld | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.ruld.org
Team provides psycho-educational evaluations to children and adults,
beginning at age 2 ½. Testing by Licensed School Psychologist and
an Educational Diagnostician. Specializing in dyslexia testing.
Kids Daycare / Group Home Inc.
Joshua Lichtenstein
2102 Little Torch Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 506-0284; (561) 881-0576
Email: hooddada | at | aol.com
Daycare, group home for children, teens, young adults w/disabilities.
Landis Raskin, Esq., JD., M.S.
P.O. Box 600606
Jacksonville, FL 32260-0606
(904) 287-2295; (904) 287-8901 (fax)
Email: dlawraskin | at | earthlink.net
Statewide Law practice concentrated in Education Law.
Potentials, Inc.
Jean Hays Bachrach, MA, CCC-SL
2875 S Congress Ave., #H
Delray Beach, FL 33445
(561) 274-3900; (954) 321-7393; (561) 274-3932 (fax)
Email: RPforAutism | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.reachingpotentials.org
Reaching Potentials is a private, non-profit organization providing
support and behavior analytic services including training, consultation
and direct care for children with autism and their families.
Reading Station
7313 International PL, Suite 90
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 361-1173
Email: sstevens | at | sosaschool.com
Web: http://www.thereadingstation.com
We provide high quality one on one reading help using the Orton-Gillingham
multi-sensory approach for children with Dyslexia and other learning
Writing, and Spelling
Carlene Badeau
P.O. Box 2706
Haines City, FL 33844-2706
(863) 353-6772
Email: badeau | at | hotmail.com
Comprehensive evaluation to determine student's strengths and weaknesses.
1:1 lessons to address these needs. Success oriented to build student's
self esteem.
Life Learning
Kea Herron, MA, ABD
1010 Rosemary Ter
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 566-5610
Email: info | at | realifelearning.com
Overwhelmed with struggling child(ren)? As an educator and parent
of a dyslexic student, I've learned how to help others advocate for
their students. Contact me!
Christian Migrant Association
Gyla Wise
402 West Main Street
Immokalee, FL 34142-3933
(239) 658-3560; (800) 282-6540; (239) 658-3571 (fax)
Email: gyla | at | rcma.org
Web: www.rcma.org
Rehab & Educational Srvcs, LLC
M. Bryant-Jones, MA CCC-SLP
2828 Dr. MLK Jr. Street South
Saint Petersburg, FL 33705
(727) 320-4098
Email: mbspeechtherapy | at | aol.com
Providing speech and language screening, testing and treatment for
children and developmentally disabled adults, in order to facilitate
increased functioning in the activities of daily living.
Rehab P.A.
Donna White M.S., OTR/L
17828 N.W. 16th Street
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
(954) 612-6724; (866) 219-8489 (fax)
Email: admin | at | resultsrehabpa.com
Web: http://www.resultsrehabpa.com
Occupational Therapy services involving screening, evaluation, treatment
and consultation for children.Occupational Therpy services are provided
in the comfort of an in-home/school setting.
ABA Therapy, LLC
Reveresco ABA Therapy
Renee Miller BCBA
911 E Atlantic Blvd #108A
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(954) 941-2323
Email: info | at | revaba.com
Since 2009, Reveresco ABA Therapy has provided Applied Behavior Analysis Services in South Florida. Services may be provided at our clinic, home, school or community settings.
Reyna Group Home, Inc.
6960 Raleigh Street
Hollywood, FL 33024
(954) 275-9412
Email: reynagrouphome | at | aol.com
Web: http://reynagrouphome.org
Reyna Group Home is a group home organization that specializes in
providing community based residential care and treatment for developmentally
delayed dually diagnosed male clients (ages 5-17) with behavioral
Roberts, Special Ed. Advocate & Consultant
701 S. Howard Ave., Ste. 106-349
Tampa, FL 33606
(512) 784-2480
Email: FloridaAdvocate | at | gmail.com
Providing parent training, special education advocacy and consulting
services in the Tampa and the surrounding counties.
of Refuge Monthly Support Group
Sheri Nelson RN
12915 Lussier Lane
Spring Hill, FL 34610-4532
(813) 996-3366; (813) 263-9991; (813) 996-5477 (fax)
Email: RockofRefuge | at | aol.com
Resources & support for families coping with Special Needs. Everyone
welcome regardless of religious beliefs or affiliation. Meetings held
on the 1st Monday of each month from 7-8:30pm at Victorious Life Church
6224 Old Pasco Rd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 (813) 973-2230
C. Rodriguez-Dowling, Psy.D., P.A.
1851 NW 123 Avenue
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
(954) 432-2100; (954) 441-0534 (fax)
Email: drmrdowling | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.psychologyconsultinggroup.com
Provide psychotherapy and group therapy as well as assessments and
evaluations, such as psychological testing and psychoeducational assessments
to children, adolescents and their families.
St. Augustine FL
(904) 794-0590; (908) 625-9509
Email: ashrose61284 | at | yahoo.com
Verbal behavior therapist providing in home therapy. Extensive knowledge
of ABLLS. Experience with RDI, DIR, DTT, teach me Language, and language
for learning.
