Missouri Yellow Pages for Kids
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Those listings containing an asterisk (*) have sponsored a Wrightslaw conference.
Spec Ed Statute (RSMo) Chapter 162
(start at 162.670) - 8/28/2014
Code of State Regs (CSR) - 2/28/2014
Autism and Behavioral Spectrum
14733 Clayton Road
Chesterfield, MO 63011
(314) 339-7732
Email: info | at | abspectrum.org
Web: http://www.reggioautism.com
First Multi-Therapy Autism Reggio Emilia Center and PreSchool in
the World. Offers ABA, OT, Art, and Speech Therapy. Family Counseling
for support groups and parents from licensed Counselor.
Special Education Advocacy & Consulting
4 Woodchase #45
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 326-9658
Email: advocate | at | letstalkspecialed.com
Web: http://www.letstalkspecialed.com
3E Special Education Advocacy & Consulting dba Let's Talk Special
Ed Missouri-Parent coaches & IEP trainers Empowering, Equipping
and Engaging families and children with special needs.
A Child's Path Back, Inc.
607 South Rodgers Rd.
Louisburg, KS 66053
(913) 837-5544; (913) 837-5544 (fax)
Email: achildspathback | at | live.com
Web: http://achildspathback.com
A non profit organization that provides a Firefighter Advocate to
assist children in going back to school following a life altering
injury or illness.
Extended Education
LaTosha Hayes
1200 Tower Grove Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63110
(314) 705-1493
Email: aaaexedu | at | gmail.com
AAA Extended Education provides affordable tutoring/daycare services
for children with special needs ages 3-14 yrs. Services are provided
by a certified elementary and reading teacher.
Consultants and Implementers, LLC
Anita Nelson, BCBA/LBA
1404 Southern Hills PMB 262
West Plains, MO 65775
(417) 293-3446; (417) 256-0085 (fax)
Email: aba | at | centurytel.net
With over 11 years of experience, we provide ABA services, consultations,
and training to children with ASD, to parents, organizations, and
to schools.
ABA Implementor
1700 Birch Street
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
(816) 630-1920
Email: specialneedsadvocate | at | yahoo.com
1-on-1 ABA (applied behavioral analysis) implementor, parent mentor,
respite care, instructional specialist, curriculum adaptations,
consultant, specializing in autism but serving all special needs.
Ability Network
Leslie Elpers, Director
284 Merchant Street
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
(866) 483-3555; (573) 883-8181; (573) 883-8182 (fax)
Email: lelpers | at | abilitynetwork.org
Web: http://www.abilitynetwork.org
Ability Network provides speech, physical, occupational, and developmental
therapy, positive behavior support, staff training and school contractual
services throughout rural Missouri and in some metropolitan areas.
Acellus Academy
11020 N Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, MO 64053
(866) 684-6127
Email: victoria | at | acellusacademy.com
Web: https://www.acellusacademy.com
Acellus Academy is an accredited online school that empowers students to excel academically.
Education Advocates & Consultants
Debora A. Blake, J.D.,
Ann Arbor/Detroit areas
2531 Jackson Avenue, Suite 219
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Lansing/Jackson areas
844 Barrett Lane
Jackson, MI 49202
Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo areas
Post Office Box 422
Plainwell, MI 49080
(888) 834-4340
Email: deborablake | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.accesseducationmi.com
Proactive advocacy services and consultation provided throughout
southern Michigan. Advocates include a former education administrative
law judge/hearing officer, special education administrator, and
school social worker.
II Independent Living Center
Todd Sherman, Child Advocate
West Johnson
Gallatin, MO 64640
(660) 663-2423; (660) 663-2663 (TTY)
Email: tsherman | at | accessii.org
Web: http://www.accessii.org
We provide services to disabled individuals - advocacy, IEP assistance,
transportation, independent living skills training, peer support,
information / referral, resource library and an equipment loan program.
Speech Services
Jennifer Anne Lane Lehr
6710 North Nevada Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64152
(816) 739-4361
Email: jlehradvantagespeech | at | earthlink.net
Speech-language pathology services specializing in families with
children age birth-8. With over 15 years of clinical experience,
including consultation, therapy, and Vital-Stim.
C. Altman
Ballwin, MO 63022
(636) 256-0200
Email: gailaltman | at | sbcglobal.net
30+ years experience regular and special education as teacher and
interpreter for the deaf. B.S. in Speech and Hearing. MO certified
Teacher of the Deaf & certified Mediator.
J. Altman, Esq.
Attorney at Law
621 N. Skinker Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63130
(314) 862-0200; (314) 862-3050 (fax)
Email: larry | at | laschoollaw.com
Law office owner in practice for over 30 years in the St. Louis
area representing numerous families with disabled children in public
education to get the appropriate educational services according
to IDEA and Section 504.
Learning Processes
Billie Calvery
430 East Blue Ridge Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64145
(816) 942-6808
Email: info | at | appliedlearningprocesses.com
Web: http://appliedlearningprocesses.com
We develop the underlying processing necessary for comprehension,
reading, spelling, math, and visual-spatial skills using multi-sensory
methods authored by Lindamood-Bell and others. Our business is located
just 1/2 mile from the Kansas/MO state line.
Art and Play Therapy Center
Jane Seelig LPC, ATR,BC,S-CPT
7243 Delmar suite 201
St. Louis, Mo 63130
(314) 832-7340; (314) 862-7268 (fax)
Email: jwseelig | at | swbell.net
Web: http://www.PsychotherapySaintlouis.org
Jane focuses on children with Disabilities and child development.She
creativiely ises client centered, family centered solution based
therapy. She develops a sensory integration process in Art and Play
therapy to help kids express their thoughts and feelings more successfully
Concepts Incorporated
Nancy Champlin
11302 Strang Line Road
Lenexa, KS 66215
(913) 663-4100
Email: kansas | at | concepts.com
Web: http://www.autism-concepts.com
Dedicated to providing interventions based on the principles of
applied behavior analysis to motivate children with ASDs or other
developmental delays to independently communicate, play, and socially
engage in their community.
Support Group in Franklin County
Stephani Kent
312 Olive St.
Washington, MO 63090
(573) 821-6004
Email: sign2meto | at | gmail.com
Where a group of people get together & offer families support
& a place to share information and emotional support and address
common concerns
Bascom, MSW, LCSW
1121 Olivette Executive Parkway, Suite 205
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 991-9058
Email: lee | at | leebascom.com
Counseling and case management services for people with disabilities
and special needs of all ages and their families. Client centered
and solution focused.
Basel, Tutoring
123 Nattinger
Warrensburg, MO 64093
I provide tutoring for children preK-12. I also have experience
with respite care. I have worked with severely handicapped children
as well as children with mild learning disabilities, autism, and
mental retardation.
Solutions, Inc.
Colin Peeler, PhD, BCBA
321 Copper Tree Ct.
O'Fallon, MO 63368
(636) 265-0407
Email: info | at | behsolutions.com
Web: http:// www.behsolutions.com
We provide behavioral consultation, parent and staff training, behavior
plan development, skill training and behavior reduction. We help
others through education, training, and support.
Belle Center of St. Louis
Jodi Woessner
1082 Old Des Peres Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63131
(314) 821-5230; (314) 962-1037; (314) 821-5309 (fax)
Email: info | at | bellecenter.com
Web: http://www.bellecenter.com
The Belle Center supports families who have a child with disabilities
in home and community settings. These include PT, OT, SP/L therapy,
Sibshops, family education, advocacy and training and a full day
inclusive preschool program.