Ruppe, Esq.
Attorney at Law
5327 Commercial Way, Suite B108
Spring Hill, FL 34606
(352) 650-5297; (352) 650-5242 (fax)
Email: ruppelaw | at | tampabay.rr.com
Web: http://www.ruppelaw.com
My firm provides representation for children with disabilities who
are having conflicts with their school board.
Ruth, Esq.
Attorney at Law
3520 NW 43rd St
Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 335-6748
Email: sruth | at | specialedlawyers.net
Web: http://www.specialedlawyers.net
Sharon Ruth provides legal advcoacy involving special education issues
throughout North Florida.
Educational Resource Center (SERC)
Ferne Rubin, Director
2477 Stickney Point Rd (303B)
Sarasota, FL 34231
(941) 924-2778
Email: fernerub | at | aol.com
We are a "one stop tutoring shop." We work with students
who have dyslexia, ADD, gifted (everyone). We have caring teachers
who are experienced.
Sarasota Mathematics and Science Academy
David Mahan
2302 Milford Circle
Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 549-4710; (855) 700-MATH
Email: seoustad | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.sarasotamathacademy.com
The Sarasota Mathematics and Science Academy offers academic support
and test preparation to students in Sarasota, Bradenton, and Venice.
Consultation Services
Shelley Greggs, NCSP
4195 Dingman Drive
Sanibel, FL 33957
(202) 681-7070; (408) 538-9073 (fax)
Email: smgreggs | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.schoolconsultationservices.com
School Consultation Services provides parents with consultation and
advocacy support and assists with important educational programming
decision making for all children, preschool through high school.
Psychology and Educational Solutions, Inc.
3270 Suntree Blvd. Suite #202
Melbourne, FL 32940
(321) 749-2549
Email: elisa | at | spaesi.com
Web: http://www.spaesi.com
School Psychologist are highly trained in both psychology and education.
Obtain information about your child's academic strengths and weaknesses,
tests for learning disabilities, documentation of accommodations.
M. Scott, Ph.D., Licensed School Psych
4620 NW 39th Avenue, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32606
(352) 256-2151
Email: drscott | at | scottpsychology.com
Web: http://www.scottpsychology.com
Dr. Scott works with pre-k through college-aged students to diagnose
learning disabilities, ADHD, developmental delays, and other learning/behavior
challenges. She also does gifted evaluations.
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
All Children’s Specialty Care of Fort Myers
4550 Colonial Blvd.
Ft. Myers, FL 33912
(941) 931-5700
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital at Baptist Medical Center
807 Nira Street, Third Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 390-3768
Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
All Children’s Specialty Care of Lakeland
3310 Lakeland Hills Blvd.
Lakeland, FL 33805
(863) 802-6600 ext. 6615
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
All Children’s Specialty Care of Pasco
5640 W. Main Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
(727) 846-9900
Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Center for Speech and Language, Inc.
5020 Goddard Ave.
Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 299-1533
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Rehabilitation Center for Children & Adults, Inc.
300 Royal Palm Way
Palm Beach, FL 33480
(561) 655-7266
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Speechcare, Inc.
1034 Jenks Ave.
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 769-5971
Scottish Rite Clinic at Baptist Hospital
1717 North E. Street
Pensacola, FL 32501
(850) 434-4957
Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Speech Language Pathology at All Children’s Hospital
33 Sixth Street, South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 892-4141 or: (800) 888-9794
Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders*
All Children’s Specialty Care of Sarasota
5881 Rand Boulevard
Sarasota, FL 34238
(941) 927-8805
Scottish Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
All Children’s Specialty Care of Tampa
12220 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 631-5014
The above clinics are operated by the All Children’s Hospital
of St. Petersburg and supported by the Scottish Rite Foundation of
Florida, Inc.
of Strengths Academy
Susan Stevens
7313 International PL
Sarasota, FL 34240
(941) 538-6822
Email: sstevens | at | sosaschool.com
Web: http://www.sosaschool.com
We are a school for students in grades 2-8 who are Dyslexic, ADHD
or have other speech/language struggles. Low teacher to student ratio.
McKay accepted.
Change, LLC.
2800 Weston Road, Suite 100
Weston, FL 33331
(954) 589-1038; (866) 883-9515 (fax)
Email: information | at | shaping-change.com
Web: http://shaping-change.com
Shaping Change, LLC. was founded in early 2012 by Dr. Janessa Dominguez.
We encompass a multidisciplinary team, specializing in behavior analysis.
Change, LLC.
Janessa Dominguez, M.S., BCBA
11011 Sheridan Street, Suite 304
Cooper City, FL 33026-1532
(954) 589-1038
Email: Janessa.Dominguez | at | Shaping-Change.com
Web: http://www.Shaping-Change.com
Specialized services for individuals with special needs including
but not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, etc. Specific services provided: ABA
therapy, family sessions, hypnotherapy, social skills, consulting,
training, tutoring.
Silverman, PsyD
4400 North Federal Highway, Suite 210-10
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Email: Silverman.rachael | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.drrachaelsilverman.com
As a clinical psychologist, I specialize in child, adolescent, couple,
& family therapy. I also complete gifted & psycho-educational
testing, in-school observations, and treatment of behavioral &
emotional issues. Office hours: Monday - Saturday 8am-7:30pm.