Supported Living, LLC
Julie Walden, MBA
601 West Business Loop 70
Suite 137-C
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 234-6301; (888) 527-7533 (fax)
Email: admin | at | booneisl.com
Web: http://www.booneisl.com
Homes for 1-3 children/adolescents with developmental disabilities.
Regular sessions with master's level therapist; RN on staff; supervision
by highly trained professional staff.
Brain Injury Association of Missouri
10270 Page, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 426-4024; (800) 377-6442
Email: braininjry | at | aol.com
Web: www.biausa.org/Missouri/bia.htm
Innovators, LLC - Solutions for Readers
Joan M. Brennan
P.O. Box 22043
Saint Louis, MO 63126
(314) 892-3897
Email: joan | at | focusandread.com
Web: http://www.focusandread.com/
Since 2007, we provide evidence-based, physical & digital reading
tools as well as strategies for challenged readers of all ages &
ability levels.
Kay McCarthy
439 S. Kirkwood Rd., Ste. 203
St. Louis, MO 63122
(314) 324-0799
Email: kaymccarthyot | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.KayMcCarthyOT.com
Pediatric Occupational Therapy practice for children between the
ages of 2yrs to 7yrs old. Therapy for fine and gross motor skills,
sensory and behavioral strategies.
Bureau of Special Heath Care Needs/Department of Health
P.O. Box 570, 930 Wildwood
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 751-6246
T. Burgess, Esq.
Attorney at Law
McCormick & Fracassa, P.C.
1508 NE 96th Street
Liberty, MO 64068
Also, KC North, Lee's Summit and Sedalia
(816) 505-1999; (816) 806-7997
Email: kburgess | at | elderlawmo.com
Web: http://www.elderlawmo.com
Estate planning for families of individual's with special needs,
including creation of Special Needs Trusts to preserve public benefits
Capable Kids and Families
Phelps County Community Partnership
1101 Hauck Drive
Rolla, MO 65401
(573) 368-2849; (888) 541-4636
Provides a loan program of developmental therapy equipment, respite
care, networking meetings/playgroups, toy certificates, a resource
library, and an accessible playroom for children with developmental
delays, sensory impairments, CP or any other disability.
The Capaha Scottish Rite Program for Speech & Language Disorders
(Cape Girardeau)
Inquiries: Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri, Inc.
P.O. Box 23036
St. Louis, MO 63156
(314) 533-5557
Celebrate Differences
Rebecca Christiansen
PO Box 770
Camdenton, MO 65020
(630) 885-3006
Email: info | at | celebratedifferences.org
Web: http://www.celebratedifferences.org
We offer informative workshops, job skills training and employment opportunities, outreach projects, social activities and social networking.
for Resolutions, LLC
Emily Marshall, MS, LPC
2124 W Chesterfield Blvd., D102
Springfield, MO 65807
(417) 862-2273; (417) 862-8659 (fax)
Email: center4resolutions | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.centerforresolutions.com
Counseling practice providing outpatient and in-home therapy services.
Institute for the Deaf
Andrea Osman, Admissions
825 South Taylor Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 977-0132; (314) 977-0023 (fax)
Email: aosman | at | cid.edu
Web: http://www.cid.edu
CID is a school that teaches children birth-12 who are deaf and
hard of hearing to listen, talk and read without using sign language.
Ken Chackes, Esq.
Attorney at Law
906 Olive St., Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 880-4465; (314) 872-7017 (fax)
Email: kchackes | at | cch-law.com
Web: http://www.cch-law.com
We have been representing children with disabilities and their parents
for over 35 years in legal matters involving special education,
discrimination, and sexual abuse.
CHARGE Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
Marion A Norbury, Executive Director
409 Vandiver Dr., Ste 5-104
Columbia, MO 65202-1563
(573) 499-4694 (voice/fax); (800) 442-7604 (families only)
Email: marion | at | chargesyndrome.org
Web: http://www.chargesyndrome.org
Children & Youth Services
Division of Psychiatric
1706 East Elm, P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-8028
Email: mzmorre | at | mail.dmh.state.mo.us
Web: http://www.dss.state.mo.us/
Life Care Planners & Case Managers
Becky Duwe, RN, BSN, CNLCP, CM
11043 Lawrence 1170
Mount Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 466-7480; (417) 209-4372; (417) 471-1601 (fax)
Email: beckyduwe | at | hotmail.com
Develop Life Care Plans. Perform assessments and provide recommendations
for personal and home modification needs. Train caregivers and advocate
patient / injured workers needs.
The Connection
Sam Timbrook
4930 East Richland RD, Apt #5
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 881-0031
Email: sam | at | samtimbrook.com
Web: http://samtimbrook.com
Life Coaching to help parents travel the emotions of parenting a child with special needs.
and Assessment Center, LLC
Stacey Roth, MA, LPC, NCC
300 Ozark Trail Drive, Suite 220
Ellisville, MO 63011
(314) 971-5797; (866) 224-4141 (fax)
Email: srothlpc | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.sarcounseling.com
I am a licensed professional Counselor and specialize in ADHD, ODD,
Asperger's and Dyslexia assessment and treatment. I am a dyslexia
testing specialist. I am also available to attend IEP/504 meetings
to assist with advocacy.
Comprehensive Learning Institute for Challenge
Debra Bryant
444 Sovereign Ct.
Ballwin, MO 63011
(314) 882-2264; (314) 750-0068; (618) 281-9219 (fax)
Email: debra | at | makeitclick.org
Web: http://www.makeitclick.org
The Comprehensive Learning Institute for Challenged Kids serves
children with unique needs ages 2-17 in the areas of social development,
fine and gross motor development, speech and language development,
and behavior.
L. Cullan
Cullan and Cullan / Doctors Practicing Law
4151 N Mulberry Drive, Suite 260
Kansas City, MO 64151
(816) 756-0423; (816) 756-1908 (fax)
Email: vcullan | at | cullanmedlaw.com
Web: http://www.doctorspracticinglaw.com
Medicare/ Medicaid Lien reduction, estate planning for families
with special needs children with cerebral palsy and brain injury.
Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments
Debbie Chapuis, MSW
1750 S. Big Bend Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63117
(314) 776-1300; (314) 776-7808 (fax)
Email: info | at | dgckids.org
Web: http://www.dgckids.org
Delta Gamma Center is a nonprofit agency dedicated to helping children
who are blind/visually impaired reach their potential through family-centered,
specialized services and support.
Department of Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-4426
Web: http://www.dese.state.mo.us/
Department of Mental Health
1706 East Elm, P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-3070; (800) 364-9687
Web: http://www.dmh.missouri.gov/
DESE Administrative Rules
Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
1706 East Elm, P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-8676
Web: http://www.dmh.mo.gov/mrdd/mrddindex.htm
Division of Special Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-2965
Web: www.dese.state.mo.us/divspeced/
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Department of Education
3024 Dupont Circle
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0525
(573) 751-3251
Web: http://vr.dese.mo.gov/
Kate Dougherty
5028 CR 304
Taylor, MO 63471
(217) 617-3568
Email: info | at | upatdowncountry.com
Web: http://www.upatdowncountry.com
Local non-profit organization concerned with issues related to medical
and educational abilities and disabilities. It provides training
and promotes positive awareness for all abilities.
Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis
8420 Delmar Blvd. Suite 506
St. Louis, MO 63017
(314) 961-2504
Email: dsagsl | at | msn.com
Web: http://www.stlouisdsa.org/
Syndrome Group of the Ozarks
Lynn Neidigh
P.O. Box 1598
Springfield, MO 65801
(417) 885-9905; (888) 655-5173
Email: info | at | ozarksdsg.org
Web: http://www.ozarksdsg.org/
The DSGO is a committed group of parents who hope to create an extensive
support network for Down syndrome in the Ozarks area.
Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City
Amy Allison
10200 W 75th St. Suite 281
Shawnee Mission, KS 66204
(913) 384-4848; (913) 384-9898; (913) 384-4949 (fax)
Email: kcdsg | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.kcdsg.org
The DSG's mission is to provide support and resources for individuals
with Down syndrome and their families. The DSG seeks to provide
the entire community with information and education to broaden awareness
and foster positive attitudes regarding people with Down syndrome.
* The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater
Kansas City sponsored a Wrightslaw program in 2005.
Force Coaching
Jennifer Mazella CMC ELMP
1133 Maudie Lane
Saint Charles, MO 63304
(636) 484-0132; (636) 244-2837 (fax)
Email: MazellaJ | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.DrivingForceCoaching.com
Life Coaching, Empowering Parents, IEP/504 Plan Consulting, Special
Needs Advocacy & Educational/Motivational Speaking
Consultants, LLC
Kathie Pontikes, Ph.D.
3046 Hawthorne Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63104
(314) 640-2886
Email: kpontikes | at | dunamisconsultants.com
Web: https://www.dunamisconsultants.com
We are a consulting and advocacy service for people with disabilities
regarding “best practice” procedures in educational
settings, the work force, and communities.
Dyslexia Advocates DBA Rowlett Advocacy, LLC
Carolyn Rowlett, Esq.
Attorney at Law
14605 NW 73rd Street
Kansas City, MO 64152
(816) 547-5467
Email: crowlett | at | dyslexiaadvocates.net
Web: http://www.dyslexiaadvocates.net
Affordable advocacy services for parents of children with learning disabilities. Services include document review, attendance at IEP meetings, and filing for due process.
St. Louis: Learning & Advocacy Center
Sarah Bartley
1710 Fenpark, Ste 4
Fenton, MO 63026
(636) 431-4580
Email: sarah | at | dyslexiastlouis.com
Web: http://dyslexiastlouis.com
We offer Barton tutoring for struggling readers and advocacy services
to guide families through the IEP or 504 Plan process.
Easter Seals Midwest
13545 Barrett Parkway Drive, Suite 300
Ballwin, MO 63021
(314) 394-7100; (314) 394-4007 (fax)
Email: info | at | esmw.org
Web: http://www.EasterSealsMidwest.org
Easter Seals Midwest helps individuals with developmental disabilities
- including autism - learn, live, work and participate in the community.
Therapy Center
Lorrie Wolf
171 English Landing Dr., Suite 110
Parkville, MO 64152
(816) 584-8860; (816) 584-8860 (fax)
Email: Lorrie | at | etctutoring.org
Web: http://www.educationaltherapycenter.org
1:1 tutoring using the Orton-Gillingham Approach in the KC area
for literacy skills. Baseline screening done to guide remediation
at this center or your school.
Eisenmenger, Esq.
Attorney at Law
4050 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste 115
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 832-4688
Email: spencereisenmengerlaw | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.spencerkc.com/
Kansas City, MO law firm handling child special education, child
injury, and child disability cases throughout the state of New York.
Learning Solutions
Susan Long
Box 3004
Independence, MO 64055
(816) 550-3478; (816) 560-2687
Email: susan.long | at | encompass2learn.com
Web: http://www.encompass2learn.com
Encompass Learning Solutions grows reading, writing, and math achievement
in children and adults who struggle to learn. We use Orton-Gillingham
and Lindmood-Bell methods and are experienced with dyslexia, dyscalculia,
dysgraphia and other learning disabilities.
Encouraging Families with Exceptional Children Together, Inc.
Tracy Simmons
868 SW Raintree Dr.
Lees Summit, MO 64082
(816) 537-8103; (816) 537-4270 (fax)
Email: tsimmons8103 | at | aol.com
Web: www.efect.org
We empower families of children with disabilities by providing education,
information, encouragement, support and pathways to services.
Enlitens Counseling
Elizabeth Wooten
13023 Tesson Fery Rd Ste 107
St Louis, MO 63128-3480
(314) 246-0480
Email: liz | at | enlitens.com
Web: http://enlitens.com
Enlitens Counseling provides compassionate therapy and psychological evaluations for children, specializing in ADHD, Autism, and trauma, helping families access personalized care and supportive solutions.
Chance Education Consulting, LLC.
Nancy E. Huerta, Esq.
22052 W. 66th Street Ste. 186
Shawnee, KS 66226
(913) 825-5286; (866) 664-2938 (fax)
Email: equalchance | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.equalchanceeducation.com
Qualified advocacy and legal services in Missouri and Kansas including
record review and analysis, IEP meetings, parent and professional
trainings and due process hearings.
In Our Children Support Group
Amie Reeves
217 SE Claremont Apt C
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
(816) 347-9356; (816) 277-6224
Email: amiereeves | at | yahoo.com
Yahoo Group: faithinourchildren-subscribe | at | yahoogroups.com
For parents who have special needs children in Kansas City, MO or
surrounding areas. Who want to have fun. Meetings, playgroups,luncheons,parents
day out, and much more.
Advocacy & Community Training
800 Friedens Rd, Suite 200
St. Charles, MO 63303
(636) 949-2425; (636) 724-3664 (fax)
Email: kbrown | at | factmo.org
Web: http://www.factmo.org
Educational Advocates to assist you in the IEP process and Parent
Support Partners who provide support to families. Free Workshops.
Family Voices of Missouri
Carla Sandwell, Executive Director
811 N. Fremont Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 619-2609
Email: fvmo | at | mchsi.com
Web: www.familyvoices.org/st/MO.htm
Deana O’Brien, Jefferson City/Columbia Office
(573) 884-6043
Email: obriendl | at | health.missouri.edu
Family Voices of Missouri is a statewide grassroots network of families
and friends speaking on behalf of children with special health care
needs based on a national organization.
Finishing Strong, LLC
1734 Clarkson Road, Suite 299
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(636) 778-0193
Email: drvallyons | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.finisingtrong.org
Educational advocate that assists parents, teachers and school officials
resolve challenges associated with students who are not academically
FitLearning STL
Janice Smith, MA
10425 Old Olive Street Road LL2
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
(314) 246-0540
Email: janice | at | fitlearningstl.com
Web: http://fitlearningstl.com
We transform education using customized curriculum and learning science for kids of all abilities and ages in reading, math and logic.
Rachel Katz
3240 Geyer Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63104
(314) 609-4547
Email: focuschild111 | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.focuschild.com
FocusChild provides family based interventions based on behavioral
principles and yoga for children of all needs and abilities.
X LINKS Group of Kansas City
102 S. Fuller
Independence, MO 64050
(816) 461-3577
Email: FXLinksKC | at | swbell.net
Web: http://www.facebook.com/FXLinksKC
A parent volunteer group working under the National Fragile X Foundation
to Link Individuals Nationally in Knowledge and Support.