Sims-Stambaugh, Ed.D. - Advocate
841 Prudential Drive, 12th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 371-1945; (904) 371-1901 (fax)
Email: stambaughedu | at | att.net
Web: http://stambaughlawfirm.com
I provide the educational advocacy support for our firm. Click on
my link on our webpage to see my extensive background in special education.
Slavin, Advocate
Post Office Box 3084
St. Augustine, FL 32085-3084
(904) 471-7023; (904) 471-7323; (904)471-9918 (fax)
Email: EASlavin | at | aol.com
Zealous lay advocacy/diplomacy for concerned parents of special needs
children, who won't take "no" for an answer. Long experience
holding governments accountable.
K. Smith, MA, LMHC
2006 Town Plaza Court
Winter Springs, FL 32708
(407) 625-5314; (407) 696-7008 (fax)
Email: asmith | at | counseling4healthyliving.com
Web: http://www.counseling4healthyliving.com
Certified Play Therapist providing counseling services to children,
adolescence, and families. I specialize in behavioral and emotional
issues including ADHD, depression, anxiety, grief, and trauma.
- Supporting Our Aspie Kids
Silvia Hierro
1360 Ashford Ave NE
Palm Bay, FL 32907
(321) 626-8742
Email: soakfamilies | at | gmail.com
Web: http://soakfamilies.com
Support / awareness group for parents, families and members of the
community who are dealing with Asperger and Autism in Brevard County,
SOAR Educational Services
Latina Nickelson, M.Ed
7901 4th St. N
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
(407) 593-4487
Email: info | at | soareduservices.com
Web: http://SOAReduServices.com
SOAR Educational Services helping families navigate IEPs, 504 plans & special education.
Connection Inc.
Holly Marino, BSW, MBA
11146 Winthrop Market Street
Riverview, FL 33578
(813) 220-0971
Email: holly.acitherapy1 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.acitherapy.com/website/meet-s
Occupational and speech-language therapists offering social skills,
friendship groups, functional community therapy and extracurricular
classes for individuals with special needs.
S. Sommer, Esq.
Attorney at Law
PO Box 62279
Fort Myers, FL 33906
(239) 244-1817; (239) 297-6939 (fax)
Email: jsommer | at | tslspa.com
Web: http://www.tslspa.com
We are a sliding scale law firm, based on federal poverty guidelines.
We handle issues related to school discipline, IDEA and Section 504.
To Soul Yoga, LLC
Cheryl Albright, OTR/L, RYT
4734 Sabal Key Drive
Bradenton, FL 34203
(941) 702-2035
Email: soultosoulyogasrq | at | gmail.com
Adapted yoga services
of LIfe Music Therapy
529 Artists Ave.
Englewood, FL 34223
(941) 483-0755
Email: peggy.sounds | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.soundsoflife.net
Private contract music therapy services offering individual and group
sessions. Programs include Bright Start Music, NICU Music Therapy,
Drumming for Children, Music lessons, Palliative Care Music Therapy.
Florida Child Development Center
Angela Gonzalez
280 Westward Drive
Miami Springs, FL 33166
(305) 733-5918
Email: agonz0170 | at | aol.com
A private school and a center-based early intensive behavioral intervention
(EIBI) program for children with ASD. Only scientifically validated
procedures from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Pivotal Response
Training (PRT)are used by BCBA's and BCaBA's.
Florida PODS Angels
Mary Beth Pringle, President Parents of Down syndrome
Family Support Group, Inc.
A 501(C)3 organization
P.O. Box 60933
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6933
(239) 872-4778
Email: Pringleclan | at | msn.com
Web: www.swflpodsangels.org
Sovereign, M.Ed., SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
1923 Tyndall Drive
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 769-4670
Email: mrsjulie | at | bellsouth.net
Providing in home individual speech / language evaluations, therapy
and IEP advocacy. Specializing in pediatric therapies related to head
trauma, autism /PDD, apraxia and developmental delays.
Parent S.H.A.R.E.
Michelle Morris
1891 S. Gettysburg Dr.
Homosassa, FL 34448
(352) 621-4888
Email: Administrator | at | spdparentshare.com
Web: http://www.spdparentshare.com
National Organization of volunteer Hosts, who are parents and professionals
dedicated to provide resources, education, advocacy and support to
families living with Sensory Processing Disorder. Now includes international
Special Education Advocacy and Consulting
2250 Tybee Road
St Cloud, FL 34769
(407) 509-0022; (407) 610-2816 (fax)
Email: ddgreenwod | at | gmail.com
I work with families to ensure their students receive the services they need to reach their full potential.
Speak Education Advocacy and Consulting LLC
Daryl Greenwood
2250 Tybee Road
St. Cloud, FL 34769
Email: ddgreenwod | at | gmail.com
Advocacy work for all ESE students. I am somewhat unique in that I do home visits because I need to meet the clients in their home environments before I can represent them in school meetings.