Hulett Foster, LLC
626 Hawbrook Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63122
(314) 482-2167; (314) 721-2783 (fax)
Email: kfoster | at | khfllc.com
Web: http://www.khfllc.com
A Special Education Attorney and Special Education Teacher providing
legal assistance, advocacy, and consulting to families in the St.
Louis metropolitan area.
Giant Steps of St. Louis
800 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite B
St. Louis, MO 63017
(314) 989-7884
Email: giantstp | at | concentric.net
Web: http://giantsteps-stlouis.org/
A nonprofit organization that provides therapy and educational support
to children with autism spectrum disorder.
Good Shepherd School for Children
Laura Max, Program Director
Corinne Esneault, Executive Director
1170 Timber Run Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
(314) 469-0606; (314) 469-3294 (fax)
Email: goodshepherd | at | goodss.org
Web: www.goodss.org
Description: Good Shepherd is an inclusive early childhood program
serving children of all abilities, infants to age five. Early intervention
has been our specialty since 1967.
River Autism Support Program (GRASP)
Angela or Eric Turner
PO Box 802
Chillicothe, MO 64601
(660) 247-0947; (660) 646-6636 (fax)
Email: graspmo | at | gmail.com
We are an Autism Support Group, servicing the entire Grand River/Green
Hills areas of North Central Missouri.
Great Plains DBTAC/ADA Project
University of Missouri/Columbia
100 Corporate Lake Drive
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 882-3600 (V/TTY); (800) 949-4232 (V/TTY)
Email: hamburgl | at | missouri.edu
Web: http://www.adaproject.org/
Great Plains Disability and Business
Technical Assistance Center
ADA Project
4816 Santana Circle
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 882-3600; (800) 949-4232
Strides Behavioral Consulting
Todd Streff, MS BCBA
19 Lexington Oaks Ct
Foristell, MO 63348
(314) 308-1141
Email: toddgsbc | at | centurytel.net
GSBC specialiazes in home ABA services, consultation to schools,
due process cases, and workshops. GSBC offers more than 13 years
of ABA and educational experience.
Patti Greenberg
981 Gardenview Office Pkwy
St Louis, MO 63141
(314) 432-7534
Email: patti | at | greenwaysacademy.com
Web: http://www.greenwaysacademy.com
We are an alternative online school which services grades 5-12 We
are able to modify our curriculum to fulfill a students IEP or 504
Here to Help Educational Advocates, LLC
Sarah Dull
333 Wildforest Dr
Ballwin, MO 63011
(314) 560-1571
Email: sarah | at | heretohelpadvocates.com
Web: https://www.heretohelpadvocates.com/
We are a special educational advocacy service helping parents with IEP/504s.
HOPE (Helping One another Plan & Educate)
Rebecca Johnson
1013 Marilyn Court
Washington, MO 63090
(636) 239-2527
Email: beccasue_ | at | hotmail.com
We are a parent based support group offering encouragement and educational
opportunities for families who have children with special needs
of any kind or degree.
Emily Malabey, President
PO Box 781
St. Peters, MO 63376
(314) 445-8788
Email: info | at | icaaonline.org
Web: http://www.icaaonline.org
Advocacy services, Consultations for schools, businesses, tutoring,
therapy assistance. Inclusion, accessibility support.The ICAA is
dedicated to advancing futures.
Learning Systems Inc.
Jan Kuyper Erland
2002 Quail Creek Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047-2139
(785) 749-5402
Email: jan | at | memspan.com
Web: http://www.memspan.com
Partnered with Mem-ExSpan's "The Bridge to Achievement",
a scientifically documented cognitive skills program, since 1981.
Independent Assessments, evaluations and IEP advocacy.
Institute for Human Development
University of MO at Kansas City
2220 Holmes Street, 3rd Floor
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 235-1770
Web: http://www.ihd.umkc.edu/
Dyslexia Association - Western Missouri/Kansas Branch
430 E. Blue Ridge Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64145
info | at | ksmoida.org
New Horizons
Bonnie Grueninger
15350 Old Jamestown Rd
Florissant, MO 63034-1944
(314) 741-5816
Email: jnhgoneriding | at | charter.net
Web: http://www.jnh-goneriding.org
Equine-assisted therapy for children with developmental disabilities.
S. Johnson, Esq.
Attorney at Law
9923 State Line Road
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 943-0100; (816) 817-0666 (fax)
Email: DebJohnson | at | kc.rr.com
Represent families with disabled children in public education to
get appropriate educational services according to IDEA, Section
504, ADA, and other State and Federal law.
Psychological Assessment Center
Karen M. Jordan, Ph.D.
6710 W. 121st Street, Suite 101
Overland Park, KS 66209
(913) 647-7990; (913) 327-5260 (fax)
Email: drjordan | at |drjordan.org
Web: http://www.drjordan.org
Provides comprehensive and individualized psychological evaluations
for children and adults with ADHD, Autism, and Learning Disabilities.
Jeannine Celestine
14744 Philip Meadows Ct.
Florissant, MO 63034
(314) 599-0992
Email: herjeac | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.jordansadvocate.com
Advocacy assistance available. 20 years in medical field, certified
paralegal, and parent of disabled children with successful advocacy
experience. Specializing in Tourette Syndrome advocacy.
E. Kennedy, III, L.C.
Attorney at Law
230 S. Bemiston Ave., Ste. 800
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 872-9041
Email: hnavarro | at | tkennedylaw.com
Web: http://www.tkennedylaw.com
Special Education attorney in Missouri and Illinois - providing
consultations in IEP and Due Process matters, as well as other disability
related services.
Coach & Educational Advocacy, LLC
Regina Bryant
#34 North Brentwood Blvd. Suite 5
Clayton, MO 63105
(314) 721-7284; (314) 721-7384 (fax)
Email: kidcoach | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.reginabryantkidcoach.com
I assist parents in obtaining appropriate special education services
for their children. I am degreed/certified in Learning Disabilities,
Behavior Disorders, Speech and Language.
Parners, Inc.
Melissa Huse
P.O. Box 31786
Des Peres, MO 63131
(314) 821-5437
Email: KidPartners | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.KidPartners.net
We provide speech-language, occupational, physical, and developmental
therapy services within the St. Louis community (home, preschool,
some private schools) for children with special needs, infant through
school age.
Being Kids Photography
Kate Brockmeyer
752 Gradient
St. Louis, MO 63125
(314) 420-7173
Email: kbkphotography | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.kidsbeingkidsphotography.blogspot.com
Photography company specializing in children with special needs
and their families.
Creative Services, Inc.
Jennifer Lewis
3792 Yaeger Road
St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 894-0250; (314) 894-4852 (fax)
Email: jlewis | at | kiwicreativeinc.com
Web: http://www.kiwicreativeinc.com
Home modifications and adaptive equipment for children with special
needs, adults with disabilities, seniors living independently, and
persons rehabilitating from illness or injury.
Summit Autism Support Group
1200 SE London Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64081
(816) 554-3017
Email: autism | at | kc.rr.com
Web: http://leessummitautism.blogspot.com/
We provide support to families affected by autism. We are not limited
to Lee's Summit.
Services of Eastern Missouri
Health Justice initiative
4232 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 256-8768; (314) 534-1028 (fax)
Email: ajschneider | at | lsem.org
Web: http://lsem.org
Attorney who represents low-income parents of children with disabilities
in special education matters and general education matters (school
discipline, McKinney Vento/homeless school enrollments and general
school enrollments).
L.I.F.E. Center for Independent Living
1109 Ste. Genevieve Avenue
Farmington, MO 63640
(573) 756-4314; (800) 596-7273; (573) 760-1402 (TTY)
Web: www.lifecilmo.org
Provides services to disabled individuals - advocacy, IEP assistance,
transportation, independent living skills training, peer support,
Judy Goldford
10176 Corporate Sq. Dr. Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63132-2924
(314) 567-7705; (314) 567-1067; (314) 567-6539 (fax)
Email: info | at | lifeskills-stl.org
Web: http://www.lifeskills-stl.org
Since 1964, Life Skills has been assisting teens with disabilities
to develop new social and work skills to prepare them for life after
high school graduation. Services include summer camps and summer
work experiences and preparation for independent living.
St. Louis Learning Center
10560 Old Olive Street Rd.
Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: (314) 899-2989
Email: stlouis.center | at | lindamoodbell.com
URL: http://lindamoodbell.com/location/st-louis-mo-learning-center
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an internationally recognized
leader in the research and development of programs that teach children
and adults the underlying skills necessary for reading, spelling,
and comprehension.
Logic Group
Michael Willoughby, Director
1700 S. Campbell St. Suite E
Springfield, MO 65807
(417) 889 1553
Email: mw1456 | at | yahoo.com
We are an nonprofit educational consulting service. We assist parents
with understanding the IEP/504 processes for children with disabilities.
Dr. Duane A. Lundervold
Applied Behavior Analysis Associates
8705 Glenwood Avenue
Raytown, MO 64138
(816) 743-9281; (660) 543-4836
Email: applied_behavior_analysis_mo | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.applied-behavior-analysis.net
Services: Functional Assessment of Behavior, ABA Intervention and
Consultation, Positive Behavioral Support, Staff and Parent Training,
School, Community and Home-based Services, and In-Service Training.
12647 Olive Boulevard, Suite 110
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
(314) 434-4431
Email: mackler.associates | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.mackleradvantage.com/
A private and locally owned firm, we work with students from fifth
grade to graduate school with one single mission – to improve
educational performance.
Jan Kuyper Erland
2002 Quail Creek Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047-2139
(785) 749-5402
Email: jan | at | memspan.com
Web: http://www.memspan.com
Scientifically documentd cognitive skills training, "The Bridge
To Achievement" since 1981. Indepedent assessments, evaluations
and IEP advocacy.
Mental Health Association of St. Louis
1905 S. Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63104-1542
(314) 773-1399
Email: mhagstl | at | aol.com
Division of Estate Planning for Special Needs Kids
Michael Gelina, MettDESK Spec.
One City Place Drive - Suite 530
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 973-8967; (314) 878-5733; (314) 251-7078 (fax)
Email: mgelina | at | metlife.com
Web: http://www.StLouisFinancialPlanning.com
MetDESK is committed to helping families through the maze of financial
planning for the future of a child with special needs through workshops
and seminars.
MetDESK: Division of Estate Planning for Special Needs Kids
J. Todd Gentry
1350 Timberlake Manor Parkway, Ste. 230
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(636) 736-3396; (636) 736-3333 (fax)
Email: jtgentry | at | metlife.com
Web: www.jtgentry.metlife.com
MetDESK is committed to helping families through the maze of financial
planning for the future of a child with special needs through workshops
and seminars.
Community Education Support Services
(314) 651-1854
Email: meeteugeniastl | at | gmail.com
An organization specializing Special Needs Advocacy/Consultancy,
education and resources for families and individuals through customized
processes, products and programs in a humanistic and loving way.
Missouri Assistive Technology Project
Marty Exline
1501 NW Jefferson St.
Blue Springs, MO 64015
(816) 655-6700
Email: moat1501 | at | att.net
Web: http://at.mo.gov
Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
1103 Rear Southwest Boulevard
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 526-5205 (V/TTY); (573) 526-5209 (fax)
Email: MCDHH | at | mcdhh.mo.gov
Web: http://www.mcdhh.mo.gov
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sixth Floor, 205 Jefferson Street
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-4446 (TTY); (800) 735-2966; (573) 751-1179 (fax)
Web: http://www.dese.state.mo.us/
Families for Effective Autism Treatment
15455 Manchester Rd., #3685
Ballwin, MO 63022
(636) 527-3328
Email: info | at | mofeat.org
Web: http://www.mofeat.org
Our Mission is to provide advocacy, education, and support for families
and the autism community and to support early diagnosis and effective
autism treatment.
Head Injury Advisory Council
P.O. Box 809
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-9003
Web: http://www.dhss.mo.gov/HIA-Council/
* Missouri Parents Act (MPACT)
7421 Mexico Road, Suite 200
St. Peters, MO 63376
(800) 743-7634; (636) 387-6296 (fax)
Email: info | at | missouriparentsact.org
Web: http://www.missouriparentsact.org
MPACT is a statewide parent training and information center serving
all disabilities. Our mission is to ensure that all children with
special needs receive an education that allows them to achieve their
personal goals. * Missouri Parents Act
(MPACT) sponsored a Wrightslaw program in 2004,
and again on April
26, 2018 (St. Louis) and April
24, 2018 (Kansas City). MPACT sponsored another Wrightslaw training in May 9, 2019!
Missouri Parents of Bi-Polar Children
John Moses
7622 Creek Trail
San Antonio, Texas 78254
(469) 417-0017
Online Parents Bi-Polar Support Group
Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities (DD)
Division of MR/DD, Department of Mental Health
1706 East Elm, P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-8611; (800) 500-7878 (In MO)
Web: http://www.mpcdd.com/
Protection & Advocacy Services
925 South Country Club Drive, Unit B-1
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 893-3333; (800) 392-8667
Email: mopasjc | at | socket.net
Public School Rules and Regulations
Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Central Office
713 PCA Road, P.O. Box 45
Warrensburg, MO 64093
(660) 747-9544; (888) 729-6742
Web: http://www.showmemsha.org/
State Division of Special Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480
(573) 526-4404 (fax)
Web: http://www.dese.state.mo.us/divspeced/
Statewide Parent Advisory Network (MO-SPAN)
440A Rue St. Francois
Florissant, MO 63031
(314) 972-0600
Web: http://www.mo-span.org/
Vocational Rehabilitation
3024 W. Truman Blvd.
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0525
(573) 751-3251; (573) 751-1441 (fax); (573) 751-0881 (TTY)
Web: http://services.dese.state.mo.us/divvocrehab/
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) helps persons with physical or mental
disabilities become employed.
Moog Center for Deaf Education
Betsy Moog Brooks
12300 S. Forty Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 692-7172; (314) 608-3555; (314) 692-8544 (fax)
Email: bbrooks | at | moogcenter.org
Web: http://oraldeafed.org (then
go to Moog Center)
The Moog Center provides services to children with hearing loss and
their families. Our mission is to teach children with hearing loss
to talk.
Diane Mack
790 West 40 Highway, Suite 271
Blue Springs, MO 64014
(816) 228-1795; (816) 228-9959 (fax)
Email: mulberystreetinfo | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.mulberryst.info
Mulberry Street provides in-home services for children and adults,
with disabilities. Since 1976, we’ve been transforming government
programs, into better lives for your loved ones.