Special Education Advocate for Kids
Paul Szolusha M.Ed
1802 Eleuthera Point
Coconut Creek, FL 33066
(954) 770-2430; (954) 977-6462
Email: spedadvocate | at | ymail.com
Advocate services for all stages of the special education evaluation
process. Our goal is successful navigation through pre-referral, eligibility,
IEP development and implementation, and annual review.
Special Education Advocacy Center (SEA Center)
Marilyn J Bartlett, J.D., Ph.D
8436 Palm Lakes Court
Sarasota, FL 34243
(727) 804-1659
Email: sea.bartlett.marilyn | at | gmail.com
Advocacy services for students from pre-school to graduate school. Based in Florida, I also serve families most States and all College/Graduate students.
Education Advocacy Services
Karen Fleetwood, M.Ed.
3140 SE 1st Ct.
Ocala, FL 34471
(352) 421-5959
Email: kjfleetwood2.0 | at | gmail.com
Consulting, advocacy and tutoring services.
Education Consulting Group, Inc
Bonnie L. Finfer, PhD
202 Lookout Place, Suite 100
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 539-2450; (407) 539-2637 (fax)
Email: dr.finfer.secg | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.specialeducationconsultinggroup.com
Consultation, Advocacy, Parent Support, IEP Preparation, Facilitation,
Transition Preparation, Organizational Efficiency, Teacher Preparation,
Trainings, Workshops, Educator Support, Administrative Support
Kids Dance & Performing Arts
Alyson Lindsey
18601 Bartow Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33967
(239) 590-0085
Email: aslindsey | at | me.com
Web: http://www.specialkidsdance.org
We teach Ballet & Tae Kwon Do to children and young adults with
special needs. Classes improve strength, flexibility & self confidence.
Kids Law Center, LLC
Minerva V. Bailey, Esq.
1580 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Ste 130
Sunrise, FL 33323
(954) 343-7087
Email: info | at | specialkidslawcenter.com
Web: http://www.specialkidslawcenter.com
Servicing families of children with special needs in Special Education,
Estate Planning, Wills, Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship, and Civil
Rights/ADA litigation.
Needs 360 Care
401 Indian Trace
Weston, FL 33327
(954) 394-5265
Email: celina.specialneeds360 | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.specialneeds360care.com
Educational Services for children with special needs k-12, such as,
advocay, academic coach, ADHD and autism coach, executive functioning
skills training
Needs Parent Advocate
Marilyn Morgan
3301 Ocean Blvd.Apt.504
Highland Beach, FL 33487
(561) 272-6280; (708) 481-5727
Email: marewiz51 | at | aol.com
I will support and assist parents using practical ideas to pursue
the best interests of their special needs children in the school system.
Needs Tiger Cub/Boyscout Troop #2222
Teresa Julian
2037 NW 81st Ave
Coral Springs, Fl 33071
(954) 729-9428
Email: jtjulian2003 | at | yahoo.com
Special Troop for children with disabilities in Broward and Surrounding
counties. We do all other scouts do just in modified way so all can
Special Students of Hernando
Nikki Pierce
4387 Elwood Rd
Spring Hill, FL 34609
(352) 584-5512
Email: info | at | specialstudentsofhernando.com
Web: http://www.specialstudentsofhernando.com
We are a support group for parents with children that have, or are
suspected of having, any disability that interferes with their education.
We offer support & training. * Special
Students of Hernando hosted a Wrightslaw training program in 2009.
Specially Designed Education Consulting
Ashley Holbert Swestyn
3301 9th St
Elkton, FL 32033
(724) 984-6459
Email: speciallydesignedspecialedllc | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.speciallydesignededucationconsulting.com
Special Education Advocacy and Consulting to help guide IEP teams in meeting students with disabilities where they are at.
House Crestview
Jodi Schmidt Center Manager
1455 S Ferndon Blvd., Unit C
Crestview FL 32536
(850) 398-6021; (850) 398-5830 (fax)
Email: Crestview.Spectrumhouse | at | gccoxmail.com
Web: http://www.spectrumhouse.org
We provide comprehensive, high quality behavioral and educational
services for children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome and other related
neurological disabilities.
House Milton
Laura O'Brien
9026 Will Sexton Rd
Milton FL 32507
(850) 957-4747
Email: spectrumhouse | at | gccoxmail.com
Web: http://www.spectrumhouse.org
We provide comprehensive, high quality behavioral and educational
services to children with Autism ,ADHD, Down Syndrome and other Related
neurological disabilities. Spectrum
House Navarre
Dr Sandra Hastings
7552 Navarre Parkway Suite 36
Navarre FL 32566
(850) 939-4190; (850) 939-4196 (fax)
Email: Navarre.spectrumhouse | at | gccoxmail.com
Web: http://www.spectrumhouse.org
We provide comprehensive, high quality behavioral and educational
services to children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome and other related
neurological disabilities.
Therapy Services, Inc.