Mustain M.Ed - Education Consultant/Tutor
14560 Windmiller Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
(573) 355-1395
Email: mustaindinise | at | gmail.com
Provide guidance with special education process, learning and behavioral
difficulties. Specialize in reading, writing, and behavioral concerns.
National Alliances for the Mentally Ill of Missouri
1001 Southwest Boulevard, Suite E
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 634-7727; (800) 374-2138
Email: mocami | at | aol.com
NAMI provides advocacy, education about mental health disorders, referrals,
workshops , and support services for parents, caregivers, and schools.
Additional NAMI offices are located in Columbia, Rolla, Springfield,
St Louis, and Kansas City.
Adult Literacy & Learning Disabilities Center (NALLD)
Academy for Educational Development
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009-1202
(202) 884-8185; (800) 953-ALLD (953-2553); (202) 884-8429 (fax); (202)
State resources on National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) site can
be found at
1515 E. Pythian
P.O. Box 5030
Springfield, MO 65801
(417) 895-7464; (888) 549-6635 ext. 7464
Email: sdasn | at | aol.com
Web: disabilitiesnetwork.org
The Disabilities Advocacy & Support Network (The Network) is a
family run support network. The primary purpose of the The Network
is to provide support, information and a forum for advocacy for families
of people with developmental disabilities.
K. Nigliazzo, Esq.
Attorney at Law
9450 CR 9510
West Plains, MO 65775
(417) 274-2384; (417) 256-9473 (fax)
Email: MKN | at | radparentadvocate.com
Web: http://www.radparentadvocate.com
Ms. Nigliazzo is an attorney and parent of a child with disabilities
who helps other parents advocate for their kids. Consultations by
appointment only.
Office of State Coordinator of Vocational
Education for Students with Disabilities
Vocational Special Needs
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-2661
Cathy Cook
3610 Buttonwood Dr.
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 819-6010; (573) 886-8917; (573) 886-8901 (fax)
Email: cathy | at | onpointlearning.org
Web: http://www.onpointlearning.org
Providing Davis Dyslexia Correction Programs for children & adults
with reading, writing, self-esteem & math difficulties and/or
including AD(H)D issues.
at Lake Ozarks Consulting
Dr. Gordon M. Riffel Ed.D.
474 Grand Point Blvd
Sunrise Beach, MO 65079
(573) 207-0709
Email: Ontogenylakeozarks | at | outlook.com
Advocacy, Clinical measurement, IEP development, Gifted education,
Strategic Planning over 40 years of experience in education &
higher education at state & local levels.
the Box Advocates
Marney Cullen
1616 Dietrich Road
Foristell, MO 63348
(214) 909-1426
Email: cullenadvocacy | at | gmail.com
Web: http://www.outsidetheboxadvocates.com
Educational consultant and advocate with expertise in IEP development
for students. Specialization in invisible disabilities including learning
disabilities, trauma disorders and autism.
Children With Special Needs Magazine
Stephanie Myers
30905 E Stony Point School Rd
Grain Valley, MO 64029
(816) 217-7486
Email: stephanie | at | pcwsn.com
Web: http://www.pcwsn.com
Magazine that is printed for parents who are raising children with
special needs. Resources, Events, Editorial, and much more.
Neuropsychological Services, LLC
175 S. Marshall, Suite G
Rogersville, MO 65742
(417) 753-1963; (417) 753-9405 (fax)
Email: PNSLLC | at | att.net
Dr. Huber is a licensed psychologist and former public school teacher
who provides services in the areas of pediatric neuropsychology, autism
spectrum disorders, school consultation, and interventions including
cognitive-behavioral, developmental, and behavioral therapy.
Polak, MT-BC, Music Therapy Services
851 McCauley Way
St. Charles, MO 63303
(636) 399-7467
Email: merkury7 | at | aol.com
My agency provides contractual music therapy services for children
and young adults in areas of St. Louis and St. Charles Counties.
Professional Associates
Jennifer McCullough
909 Missouri Blvd., Suite F
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 584-0158 ext. 1; (573) 584-0159 (fax)
Email: info | at | professionalassoc.com
Web: www.professionalassoc.com
Professional Associates provides counseling services to children and
adults with disabilities. We serve the following counties: Morgan,
Miller, Moniteau, Cole, Callaway, and Boone.
Norma Jean Lumpford
2334 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 421-0090; (314) 421-2525 (fax)
Email: mrdd | at | mrdd.org
Project Casefind, a community outreach program, provides case management
to individuals while they are being enrolled into SLRC/DMH. Call for
eligibility criteria.
Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 to 5
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-0185
Web: www.dese.state.mo.us/divspeced/
for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Bureau of Special Health Care Needs/Department of Health
P.O. Box 570, 930 Wildwood
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 751-6246
for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth to 2
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-0187
Email: pgoff | at | maildese.state.mo.us
Web: www.dese.state.mo.us/divspeced/
Community Services
Cindy White
1620 N. Woodbine Road
St. Joseph, MO 64506
(816) 364-3827; (816) 671-1190 (fax)
Email: pcs | at | sb40pcs.com
Web: http://progressivecommunityservices.com
An organization providing service coordination to people with developmental
disabilities and their families in Buchanan County, identifying needs
and developing a support plan.
Licensed Professional Counselor
MMH Counseling
301 Sovereign Court Suite 211
Ballwin, MO 63011
(636) 236-3003; (636) 537-5211
Email: peggy | at | mmhcounseling.com
Web: http://www.mmhcounseling.com
With a Missouri Life-Time Teaching Credential, Peggy was a classroom
teacher and a teacher of Homebound Students for 16 years. Peggy offers
full counseling services for children and families.
Kids, LLC (Positive Support for Kids)
Molly Hunter
3530 Lemay Ferry Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63125
After December 1, 2010:
6022 S. Lindbergh Blvd., Ste. 100
St. Louis, MO 63123
(314) 845-7751; (314) 845-7752 (fax)
Email: pskids | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.ps-kids.com
OT, PT and ST services provided in our center, and/or your child's
home or school. Developmental programs including speech, feeding and
handwriting groups.
Peg Learning Center
28 Hawk Ridge Circle, Suite 110
Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367
(636) 625-6625; (636) 625-8897 (fax)
Email: kim | at | purplepeg.com
Web: http://www.purplepeg.com
Dyslexia Testing and Consultation. Individualized tutoring in reading,
writing and spelling utilizing the Barton Reading and Spelling Program.
Professional Development also available.
Quest Advocacy, LLC
Guenevere Shook, M.Ed.
9316 N Charlotte Ct
Kansas City, MO 64155
(720) 808-1233
Email: gcshook | at | questadvocacy.org
Web: https://questadvocacy.org
Advocacy services to support parents/guardians with the special education process and document review.
Higher Now
GraceAna Garcia
1013 N Swope Dr
Independence, MO 64056
(816) 785-1240
Email: Graceana | at | reachhighernow.net
Web: http://reachhighernow.net
Advanced brain training for ASD, ADHD, SID and OCD. Distance training
available. See results quickly in emotional regulation, behavior,
academics and speech.
Rehabilitation Service for the Blind
Division of Family Services/Department of Social Services
P.O. Box 88, 3418 Knipp Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65103-0088
(573) 751-4249
Web: www.dss.state.mo.us/dfs/rehab
Center on Deafness at MSD
David S. Kingsbury, MA
505 E 5th Street
Fulton, MO 65251
(573) 592-2543
Email: rcd | at | msd.dese.mo.gov
Web: http://msd.dese.mo.gov/rcd
Statewide services supporting deaf and hard of hearing children from
birth to 21 including audiology, early intervention, education consulting,
assistive technology, and ASL classes.
Rewire Education Co.
Aubrey Sydow
14237 Willow Bend Park
Town and Country, MO 63017
(785) 341-6809
Email: aubreysydRewire Education Co.ow | at | gmail.com
Rewire Education Co. provides multisensory instruction for children with dyslexia by implementing Take Flight, an Orton-Gillingham approach at the therapy level.
H. Risse, Esq.
Attorney at Law
2176 Tenbrook Road
Arnold, Mo 63010
(636) 287-9944; (636) 287-9945 (fax)
Email: richrisse | at | white-risse.com
Attorney at Law, Certified Special Education Teacher, Educational
103 Lincoln Street
OFallon, MO 63366
(636) 978-6901; (866) 224-4141 (fax)
Email: srothlpc | at | aol.com
Web: http://www.sarcounseling.com
Stacey is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in the diagnosis
and treatment of ADHD, Asperger’s, ODD and other learning disabilities.
Stacey is a Dyslexia testing specialist.
Joseph Institute for the Deaf
Dawn Gettemeier
1809 Clarkson
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(636) 532-3211; (636) 532-4560 (fax)
Email: dgettemeier | at | sjid.org
Web: http://sjid.org
SJI combines expertise and innovation to help children listen and
speak – impacting the lives of children with hearing loss and
their families.
Raphael Advocacy LLC
2 Cityplace Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 200-4266
Email: info | at | strstl.com
Web: http://www.strstl.com
Advocacy and consultations for toddlers and students on the autism
spectrum; we partner with parents and attend IFSP and IEP meetings.
Rite Center for Childhood Language Disorders
Scottish Rite Temple
1330 Linwood Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64109-1935
(816) 561-2277
Rite Clinic for Childhood Language Disorders
Scottish Rite Temple
3633 Lindell Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108-3301
(314) 533-7415
Rite’s R. G. Combs Childhood Language Disorders Clinic
33 Masonic Drive
Columbia, MO 65202-6535
(573) 886-0687
Email: scotrite | at | socket.net
Rite Speech & Language Association
P.O. Box 73
Joplin, MO 64802-0073
(417) 623-3219
Reading Advances
Shelah J Schenkel M.A.
1213 W Primrose St
Springfield, MO 65807
(417) 300-2489; (484) 377-6833 (fax)
Email: shelahschenkel | at | yahoo.com
Educational evaluations to determine weaknesses and strengths in learning.
Remediation of dyslexia and other learning difficulties.
Angel Butler/Matt Abella
PO Box 107
Butler, MO 64730
(660) 200-5436; (816) 520-1310
Email: info | at | sharinghopes.org
Web: http://www.sharinghopes.org
Sharing Hopes provides support, education and resources for families
with special needs children in the Butler/Nevada/Harrisonville area.
Our Strengths (SOS) Support Matching Network
Jane St. John
2220 Holmes Room 342
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 235-5684; (800) 444-0821; (816) 235-1762 (fax)
Email: stjohnj | at | umkc.edu
website: http://www.sharingourstrengths.com/
Sharing Our Strengths (SOS) is a support matching network for individuals
with disabilities, parents, family members, and disability professionals
who want to connect with others.
Dyslexia Correction Center
Gretchen FitzGerald
6301 Main Street, Suite B
Kansas City, MO 64113
(816) 806-8611
Email: gretchenfitzgerald | at | show-medyslexia.com
Web: http://show-medyslexia.com
The Show-Me Dyslexia Correction Center uses a multi-sensory approach
to correct learning disabilities. The center uses the Davis Correction
programs in Reading, ADD, ADHD, and Math.
Speech & Language Solutions, LLC
Shannon Locke, M.S., CCC-SLP
504 N Gasconade Ct.
Nixa, MO 65714
(417) 818-0735
Email: slocke754 | at | gmail.com
Web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannon-locke-605aa19
25+ years professional experience = business of private Consultation
& Advocacy through Guided Personalized Solutions ~GPS~ for children
with developmental and communicative disabilities, including Autism.
Education Parents Advocacy Link (SEPAL)
Marilyn McClure, BS, Advocate
PO Box 16
Strasburg, MO 64090
(816) 680-0070
Email: kcspecialed | at | hotmail.com
Web: www.specialeducationrights.com
Due process hearing panel member in MO. Advocates who draft state
child / 504 complaints, attend school (IEP & accommodation/504)
meetings. Military family specialist KS/MO.
Special Needs Planning Center
Heath Burch, CFP
1251 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 110
Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 741-1100; (816) 741-1108 (fax)
Email: hburch | at | thesnpcenter.com
Web: http://www.thesnpcenter.com
We assist families in creating a plan for their loved one with special
needs by coordinating their legal, financial and state benefit plans.
Needs Planning with Money Concepts
James Heuer
3827 McClay Road
Saint Peters, Mo 63376
(636) 925-3000
Email: jheuer | at | moneyconcepts.com
Web: http://www.moneyconcepts.com/jheuer
Less Stress....More Enjoyment; Providing a Personal, Holistic Approach
to Special Needs Planning
Shelley B Smith
Private Learning Center
9225 Manchester Rd. Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63144
(314) 650-1203
Email: shelley | at | shelleybsmith.com
Web: http://www.SpecialSolutions.com
Providing parents of college-bound children with learning challenges
private tutoring, coaching for ADHD, counseling, testing and assessment,
college prep, social skills and advocacy.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC
Ellen Venturella-Wilson MS OTR
5500 Chauveau Drive
St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 368-0372
Email: ellen | at | pedspot.com
Web: http://www.pedspot.com
Specialized Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC is dedicated to providing
quality, specialized, home-based private occupational therapy for
infants and children in St. Louis and Jefferson County.
Bifida Association of Greater St. Louis (SBAGSL)
5609 Hampton Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109
(800) 784-0983; (314) 353-7079
Email: judynicolson | at | hotmail.com
Louis Arc
Meghan Stewart
1816 Lackland Hill Parkway, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63146
(314) 569-2211; (314) 569-0078 (fax)
Email: mstewart | at | slarc.org
Web: http://www.slarc.org
Multi-purpose agency that offers services to individuals of all ages
and all developmental disabilities in St. Louis City and Jefferson,
St. Charles, & St. Louis Counties.
Louis Black Belt Academy
Joan Cather, M.A., M.Ed.
Olivette Community Center
9723 Grandview Drive
Olivette, MO 63132
(314) 306-3374
Email: info | at | stlblackbeltacademy.com
Web: http://www.stlblackbeltacademy.com
Benefits of ATA Training: Life Skills & Character Development / Develops Balance, Strength & Coordination! / Instills Self-Confidence! / Expert Instruction for Children with & without special needs!
Louis Office for Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities
Targeted Case Management
2334 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 421-0090
Email: mrdd | at | mrdd.org
Louis Society for Children and Adults with Physical Disabilities
Jamie Howard, Youth Coordinator
10176 Corporate Square Drive, Suite 100B
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 989-1188
Email: society | at | stlsociety.org
We provide recreation and social opportunities for children and adults
with physical disabilities. Transportation is provided to those living
in St. Louis City or County.