Tyler Harrold
11011 Sheridan Street, Suite 302
Cooper City, FL 33026
(954) 499-1125; (954) 499-1147; (954) 499-1123 (fax)
Email: tyler | at | spectrumtherapyservices.com
Web: http://www.spectrumtherapyservices.com
Spectrum Therapy is a state-of-the-art pediatric facility specializing
in sensory integration. Services include Occupational, Speech and
Physical Therapy.
and Hearing
Florida Language, Speech & Hearing
Speech Pros
Summer Perkins, MS, CCC-SLP
3100 SW College Rd., CC07
Ocala, FL 34474
(352) 642-2674
Email: sperk33 | at | gmail.com
Pediatric Speech Language Pathologists offering therapy services within
the comfort of your home. Social skills groups are available! Serving
Citrus, Lake, Marion, and Orange Counties.
Certified Reading Specialist
801 Cavemill Way
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
(727) 692-0988
Email: Info | at | DyslexiaFacts.Net
Web: http://www.DyslexiaFacts.Net
Certified Reading Specialist in the Barton Reading and Spelling System.
Moderator of forums at Understood.org, LDOnline.org and Millermom.
Public Speaker and writer on Dyslexia and Assistive Technology.
B. Spelman, MS, CCC-SLP
1155 Louisiana Avenue, Suite 101
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 792-9552
Email: spelmanspeech | at | earthlink.net
Web: http://www.spelmanreadingtherapy.com
Comprehensive reading evaluation and tutoring, speech/language therapy.
One-to-one tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, FastForWord, LindaMood Bell.
Certified in reading instruction and speech pathology.
Bifida Association of Florida, Inc.
24 Beach Walker Road
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-6600
(904) 261-6639; (800) 722-6355 (in FL only)
Email: psabadie | at | net-magic.net
Cord Injury Center
Eric higgins
20 N Orange Ave, Suite 800
Orlando, FL 32801
(800) 800-0640
Email: ehiggins | at | brainandspinalcord.org
Web: http://www.brainandspinalcord.org
We provide brain and spinal cord information and support.
Spire-Oh, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2749 Exchange Court
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 307-9620; (561) 537-7034 (fax)
Email: kimberley | at | ksolawfirm.com
Web: http://www.ksolawfirm.com
Advising and representing parents and children in eligibility, IEP
and 504 meetings; due process hearings; disciplinary actions; and
court cases. Sliding scale fees.
Cloud Little League
John Giambrone
P. O. Box 701713
St. Cloud, FL 34770
(407) 436-8939; (407) 908-5835
Email: jsgiambrone | at | comcast.net
Web: http://www.stcloudll.org
We run a division of Little League for kids with special needs. The
Challenger League is FREE to all the kids.
Stambaugh, Esq.
Attorney at Law
841 Prudential Drive, 12th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 371-1945; (904) 371-1901 (fax)
Email: stambaughlaw | at | att.net
Web: http://stambaughlawfirm.com
Provide both legal and educational advocacy services to parents in
primarily northeast FL, but throughout the state of FL when requested.
Heather O'Brien
3301 College Ave
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328
(954) 262-7117
Email: oheather | at | nova.edu
Web: http://www.nova.edu/
Starting Right is an early intervention, parent-child class designed
to serve children 18-36 months of age exhibiting delays in language
and social skills.
Agency for Visual Impairments
Division of Blind Services
Department of Education
2551 Executive Center Circle West, Suite 200, Lafayette Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 488-1330
Department of Education: Special Education
Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services
Division of Public Schools and Community Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 614
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(850) 488-1570
Email: goffs | at | mail.doe.state.fl.us
Web: www.firn.edu/doe/commhome
Developmental Services
Florida Department of Children and Families
Developmental Disabilities Program Office
1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 3, Room 325
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700
(850) 488-4257
Email: darlene_golden | at | dcf.state.fl.us
* State Developmental
Disabilities Planning Council
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council
124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203
Tallahassee, FL 32301-2981
(850) 488-4180
Email: joek.fddc | at | nettally.com
Web: http://www.fddc.org/
Education Agency Rural Representative
Instructional Programs
Division of Public Schools and Community Education
Department of Education
Florida Education Center, Room 514
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 488-2601
Mediation System
Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 614
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(850) 488-1216
Mental Health Agency
Mental Health Programs Office
Department of Children and Families
1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700
(850) 488-8304
State Mental Health Representative for Children and Youth
Children's Mental Health Program
Mental Health Programs Office
1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6, Room 290
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700
(850) 488-8304
Web: www.state.fl.us/cf_web/
Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Department of Education
2002 Old St. Augustine Road, Building A
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4862
(850) 488-6210
Web: http://www.rehabworks.org/
Advocacy Network on Disabilities, Inc. (STAND)
PO Box 172236
Tampa, FL 33672-0236
(813) 258-5700
Web: www.standadvocates.org
Stephens, LLC
P.O. Box 3852
Sarasota, FL 34230
(941) 345-7574
Email: lori | at | LoriStephensLLC.com
Web: http://LoriStephensLLC.com
Assistance getting your child the help they need to be successful
at school and at home. Parent coaching and representation for advocacy,
behavior and best outcomes.