Education Agency Rural Representative
Department of Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-4426
Larry Opinsky
PO Box 7602
Chesterfield, MO 63006-7602
(314) 384-2270
Email: larry | at | stladvocate.com
Web: http://www.stladvocate.com
I provide consulting and advisory services in the following areas:
School systems, Funding sources, Social outreach to communities and
businesses. Family financial planning. Housing / Residential living,
Employment, Transportation, Business development for People with Disabilites
(PWD) Caregiver training.
of Children with Additional Needs, Inc.
Terry Faust, Director
215 E. Elm Street
Lebanon, MO 65536
(417) 991-2029
Email: terryfaust | at | scan4kids.com
Web: http://www.facebook.com/scan4kids.com
Inclusive of all diangosis, siblings welcome, resources for the entire
family. Hands on Center for therapies, opportunities and support
Case Management
Tracey Johnson
2334 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 421-0090; (314) 421-2525 (fax)
Email: mrdd | at | mrdd.org
TCM links individuals to services they need. If enrolled in SLRC/DMH
for Service Coordination, you are eligible to receive TCM services
through MR/DD Resources.
Living Solutions
Mark Glover
P.O. Box 480431
Kansas City, MO 64148-0431
(913) 829-7775; (913) 829-7765 (fax)
Email: therapists | at | therapeuticlivingsolutions.com
Web: http://www.therapeuticlivingsolutions.com
CharCarol Fisher
315 NW Gibson Rd
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
(816) 524-2848; (417) 496-1582
Email: charcarol | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://www.therapeuticsoundskc.com
Music Therapy contracting service offering Individual & Group
music therapy to children with multiple disabilities.
Center for Autism and Neuro. Disorders
300 Portland Street, Suite 110
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-6081
Email: thompsoncenter | at | missouri.edu
Web: http://thompsoncenter.missouri.edu
The Thompson Center promotes research, teaching and service innovations
designed to improve the lives of individuals with autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) and other neurological conditions.
Thrive Educational Consulting & Advocacy
Colletta Daniels
4 Palladio Park
O'Fallon, MO 63368
(901) 701-7018
Email: Thrive.educationalconsulting | at | gmail.com
Web: https://flow.page/collettadaniels
Our advocate helps parents better serve their children with special needs through advocacy, coaching and targeted education plans/interventions.
Thrivergent Behavioral Services, LLC
Gloria Burton, BCBA, LBA, LMSW
3831 Frederick, #212
St. Joseph, MO 64506
(816) 888-6226; (844) 946-0544 (fax)
Email: behaviorservices | at | thrivergentbehavior.com
Web: http://thrivergentbehavior.com
Providing behavioral services in Northwest Missouri, including ABA therapy, self-pay autism and ADHD evaluations, early intervention, and parent/caregiver training.
of the Tongue Speech and Language, LLC
Rhonda J. Banford
958 Kehrs Mill Road
Ballwin, MO 63011
(636) 220-8200
Email: rjb.slp | at | charter.net
Web: http://www.gotospeech.com
Speech-Language Pathologist experienced in childhood apraxia of speech,
articulation/phonological speech disorders, language disorders, tongue-thrust,
reading-readiness skills. Fun, sensory-friendly office.
E. Tracy, Ed.D. LPC
9909 Clayton Rd. Ste. LL2A
Ladue, MO 63124
(314) 989-1400; (314) 989-1400 (fax)
Email: mtracy1 | at | sbcglobal.net
Licensed counselor and school psychologist with a private practice
for the evaluation and support for children and teens with learning,
attentional and high functioning autism disorders (K-!3 grades). Over
30 years experience as a counselor and school psychologist in St.
Louis, Mo.
Amy Moser, MSEd
PO Box 30800
Columbia, MO 65205-3800
(573) 446-0115
Email: amy | at | mytutoringconnection.com
Web: http://www.mytutoringconnection.com
Tutoring Connection provides in-home tutoring for students in kindergarten
through 12th grade. Tutoring is provided in all academic areas. In-home
evaluation is available by teacher.
Cerebral Palsy Association
8645 Old Bonohomme Road
St. Louis, MO 63132-3999
(314) 994-1600; (800) 325-8173
Email: forkoshr | at | ucpstl.org
Web: http://www.ucpa.org/
Unsicker, Esq.
Attorney at Law
1420 Strassner Drive
St. Louis, MO 63144
(314) 962-1115; (314) 968-5030 (fax)
Email: sarah.unsicker | at | sbcglobal.net
Web: http://unsickerlaw.typepad.com
I help parents understand their legal rights and represent parents
in legal proceedings involving their child's education, along with
other legal matters involving children.
Tutors Kansas City Tutoring
4525 Oak St.
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 399-4733; (888) 344-8933 (fax)
Email: kansascity | at | varsitytutors.com
Web: http://KansasCity.VarsityTutors.com
Private One-on-One tutoring at your home. Tutoring in music, test
prep, science, math, foreign language, and many other subjects.
Tutors - St. Louis
7300 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 422-2007
Email: info | at | varsitytutors.com
Web: http://stlouis.varsitytutors.com
Varsity Tutors - St. Louis is a private at-home academic tutoring
service operating in St. Louis, Missouri.
Speech Therapy and Autism Consulting, LLC
Jan Butler
9700 Mackenzie Rd. Suite 110
Affton, MO 63123
(314) 965-5400
Email: jan.butler | at | victoryspeechtherapy.com
Web: http://www.victoryspeechtherapy.com
Speech and language therapy for all school aged children, specializing
in Autism and Social Skills training. Also consulting services, inservice,
and parent training available.
4 Access
Georgia Mueller
8533 Sleepy Hollow Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64114
(913) 963-8349
Email: visioneer.georgia | at | gmail.com
Web: http://VisioneersKC.com
We serve families in IEP preparation, representation, and resolution
processes. Other services include social service navigation and financial
stability coaching. We serve Kansas and Missouri.
Special Needs
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 522-1755
Arts of Missouri
P.O. Box 1763
Columbia, MO 65205-1763
(573) 875-2872; (866) VSA-ARTS (872-2787)
Email: mo | at | vsarts.org
Web: http://www.vsamissouri.org
Consultation Services, LLC
Dr. Lara Wakefield
2507 St. Regis Court
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 268-3284
Email: wakefieldconsultationservices | at | gmail.com
Offers: 1) parent advocacy services for special education process
(IDEA), 2) speech-language assessment and therapy, 3) education program
consultation for incorporating inclusive practices.
Jeanette Parker or John Small
2100 East Broadway, suite 315
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 442-8550; (573) 442-9394 (fax)
Email: small2000 | at | earthlink.net
We provide professional counseling, family support, and Educational
advocacy. Will attend IEP meetings as requested.
Wasserman & Associates, LLC
12760 W. 87th St. Pkwy., Ste. 110
Shawnee Mission, KS 66215-2878
(913) 438-4636; (913) 438-4637 (fax)
Email: Scott | at | yourchild1st.com
Web: www.yourchild1st.com
The Whole Person, Inc.
David Blair
301 East Armour Blvd. Suite 430
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 561-0304
Email: dblair | at | thewholeperson.org
Web: http://thewholeperson.org
The whole Person is an organization promoting independent living services
to youth, IEP development, benefit counseling, sign language, and
transportation to and from events. *
The Whole Person, Inc. sponsored a Wrightslaw program in 2005.