Stone School
Michael B. Spellman, MEd, PhD
4835 27th Street West, Suite 225
Bradenton, FL 34207
(941) 739-8886
Email: admin | at | TheSteppingStoneSchool.com
Web: http://www.TheSteppingStoneSchool.com
The Stepping Stone School helps enhance the lives of students throughout
their lifespan, not only at school, but also in their home, and community
Forward Therapy Center
Lori Bartels-Tobin
6830 Central Avenue, Suite A
(727) 823-2529; (727) 289-7062 (fax)
Email: dr.lbtobin | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.stepstherapy.net
Speech and occupational therapy services for children
Council for Exceptional Education
Ms. A. garcia President SCEC
Judith Cohen, Ed.D., Director Office of Field Experiences
College of Education, Florida International University
University Park, ZEB 230
Miami, FL 33199
(305) 348-2082; (305) 238 2570; (305) 348-2721 (fax)
Email: agarcia17 | at | dadeschools.net or cohenj | at | fiu.edu
Web: http://www.fiu.edu/~scec/
Helps serve the Miami Dade County Community's students through Florida
International University Chapter #0822. We have free mentoring and
tutoring programs as well as all sorts of activities involving exceptional
18639 SW 107 Avenue
Miami, FL 33157
(800) 901-0947
Email: info | at | sunshinetherapy.com
Web: www.sunshinetherapy.com
Sunshine Therapy is a pediatric physical therapy clinic offering a
60 hour intensive Suit Therapy program combined with aquatic therapy,
hippotherapy and swimming with dolphins for children with neuromuscular
disorders such as CP and TBI's.
Therapy Services, Inc.
Deborah Campbell
315 NE 10th Ave
Crystal River, FL 34429
(352) 795-7006; (352) 796-0069; (352) 795-7008 (fax)
Email: superiortherapy | at | embarqmail.com
Web: http://www.superiortherapyservices.com
Therapy Services Available: Speech, Expressive/Receptive language,
Voice, Fluency/Stuttering, Swallowing/Dysphagia and Feeding Aversion,
Sensory Processing, Learning Disability, Diagnostic Testing for Dyslexia.
Tutoring Services of Florida. Inc.
Alina Lorenzo, MS.Ed.,NBCT
2423 SW 147 Avenue, #180
Miami, FL 33185
(786) 326-5178; (305) 553-5633 (fax)
Email: superiortutoring | at | ymail.com
Tutoring and Educational Consulting for children and families. Specializing
in all areas of Special Needs including: Autism,ADHD,LD,PDD. Tutors
at your location!
Group for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Mary Rohrer
P.O. Box 1239
Bushnell, FL 33513
(352) 793-9050; (352) 793-9050 (fax)
Email: mrohrer | at | cfl.rr.com
Open support group that meets the 1st Monday of every month excluding
holidays at Leesburg Regional Medical Center's North Campus Auditorium
from 7PM-9PM
PODS Angels (Down Syndrome)
3422 SE 11th Place
Cape Coral, FL 33904-4209
(239) 872-4778; (239) 540-7897; (239) 540-7897 (fax)
Email: Pringleclan | at | msn.com
Web: http://www.swflpodsangels.org
Our mission is to educate, empower and provide positive support to
families with children/loved one who have Down syndrome
Day School
12606 Henderson Road
Tampa, FL 33625
(813) 269-2100; (813) 963-7843 (fax)
Email: tds | at | tampadayschool.com
Web: www.tampadayschool.com
Grades K - 8, Lois Delaney, Head of School. An accredited private
school that understands your child's specific learning needs and style.
C. Taylor, Esq.
Attorney at Law
609 East Jackson Street, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 223-1099; (813) 223-1055 (fax)
Email: ptaylor | at | slw-law.com
Attorney and advocate services to assist you with your childs special
education needs.
Florida Alliance for Assistive Service and Technology
1020 E. Lafayette Street, Suite 110
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4546
(850) 487-3278
Email: faast | at | faast.org
Web: http://faast.org/
Life Concepts
Cila Nudelman
1011 Ives Dairy Road
Building 2 Suite 208
North Miami Beach, FL 33179
(305) 653-0098; (305) 654-4412 (fax)
Email: tlccilanudelman | at | aol.com
At Therapeutic Life Concepts (TLC) our mission is to help your child
achieve individual, academic, and interpersonal success. We believe
that our comprehensive, clinical, and holistic approach addressing
the needs of your child and your family will accomplish this success.
Thinking Center
Amy F. Weinberger
5989 Approach Road
Sarsota, FL 34238
(941) 924-6373; (941) 345-7575; (941) 923-9520 (fax)
Email: thinkingcenter | at | gmail.com
Web: http://thinkingcenter.com
Assessments & Consultations, Cognitive & Reading Intensive
Training, On-Line Academy, Tutoring, IEP Planning & Support, Academic
Crisis Intervention, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Standardized & Normed-Testing,
and 12-36 Hour Intervention Programs.
Thompson, Esq.
Attorney at Law
150 E. Bloomingdale Ave., Suite 172
Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 699-4103
Email: Donthompsonlaw | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.thompsonlaw.legal
Legal services and Advocacy
Margaret Fernandez
4800 NW 6 St
Miami, FL 33126
(786) 239-6234; (305) 446-5674 (fax)
Email: margaret | at | tinyeye.com
Web: http://www.tinyeye.com
We provide online speech therapy services to children via interactive
software programs using webcams and headsets. Our staff is comprised
of licensed and experienced SLP's in your area who can work with students
individually from home or with an entire school.
Dyslexia Services
Thora Cook
6340 26th Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
(727) 709-2576
Email: Thoracook | at | gmail.com
I am a certified Barton tutor which is an Orton Gillingham reading
& spelling program. I also address dyslexia related math &
written composition remediation.
Soccer of CFU Soccer Club
Jeff Lee, Director
6964 Aloma Ave.
Winter Park, Fl. 32792
(407) 695-4957
Email: Jswaklee | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.cfusc.com
Top Soccer is a program for kids with physically or mentally disabilities
who would like to play and learn soccer and have fun.
M. Torra, Ed.S.
Licensed School Psychologist
1879 Lee Rd. Suite #5
Winter Park, FL 32804
(407) 375-7286; (407) 839-0491 (fax)
Email: florapsy | at | gmail.com
Evaluations, Counseling and Consulting for children/adolescents and
their families, Specializing in Play Therapy Diplomate, School Neuropsychology
Psycho-Educational Services, Inc.
Mary A. Travis, PhD
1950 Lee Road
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 644-1522; (407) 644-2112 (fax)
Email: drmary | at | travisps.com
Web: http://www.travisps.com
Positive Psychology - Neuropsychology - Evaluations for Placement
and RTI Planning. Group and Individual Counseling. Specializing in
Anxiety, Depression and Trichotillomania. Profession, Personal and
Positive Service.
Coast Speech and Language, Inc.
Kelly Harris, Director
1982 SE Federal Highway
Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 463-6623; (772) 463-6628 (fax)
Email: kharris | at | treasurecoastspeechandlanguage.com
Web: http://www.treasurecoastspeechandlanguage.com
Providing innovative therapeutic and behavioral services from birth
to adults.
Specializing in the following: Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational
Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Autism, Pervasive Developmental Delay,
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities
Carole Polefko
2046 NE Waldo Road Suite 3200
Gainesville, FL 32609
(352) 273-0581; (352) 846-3703 (fax)
Email: card-info | at | ufl.edu
Web: http://www.card.ufl.edu
UF CARD provides support and assistance with the goal of optimizing
the potential of people with autism and related disabilities. Training,
Technical Assistance, Consultation, Referral.
The Unicorn Children's Foundation
Sharon Alexander
3350 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Suite A-28
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 620-9377; (561) 620-9376 (fax)
Email: salexander | at | eunicorn.com
Web: http://www.eunicorn.com
The Unicorn Children's Foundation is an international not-for-profit
organization dedicated to education, awareness, and research on behalf
of children with communication and learning disorders. *
The Unicorn Children's Foundation hosted a Wrightslaw training program
in 2006.
Cerebral Palsy of Central Florida
Joanne Solomon
3305 S. Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32806
(407) 852-3333; (407) 852-3301 (fax)
Email: jsolomon | at | ucpcdc.org
Web: www.ucpcdc.org
Services for children to age 21, with all disabilities: Physical,
Speech and Occupational Therapy, Pre-School Inclusive Charter School
(free tuition), Family Support and I&R.
Cerebral Palsy of Florida
1830 Buford Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 922-5630
Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Mailman Center for Child Development
University of Miami School of Medicine
1601 N.W. 12th Avenue
Miami, FL 33136
Email: darmstrong | at | miami.edu
Web: http://pediatrics.med.miami.edu/
Bridget Zoltek
504 Ellsworth St.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
(407) 285-1090
Email: bzoltek | at | unlimitedlearning.biz
Web: http://www.unlimitedlearning.biz
Educational Therapist with over 20 yrs experience in many research
based multi-sensory therapies. Tutoring also offered. Executive Function
training is my specialty.
Vanguard School
Melanie Anderson
22000 Hwy 27
Lake Wales, FL 33859
(863) 676-6091; (863) 676-8297 (fax)
Email: melanie.anderson | at | vanguardschool.org
Web: http://www.vanguardschool.org
Private boarding and day school (Grades 5-12) for students with learning
disabilities and ADHD. McKay Scholarships accepted. Summer programs
available. Call for more information.
Behavior Services Inc.
Norma I. Vega, BCABA
15437 SW 147st
Miami, FL 33196
(305) 298-6734; (305)234-6124
Email: vega05 | at | bellsouth.net
VBS helps families manage and decrease inappropriate behaviors like
tantrum, physcial, verbal aggression or other undesirable behaviors
at home or school. Providing training for parents, teachers and/or
America, Inc.
3552 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm, FL 34990
(888) 343-9205; (772) 220-6005; (772) 220-5867 (fax)
Email: Rebekah.Hensley | at | VIPAmerica.com
Companion, Personal Care, In Home Services, Non Residential Services,
Residential Habilitation, Supported Living, Supported Employment and
Respite care; Medwaiver, FSL Medwaiver, most insurances and private
pay accepted.
Visaggio, Reading Tutor
2900 Traverse Ave
North Port, FL 34286
(941) 347-3124
Email: janis_tom | at | aol.com
Provide Individual Reading & Spelling Tutoring for children or
adults with dyslexia using the Barton Reading & Spelling System.
Vizon Quest
Melony Craft, CBTAC
454 W Pipkin Rd
Lakeland, FL 33813
(727) 619-3875
Email: Melonycraft | at | vizonquest.com
Web: http://Vizon quest.com
Education and Employment Services for Individuals with Disabilities: Including:IEP Advocacy, Tutoring, Transition Planning, Employment Training and Assistance with Self-Employment.
Arts of Florida
3500 E. Fletcher Avenue, Suite 234
Tampa, FL 33613
(813) 975-6962
Email: vsaarts | at | tempest.coedu.usf.edu
Web: http://www.vsafl.org/
Walsh Behavioral Consulting
210 Glenwood Ave.
Satellite Beach, FL 32937
(321) 537-6787
Email: ewalsh.aba | at | gmail.com
Applied Behavior Analysis consultation/direct services for children
with developmental disabilities. Verbal behavior, assessments, social,
play, and motor skills, academics and problem behavior management.
Consulting, Inc.
Steve Bast, MHS, CVE, CDMS, CC
4401 W Atlantic Blvd, #1103
Coconut Creek, FL 33066
(954) 984-8833
Email: Transferability | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.datapeoplethings.com
Medical case management. Life Care Planning. Damages assessment in
support of lawsuits, including future earnings capacity.
David S Berger, MD
3341 W. Bearss Avenue
Tampa, FL 33618
(813) 960-3415
Email: info | at | wholisticpeds.com
Web: http://www.wholisticpeds.com
Board Certified Pediatrician, Advanced DAN! Practitioner, Primary
Care Pediatrics, Biomedical (nutritional and detoxification) therapies
for Autism, ADHD, Allergies and other Chronic and Related Disorders.
Syndrome Changing Lives Foundation
5139 5th Way North
Saint Petersburg, FL 33703
(727) 557-7177
Email: penny | at | wschanginglives.org
Web: http://www.wschanginglives.org
Enhancing the lives of children and adults living with Williams syndrome
by providing needed financial assistance with medical, therapeutic,
recreational needs and other developmental resources.
Jane Windsor, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2014 4th Street
Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 487-7527; (941) 296-7429 (fax)
Email: jane | at | windsoreducationlaw.com
Web: http://www.windsoreducationlaw.com
A law firm focused entirely in Education serving students of all ages (K-20) throughout the state of Florida.
Wood LMT
P.O. Box 13582
Tampa, FL 33681
(813) 340-3976
Email: wendie | at | gate.net
Web: http://Wendie.massageplanet.com
I provide home based massage therapy services for children and young
adults with physical disabilities in Tampa. I have experience in myofascial
Kristine Worden Tutoring
3346 49th St. N #102
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
(727) 501-2028
Email: worden.dyslexia | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.infodyslexia.com
Certified Barton Reading and Spelling Tutor. HWT Handwriting. I also
tutor writing and math. FL Certified K-6 and ESE Teacher.
The Puzzle, Inc.
100 Coral Harbour Ct
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
(904) 273-8375
Email: info | at | workingthepuzzle.com
Web: http://www.workingthepuzzle.com
Certified Educational Programming for Individuals with Exceptionalities
including ABA and Music Therapy. In Home, Clinical, or School Setting
Services available to North Florida and South Georgia.
E Wright, Esq.
Attorney at Law
3231 NW 47th Place
Gainesville, FL 32605
(352) 871-8255
Email: newright.law | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.newrightlaw.com
Legal representation in the areas of Special Education, Medicaid and
Waiver programs, and Guardian Advocacy and alternatives.
Kneads - Therapeutic Massage & Body Work
Susan Walker
101 Riverview Dr.
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
(772) 919-5967; (772) 359-3683; (772) 344-8951 (fax)
Email: toezee | at | msn.com
Licensed Massage Therapist with training and experience in the Behavioral
field. I work with very special and gifted people (Autisum)using touch
and interaction. We build a relationship through touch which leads
to communication, awareness and presence.
School Success Doctor
Krista Robertson, Ph.D.
31510 Anson Rd.
Myakka City, FL 34251
(941) 961-4480
Email: drkrista | at | schoolsuccessdoctor.org
Web: http://www.schoolsuccessdoctor.org
Your personal advocate and experienced psychologist well versed in
psychological assessment and development of 504 accommodations for
elementary through college age students (including adults).
Zamir, Parent Advocate
14931 East Falcons Lea D
Davie, FL 33331
(954) 793-7111
Email: melodyz954 | at | gmail.com
Educational counseling, IEP meetings, evaluations, placement, IDEA
Test Preparation
17425 Bridge Hill Ct, Ste 200
Tampa, FL 33647
(866) 448-8867
Web: http://www.ztestprep.com/
Our one-on-one test prep tutoring programs are available in-home or
A. Zuckerbrod P.A. - Estate Planning
40 S.E. 5th Street #400
Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 544-8144
Email: zuckerbrodlaw | at | yahoo.com
Todd handles estate planning and assists his clients every step of
the way.